The healing power of felinotherapy. How cats treat people


Cats are not just amazing animals, they improve health and provide emotional support. Their ability to heal people is seen in ancient Egypt.

Long-standing civilizations worshiped cats for their healing power, considering them sacred beings, incarnations of the gods.

Modern scientific studies show that pet owners live longer than people without pets. They have a complex effect on a person: at the tactile and bioenergetic level.


It is scientifically proven that the presence of cats in the house favorably affects the mental and physical health of their owners. Contact therapy with their participation is a separate section of traditional medicine - "felinotherapy" (from lat. Felinus - "feline").

Doctors resort to feline therapy as an additional treatment in cases of autism, Alzheimer's disease, ADHD and other ailments.

Listening to the sounds of meowing, purring cats and watching them play are effective healing methods.

Because of their high sensitivity to energy, cats can change negative energy into peaceful and soothing. They feel abnormal fluctuations of electromagnetic fields (EMF) arising due to the disease, and approach the patient to absorb negative energy without harming themselves, bringing the EMF to a normal state. They find a sore spot in a person and begin treatment. Clinging to this place, they begin to massage it with their front paws, relieving the pain and symptoms of many diseases.

Physical Health Benefits

Contact with a cat will help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the internal organs. Communication with the pet provides:

  • reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. According to American studies, the risk of heart attack in cat owners is 40% less compared to people who do not live with a feline. When interacting with an animal, blood pressure also drops: after 20 minutes spent with the pet, the heart rate decreases, and blood pressure stabilizes;
  • lower cholesterol. A Canadian study found that felines lower cholesterol more effectively than prescription drugs;
  • strengthening the immune system. Happiness and joy radiating to pets is a natural immunity enhancer. These animals feel when a person is sick and close by to provide warmth and comfort.

Cats also relieve symptoms of respiratory diseases (including asthma), endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems, functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system (radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis).

Therapeutic purr

The purring vibration of cats has healing properties. According to research, their purring helps in healing bone fractures, injuries in muscles, tendons and ligaments, to relieve pain.

The vibrational sound of purring is in the range of oscillation frequencies from 20 to 150 hertz, which in medicine corresponds to ultrasound and is considered useful for improving tissue regeneration, compaction, and bone fusion. Animals with injuries often purify intensely to recover. Studies have reported that it is enough to be in the same room with a purring cat for better healing of bone fractures and muscle injuries.

Mental Health Benefits

Cat therapy is also gaining popularity in the field of mental health. It improves the quality of life of a person and creates a special connection with his pet. Cats have a beneficial effect on the emotional health of a person, providing:

  1. Stress reduction. Playing with cats helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, a surge of the hormone oxytocin, which causes a feeling of satisfaction, calmness and reduces anxiety. Their purr calms, relaxes, stimulates concentration, helps to cope with migraines, insomnia, neurosis, mental disorders, depression.
  2. Uplifting. Cats are sources of love and affection. Upon contact with animals, the release of hormones of happiness - serotonin and dopamine - brings a feeling of euphoria and improves the immune system. The production of these biochemical substances charges with positive emotions and allows you to enjoy life;
  1. Creating an enabling atmosphere. Cats are extremely caring, attentive, loving animals, bringing good energy and a pleasant atmosphere to the house. According to statistics, a person living with a cat communicates with her on average 1-2 hours a day longer than with relatives. The famous American writer Ernest Hemingway lived with 23 cats, symbolizing for him a family, domestic warmth and tranquility;
  2. Salvation from loneliness. Cats are especially recommended for single and elderly people, people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Purring the animal helps stop the degeneration of brain neurons, which stimulates memory and helps renew forgotten emotions. The cats are sociable, playful, make up a cheerful company for the owners. They require attention, but return it with great gratitude and love. Lonely people find solace in faithful four-legged friends waiting for them at home. When stroking and hugging a beloved pet, anxiety and insomnia go away.

The well-being of a person depends on the health of his pet, in need of constant care. Make sure that the animal receives proper nutrition, enough communication and good health.

The therapeutic effect of cats on the human body is not limited. These home healers take care of the physical and mental health of the owner, give him a lot of love, warmth and affection. They are a source of endless happiness healing every member of the family. Get a cat and make sure that with this animal life will be better.


Watch the video: Kitten Therapy: The Prescription for Stress (June 2024).