Is treating diarrhea effective at home in an adult? When you need to urgently see a doctor


Diarrhea - an increased frequency of bowel movements and an increase in the number of stools (more than 200 g per day) with a change in its consistency. Diarrhea may be accompanied by general weakness, fever, and pain. If the symptoms last no more than 14 days - this is acute diarrhea. Chronic is called diarrhea that lasts more than 3 weeks.

The treatment of diarrhea at home in an adult is aimed at filling the lack of fluid and minerals. In bacterial infections, course antibiotic therapy is needed.

Causes of Diarrhea

Osmotic diarrhea is caused by the accumulation of osmotically active substances, which leads to the physicochemical transfer of water into the intestinal lumen. As a result, bowel movements increase. Secretory diarrhea is caused by certain substances that bind water or stimulate gastrointestinal motility.

In most cases, diarrhea is a mild and short-lived condition that does not require any treatment. In some cases, the condition can be an immediate threat to human health. The biggest danger is the loss of water and disturbances in the water-salt balance.

Especially in children, diarrhea quickly leads to life-threatening dehydration. Diarrhea is the second most common cause of death in children under 5 years of age in the world. It is estimated that in 2009, diarrhea caused the death of 1.5 million people in this age group.

Adult diarrhea treatment at home: herbal remedies

Black pepper

Doctor's comment:pepper gets a spicy taste due to piperine, which is contained in the seeds. The husk also contains fragrant terpenes, including pinene, sabinin, limonene. Berries contain 3 main components: resins, aromatic essential oils and alkaloid piperine. They irritate the mucous membrane and promote digestion.

Due to the high content of terpenoids, black pepper reduces bowel movements and reduces the likelihood of diarrhea. With functional diarrhea, pepper will help, but it is useless from bacterial diseases.

Sage tea

Doctor's comment:Sage infusion contains essential oils, flavonoids and bitter substances. The medicinal plant is used in folk medicine to reduce bowel spasms, blood sugar and reduce inflammation. With diarrhea, sage will not help. According to some studies, he is even able to stimulate intestinal motility, which will only aggravate the patient's condition.

Cherry fruits

Doctor's comment:cherry fruits are rich in bactericidal and repellent substances. The leaves contain amygdalin glycoside, which is broken down in the intestines into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. In folk medicine, bark was used as a diuretic.

The highest concentration of cyanide is found in the bark and fruits. The use of various parts of plants causes nausea. Mortality is observed not only in cattle, but also in humans.

Due to the high concentration of cyanogenic glycosides, it is necessary to abandon the use of cherry fruits. They will not help get rid of diarrhea. In some cases, more harm than good.

Hemophilus root

Doctor's comment:the root contains flavonoids, sterols, triterpenes and tannins (casuarinin and sanguinine). In folk medicine, grass and root are used to treat wounds and diarrhea. In clinical studies, a hemostatic effect was detected.

In experiments on mice, toxic effects have been identified due to elevated tannins.

Within the usual concentrations in herbal medicine, there are no reports of side effects or interactions.

With diarrhea, a root of the hemophilus may help due to its high tannin content. However, the potential health benefits do not clearly outweigh the harm. Without consulting a doctor, taking the root for diarrhea should not be.

Adult diarrhea treatment at home: diet changes

Potato starch

Doctor's comment:potatoes are grown for processing in starch in a special factory. Potato starch consists of 2 molecules: amylopectin and amylose. Recently, a new type of potato has been developed that contains only one type of starch molecule. Potato starch and derivatives are used in the food industry for the production of noodles, potato chips and sausages.

A high dose of starch helps stop functional diarrhea. In gastrointestinal diseases, starch is useless, but it helps to eliminate diarrhea due to stress.

Pectin-rich foods

Doctor's comment:pectin can form a gel and has the ability to retain water, which makes it useful for certain types of diarrhea. Pectin is also able to bind cations and organic material - bile acids. Pectin is completely digested in the colon. The undigested portion is eliminated with the stool. Natural sources of pectin: beets, carrots, apples, pumpkin and eggplant.

Recently, a team of researchers found in laboratory studies that some of the components of pectin prevent the spread of cancer in the body. Further studies are currently underway.

Pectin will definitely help with functional diarrhea, but is useless for bacterial or viral diseases.

Strong tea

Doctor's comment:Tea leaves contain many tannins, which reduce the chance of diarrhea in high doses. In a large dose, tea can not only stop diarrhea, but also cause severe abdominal pain. Also, due to the high concentration of caffeine, the opposite effect is possible - increased diarrhea. Strong black or green tea should be discarded with severe diarrhea.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Doctor's comment:The recommendation will help with constipation, but not diarrhea. Fiber, which is part of most fruits and vegetables, binds water in the intestines and increases diarrhea. Consuming high amounts of fiber will only aggravate the condition.

Adult diarrhea treatment at home: dangerous methods

Bowel lavage

Doctor's comment: enemas can increase dehydration and water-salt imbalance. Any cleansing procedures during diarrhea should be avoided. Treatment of diarrhea at home in an adult with an enema is unacceptable.

The treatment of diarrhea at home in an adult is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If a bacterial or viral infection is excluded, self-medication can be practiced no longer than 3-4 days.


Watch the video: How to Stop Diarrhea Fast Naturally Using Home Remedies (July 2024).