Ureaplasma during pregnancy is all you need to know. Is ureaplasmosis dangerous for an unborn baby?


Ureaplasma during pregnancy is a dangerous infectious disease that requires a speedy cure. Ureaplasma during pregnancy is easy to confuse with other viral diseases and therefore you need to know all the possible symptoms and methods of treating the disease.

What is ureaplasma

Ureaplasmosis is an infectious disease. Its causative agent is a microorganism called ureaplasma. For many years it was believed that this disease is transmitted only through sexual contact. But in 1998, the Russian Federation introduced the International Classification of Diseases, according to which ureaplasmosis began to be considered an inflammatory process in the reproductive system.

According to studies, ureaplasma is present in the microflora of the vagina in more than 70% of girls, but under standard conditions it does not develop into a disease and is not dangerous. As a rule, up to 95% of the vaginal microflora are lactobacilli, the remaining 5% are pathogenic microorganisms, the reproduction of which is prevented by the immunity of the female body. As soon as immunity weakens, harmful bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, and the girl runs the risk of getting ureaplasmosis.

If a ureaplasma bacterium is found in the female body, but its quantity is below a critical level, the disease will not develop, but the girl will become a carrier of infection. Sometimes it's worse than a disease.

Ureaplasma during pregnancy - causes

This disease is transmitted from person to person not only through sexual contact, oral sex can also cause the disease. In the latter case, all mucous membranes of the larynx and mouth will be affected. Conventional household methods of transmission of the disease, such as a public pool, toilet, bath, etc., are not dangerous. A disease passing through the genital tract of a girl can also infect a child. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend curing this inflammation before pregnancy.

If it was not possible to recover before childbirth, it is necessary to conduct a complete medical examination immediately after the birth of the baby. And in case of confirmation of infection, immediately begin treatment. The ureaplasma bacterium is mainly localized in the vagina, but sometimes it can go further and infect:

• Urethra.

• The bladder.

• Cervix, etc.

A deeper infection of the organs occurs during childbirth, if the disease has not been cured in advance. The incubation period of the disease is usually 1 month.

Ureaplasma during pregnancy - diagnosis

Taking into account that infection during pregnancy can spread to any part of the genitourinary system, it becomes difficult to diagnose the disease and identify its clear symptoms. But at the initial stage, the symptoms, regardless of the location of the disease, are very similar. As soon as the disease emerged from the incubation period, its first symptom appears: mucous whitish discharge.

For most girls, this is not a reason to immediately consult a doctor, because such discharge is not uncommon during pregnancy. But if you start a symptom, the disease freezes for a certain time and at the first decrease in immunity makes itself felt. Symptoms of the second stage directly depend on where the disease was localized. If during pregnancy, ureaplasma affects the vagina, then colpitis will occur, which will cause inflammation and even more white mucous secretions. At the second stage, the disease is easily confused with thrush. If the disease continues to develop further, it captures the entire uterus and its mucous layer, which can lead to endomeritis. In this case, acute pain in the lower abdomen is added to the white discharge. The defeat of the ureaplasma of the bladder is accompanied by cystitis, the symptoms of which are frequent urination and pain during urination.

If infection with the disease occurred during oral sex, then the symptoms of ureaplasma will be similar to ordinary sore throat. The disease is considered extremely dangerous during pregnancy, since almost all of its symptoms do not cause anxiety in girls and everything is attributed to the restructuring of the body. Even when the presence of the disease becomes apparent, lamprey women are treating tonsillitis or thrush, and not ureaplasmosis.

Ureaplasma during pregnancy - what to do?

The process of treating ureaplasmosis, like any other infectious disease, consists in taking antibiotics and a complex of auxiliary drugs fused to normalize microflora. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that treatment of only one partner, if it is a couple, will not give any results, because sooner or later the bacteria will exchange again during intercourse.

Treatment with antibiotics can sometimes not be prescribed immediately, but only as soon as the threat to the fetus is established. This is due to the fact that the use of any antibiotics during pregnancy is dangerous. The attending physician must carry out all actions taking into account the specific situation. As a rule, active treatment begins after 21-22 weeks of pregnancy. The most common antibiotic prescribed is erythromycin. After completing the course of treatment, the girl needs to undergo a re-examination and take tests. Additionally, during treatment, it is recommended to take biologically active additives. With the development of a symptom of urethritis, the use of antiseptics and vaginal suppositories is prescribed. You can treat the disease with alternative methods only with the permission of a doctor.

Alternative methods of treatment

If the doctor approved the use of alternative methods, you can proceed to treatment.

The main goal of alternative treatment is the destruction of bacteria with the subsequent restoration of immunity.

In this practice, herbal teas from goldenrod and borough are actively used, which perfectly remove toxins from the body.

As with other viral diseases, onions and garlic are well effective.

Healing alcohol tinctures are usually used to strengthen immunity, but in small quantities, since the excessive content of ethyl alcohol in the body harms the child.

Ureaplasma during pregnancy - how dangerous is it for an unborn baby?

Ureaplasmosis in a woman in position poses a great threat to the child and can provoke a miscarriage.

In the first weeks, there is a threat of an undeveloped pregnancy and the death of the child in the uterus during fetal development.

When the infection reaches the fetus through infected amniotic fluid, the child is threatened with a pathology such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

The cervix in a pregnant woman suffering from ureaplasmosis becomes weaker due to the softening of her internal pharynx.

In most cases, it is precisely because of the friability of the uterus with ureaplasmosis that a miscarriage occurs.

Due to the threat of miscarriage and an insufficient amount of nutrients for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the child, there is a threat of premature birth, which can threaten the child with a delay in development.

In the postpartum period, ureaplasmosis, which has not been cured, can cause endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. If a woman has inflamed appendages, then ureaplasmosis can lead to the attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity and even infertility.


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