Erythromycin ointment: what helps and to whom it suits. Rules for the use of erythromycin ointment for bedsores and colpitis


Erythromycin is part of the antibiotic group and has high bactericidal properties. The medicine is released in various forms, but an ointment that treats various skin diseases and is applied externally is more common.

What helps erythromycin ointment?

The main active ingredient in the composition is erythromycin. Ointment is produced in convenient tubes of different sizes. A ten-gram package contains only one gram of this antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, but this amount is enough to effectively fight various infections. Erythromycin ointment has bacteriostatic, anti-acne and antibacterial properties. Also included in the composition are additional components: lanolin, napisol, petroleum jelly, sodium disulfate, napinine.

The color of the medicine can be different: from pale yellow to bright yellow-brown. The drug is part of the macrolide group, was developed to destroy foreign microorganisms. When the ointment is applied to the affected area, erythromycin inhibits the formation of bonds between amino acids and creates an obstacle to the production of protein by pathogens. The spectrum of the ointment: streptococcus, chlamydia, brucella, staphylococcus, hemophilus bacillus, mycoplasmas and other bacteria.

Erythromycin ointment: what helps and what are the indications for use

This drug is part of a group of antibiotics that act on the proteins of microorganisms. Ointment is used to treat various pathologies and infections.

The pharmacological agent helps with the following problems:

• burns of the second and third degree of complication;

• trophic lesions of the skin;

• acne and other inflammations of the dermis;

• wounds;

• bedsores with prolonged stay in one position;

• for infections in the mucous membrane of the eye (barley, conjunctivitis).

The effect of this drug will be only if the microorganism that caused the pathology is sensitive to erythromycin. Therefore, you need to undergo an examination to find out the cause of the disease. Otherwise, therapy will not give a positive result.

The active ingredient is well tolerated, unlike penicillin. Therefore, this drug can be used by those who have an allergic reaction to the penicillin group antibiotic. Erythromycin is perfectly absorbed, but after some time, microorganisms become resistant to the drug. It is recommended for use if you need to get rid of the causative agents of pertussis, chlamydia, streptococcus, staphylococcus, gonorrhea bacillus, microbacteria and other bacteria. Since the drug does not absorb from the surface of the eye, a systemic effect will not be exerted on the body. This medicine helps to limit the multiplication of microorganisms and bacteria from different groups. It treats conjunctivitis well, and it can be used to treat even newborn babies. Ophthalmologists can prescribe this ointment if there are infectious complications that are characteristic of eye surgery.

Since the drug has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the ointment fights acne well in adolescents. Acne progresses due to the active reproduction of propinobacteria. And erythromycin ointment helps to block their vital functions.


The range of problems from which erythromycin ointment helps is quite large, but there are some contraindications. It must be remembered that the composition of the ointment has an antibiotic that is not tolerated by everyone.


- individual intolerance to the components of the ointment in the form of an allergy (hypersensitivity);

- severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys;

- it is undesirable to use during pregnancy and lactation;

- jaundice.

Sometimes during treatment, skin irritation may occur and there is a risk of secondary infection. Side effects can also be observed: peeling, eye irritation, itching. Basically, such symptoms appear at the beginning of treatment, while there is an addiction to erythromycin. If side effects do not disappear after a couple of days, you need to consult a doctor to find an analogue of the drug that will not cause negative reactions. In rare cases, the ointment can contribute to allergies, edema, dizziness, skin rash, and shortness of breath. The medicine can be used in combination with other means. But only after consulting a doctor.

What helps erythromycin ointment: instruction

This drug helps to cure skin ailments, eye diseases and gynecological problems. The dose and method of use depends on the specific disease. The attending physician should prescribe the order and course of therapy. If there are contraindications, it is better not to use the tool. And for young children and nursing mothers, the ointment should be prescribed only by a doctor. It is not advisable to apply the drug in a thick layer. A quick healing effect will not work, but a toxic effect may occur. It is not recommended to use erythromycin with chloramphenicol, the result of treatment will be reduced.

To treat acne and skin problems, you need to set yourself up for the duration and duration of the course. Interruption of therapy is possible only after acne has completely disappeared. Otherwise, the remaining microorganisms will again begin to develop rapidly. As a result, new purulent formations are formed on the skin. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area. How often and for how long? Your doctor can answer this. It will take an average of ten days. With the right dosage and treatment, the effect will be noticeable in a week.

For the treatment of ocular pathologies, ointment should be applied to the lower eyelid three times a day. If trachoma therapy is required, the number of times can be increased to five. It all depends on the form and severity of the disease. Basically, recovery occurs after fourteen days. And for the treatment of trachoma, a course of up to three months may be required.

Diseases of the reproductive system in women occupy a central place in the list of ailments. They are caused by mechanical, chemical, and thermal factors. And one of the first reasons is the infectious process. Erythromycin ointment has an antibacterial effect and contributes to the destruction of various bacteria, which allows its use in gynecology for the treatment of vulvitis, colpitis, chlamydia.

Erythromycin ointment can be used to treat inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The drug should be used up to three times a day. The same scheme should be followed in the treatment of trophic ulcers. For burns, the drug can be applied only three times a week. The course should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. For longer than three months, the product cannot be used. Ointment should be applied locally.

What helps erythromycin ointment - from infections that are caused by gram-positive and gram-negative environment. In a pharmacy, you can buy it without a prescription. But it should be remembered that the course of therapy, dosage and interval of use should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can harm your health.


Watch the video: How To Use Eye Ointment. How To Apply Ointment To The Eyes. How To Administer An Eye Ointment (July 2024).