The Fighting Dog Problem - Myth or Truth? Who is guilty that the dog is aggressive: breed or improper upbringing


Many believe that the breeding of dogs "fighting" breeds should be banned due to frequent accidents. In turn, dog lovers are sure that evil is in the owner itself. A few years ago in Russia, the draft law “On keeping and breeding dogs of aggressive breeds” was discussed, but it was not approved.

However, the problem exists, since in Moscow alone about 3 thousand people per year suffer from dog bites. It is not known which breeds more often display aggression; nobody keeps counting. This is a serious flaw, if we collect this information, we could use statistical data.

Most European countries have laws banning the breeding of pit bulls at the legislative level, and it is forbidden to import this breed into Germany at all.

In the UK, the law is very strictly obeyed. Dangerous dogs are considered (and are subject to strict registration) Dogo Argentina, Fila Brazilillero, Amstaffs and Pit Bulls. The owner of such breeds should sterilize the dog and place a microchip on it. On the street, a dog is put on a muzzle and led by a leash. And also the owner is obliged to take permission in court to keep an aggressive pet.

However, there are no restrictions on many breeds. Service dogs for example shepherd dogs or dobermans attack people, sometimes biting to death. But their breeding is not limited by law. In K. Delays book about pit bull, it is said that each story with a tragic end is associated with the carelessness of man. A. Inshakov believes that the problem is in the person himself. Any dog ​​can be very harmful if it falls into bad hands. The authorities should solve these problems by legislative means. Influence should be exerted on the person, for example, by increasing fines, so that the owner wonders if he can raise a good and balanced pet.

Today, Moscow authorities are developing a draft law to fine owners who violate dog walking rules by 20-30 minimum wages. In Russia, in the event of a person dying from dog bites, its owner is prosecuted under Articles 109 and 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, any breed can be dangerous. For example, in 2000 a child died from the bites of a seemingly small Pomeranian spitz.

Extremely aggressive animals cannot be considered pit bulls or rottweilers. Of course, each breed has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when raising, but this does not mean that each representative of the "fighting" breeds is a potential killer.

Each breed of dog was created for its purpose. For example, a poodle's aggressiveness is low at the genetic level. But pit bulls brought out for dog fights, Rottweilers - for protection. There are breeds whose representatives attack more often.

The case of one girl is described. She was resting on the couch, and at that moment suddenly her dog jumped sharply and bit her head, after which his aggression abruptly disappeared, and he even tried to hide from fear. The girl was taken to the hospital with an injury. The dog at that time was about two years old, and before that, it did not show any signs of aggression.

The scientist K. Lorenz calls this action "accumulation of instincts." When the dog’s instinct does not work for a long period of time, then at any second it can turn on for no reason. Some believe that fighting dogs must sometimes fight, because otherwise they are tormented and gradually go crazy. But such an opinion is incorrect, the mechanism of "accumulation of instinct" is manifested when the animals are little occupied. To keep a pet in the family, it is necessary to educate it so that it can redirect its energy into a peaceful direction, "change dominant," as the dog lovers say. The owner must be smarter than the dog, constantly raise it, then any pit bull or rottweiler will be a great friend and member of the family.

Care must be taken to raise dogs such as mastiffs and battle terriers. They have a special mental structure. Such dogs need strict control and constant, unchanging rules. The owner should become an indisputable authority for the pet, but the problem is that such dog breeds are often bred by irresponsible people with a low intellectual and moral level only in order to inspire fear among others.

Do not advise to keep rottweiler, pit bull and mastiff in the house where the children live. They do not like these breeds of noisy parties, quarrels and conflicts in families. Such animals need an attentive, punctual owner who will always control their pet.

There are times when the dog does not give in to education. This can happen with a representative of absolutely any breed. In such cases, it is recommended that you contact an experienced trainer who can understand the dog’s behavior.

There are signs indicating that the dog is not all right with the nervous system. For example, constant twitching of ears, fussiness in movements, trembling with sharp sounds, shyness. Under stress, the dog begins to hunch his back or squint his eyes. It is worth paying attention to frequent barking, because terriers and rottweilers are silent in nature. For any signs of this, you should contact the specialists. They say that re-education is possible for any pet, even someone who has already attacked the owner.


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