Features of seed reproduction of indoor plants: where to get seeds, choosing a pot, soil, technology of sowing and subsequent care


Propagation by seeds allows you to get a stronger plant, adapted to living conditions, where it was sown. To grow a healthy beautiful plant from seeds, you need to make a lot of effort. But how many joyful emotions and satisfaction will bring a flower grown by yourself. And how interesting it is to observe its growth when an adult flowering plant grows from a seed. It will thank with generous flowering for the efforts expended on it.

Where to get seeds

Seeds for planting can be obtained in two ways: buy or order, the choice is huge now or try to pollinate your flowering plants and wait for the seeds. It is better to buy from domestic, reputable sellers, be sure to pay attention to expiration dates. Fresh seeds sprout best. Before landing, they need to be checked whether the bay is filled with salt water, those that emerge are better thrown away, there will be no shoots from them. Seeds that are obtained at home are best planted immediately after the seed box has matured. Most likely, almost everything will rise. The pollination process allows you to get a plant of a different color than the mother. That is, you can get a new flower of an unusual color.

When is best to sow

The best time for sowing, the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Well, if, there is an opportunity to organize illumination, then you can sow throughout the year. For this purpose, flat transparent containers with a lid are used. If it is not, you can cover it with a packet. Most seeds germinate in high humidity and when warm. Before planting, you need to carefully study the conditions that are required for the germination of a particular plant. Information is usually given on a bag of seeds, but it is better to use several sources.

An important moment of planting is the soil, drainage is mandatory. The landing container must have openings for water to exit. Soil can be taken universal for seedlings or made by yourself. Typically, peat and coarse sand are included. The earth should be light, freely pass water and air. Before planting it is better to shed a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to sow

Seeds that have undergone the necessary treatment are sown to a depth depending on size. Small scatter on the surface, slightly press down. Large and medium close up to a shallow depth, sprinkle on top. The earth must be moist. If a container with a lid, then cover. Or cleaned under the package. Sprouts need to be aired periodically. A container with seedlings is placed depending on the conditions of germination. When drying, spray from a spray bottle, or use lower watering. Young shoots are sensitive to overflows, temperature changes and drafts. But with proper care, they will delight more than one year with a fragrant appearance and abundant flowering.


Watch the video: What is SEED SAVING? What does SEED SAVING mean? SEED SAVING meaning & explanation (July 2024).