Why do we need men: the pros and cons of living alone. Who else doubts that a man is really needed?


It is possible to live happily without representatives of the strong half of humanity! Do you also think so? But is this really so?

The reasons why a woman wonders: "Why are men needed?"

In the last century, almost all women did not doubt the need for a man in their lives. Since ancient times, girls have seen in her husband a defender, a breadwinner and a reliable support. Women were very dependent on men and sometimes could not even survive without them. An important role was played by education. Since childhood, the girl was prepared for the fact that she must definitely get married and become the guardian of the hearth, read and respect her husband.

In the modern world, the situation has changed dramatically. Women became free and self-sufficient. Many of them occupy leading positions, earn more than men, their life is interesting and full of various events. In this case, financial and psychological dependence on the representatives of the strong half of humanity disappears.

Finding a worthy life partner is also not so easy now. Girls make a number of demands on potential candidates for husbands, and when they do not meet them, they are disappointed in men. After several unsuccessful attempts to build a relationship, some ladies decide that they will live alone.

Why it is important to understand why men are needed

Probably every woman at least once thought about why a man is needed in her life. It is very important to answer this question for yourself. This will help not only understand the value and significance of relations with a person of the opposite sex as a whole, but also determine the criteria for choosing a suitable partner.

Each girl designates for herself the most important qualities that should be present in her chosen one. However, sometimes there are so many of them that they simply cannot fit in one person. You need to understand that there are no ideal people, and even the best man has his own shortcomings. Clearly realizing why men are needed, a woman is able to analyze whether she can take the disadvantages of a potential partner and get along with him.

Pros and cons of life without a man

Life without a man has its pros and cons. So what is still more? First, let's determine the pluses:

No need to cook. Many women just hate standing at the stove. If you can have a bite to eat in a cafe or eat yogurt, this will not work with a man. Give them both the first and the second, and even better to bake something tasty. After work, there is neither time nor energy.

You can go wherever you want and do whatever you want. In childhood, we constantly asked our parents, and now everything is the same with my husband. When you live alone, you can not report to anyone. In a cafe with girlfriends, in a movie or in a club: no one watches what time a woman left, and when she came.

Homes are always in order. Nowhere are scattered socks and dirty things lying around, and all the items can be found where you put them.

On this, the pros, perhaps, are over. Now let's move on to the cons:

There is no one to give love and affection. It is so inherent in nature that a woman has a need to take care of someone, surround him with love and tenderness. It is equally pleasant to receive all this in return. Warm words, sensual touches, hugs and kisses can make a woman truly happy. All this is simply impossible without a man.

Lack of sex. Regular sex is good for women's health and inner peace. A long absence of sexual contact with a man leads to irritability and short temper, worsens well-being and appearance.

There is no material support. Even wealthy and financially independent women can sometimes experience financial problems. It is much easier to keep a joint budget with a man and not worry about a temporary lack of work.

Men's housework. Of course, you can call the master every time, if necessary, nail a shelf or tighten the leaking tap. But it is much better if there is a man nearby who is able to cope with such problems.

Birth and parenting. Sooner or later, a woman comes to the realization that it is time for her to give birth to a child. It is impossible to do this without a man. And raising a child alone, especially in the early years, is very difficult.

As you can see, the disadvantages of loneliness are much more. In addition, as soon as a worthy gentleman appears on the horizon, all the advantages of a free life disappear altogether. It’s sometimes even nice to cook dinner for a loved one, you can see your friends a little less, and removing socks is not at all difficult.

Why are men needed in the life of a self-sufficient woman

A woman lets a man into her life for a reason. Usually she has clear goals and an understanding of what she wants to get from the relationship. Conditionally, women's expectations from a partner can be divided into three groups:

• Love, tenderness and emotional intimacy;

• Passion and physical satisfaction;

• Material support.

Self-sufficient women often meet with a man only for physical intimacy, forgetting about love. But will the girl really be happy in this case? A woman and a man complement each other perfectly. Only together can they reveal their best qualities, feel real and sincere. Even if a girl is used to achieving everything herself, she definitely needs a reliable person nearby who is able to support, breathe love into her, give tenderness and care.

You can learn to live without a man, and even try to find your advantages in this. However, for happiness, a person needs love. Do not fence yourself off from men, even if you have a heavy burden of disappointment and loss. Each woman will meet a worthy partner in life, if only she opens her heart.


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