Waffle cakes with minced meat in batter - quick and tasty! Simple recipes for snack dishes made of waffle cakes with minced meat in batter


This dish is from the category of homemade "fast food", it is prepared relatively quickly and does not require special products or the ability to cook them using sophisticated methods. Take any recipe you like, it will certainly help you out when you need to quickly bring to the table something more substantial than simple sandwiches.

Waffle cakes with minced meat in batter - general principles of preparation

• We choose the most ordinary cakes, those that are sold as “dense” or “not soaking”, most often either do not differ from simple ones or crumble very easily when trying to stack them with minced meat in the middle.

• If the fat content of minced meat is not indicated, feel free to use any, as desired. But do not smear it with a too thick layer, with quick frying, the meat may remain raw or, on the contrary, burn cakes with strong heating.

• The best company for any of the offered snacks is fresh vegetables or a salad of them. Try not to season it with high-calorie mayonnaise, it is better to slightly add salt and a little sprinkle with oil or use low-percentage sour cream.

Waffle cakes with minced meat in egg batter


• packaging of square wafer cakes;

• 400 gr. pork or mixed minced meat;

• onion;

• fresh eggs - two things;

• refined sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. After peeling, rinse the onion with water and rub it finely, using a grater. As an option, kill the onion to a mushy state with a blender. Cutting into pieces is undesirable, since onion slices do not have time to fry and will be unpleasant to feel in the finished dish.

2. In a convenient bowl we combine forcemeat with onion gruel. After adding a little salt and seasoning well with pepper, mix thoroughly. If desired, the filling can be supplemented with chopped herbs.

3. We put one of the cakes on the table, on it - a portion of minced meat. Apply the mass evenly with a spoon to the entire surface of the wafer billet. Lay the raw cake on top and gently press it with your palms. Let’s lie down for a quarter of an hour.

4. With a well-honed knife, first cut the workpiece into strips, and then with squares or rectangles.

5. Use a fork to beat the eggs with a quarter glass of water, a pinch of flour and salt.

6. Heat the pan with oil, dip the slices of wafers with minced meat in batter and spread in hot fat. Fry on both sides, serve hot.

Waffle cakes with minced meat in batter with flour


• 350 grams of minced meat, meat;

• large salad onion;

• three fresh eggs;

• six ready-made waffle cakes;

• half a glass of kefir;

• four tablespoons of flour;

• mustard sauce - one spoon;

• garlic, salt and pepper;

• a pinch of baking powder.

Cooking method:

1. It is advisable that the mince be not too fat, but also not without an admixture of fat. Pass it again through the meat grinder, and after it peeled onion. Salt, season with pepper and be sure to knead.

2. Kefir a little warm, you can right in the package. Salt, release the eggs and add the mustard. To simplify, pour the cultivator directly into the flour and sift it together with it in a bowl with batter. Stir the mixture until smooth.

3. In pairs, divide the cakes, and the filling in three, approximately equal parts. We spread the minced meat and quickly level its layer according to one of the cakes. We cover with a free layer and press a little, then go to the next pair.

4. Cut the stuffed waffles into more convenient pieces, heat the oil in a frying pan heated at moderate temperature. Fry the workpiece by dipping into the batter and gently removing its excess on the edge of the bowl. The color of the fried snack should be saturated, but do not allow it to burn. Add oil as needed.

"Lazy Belyashi" - waffle cakes with minced meat in batter


• two hundred gram slice of pork and beef;

• wafer, portioned cakes;

• fresh fat - 80 grams;

• four eggs;

• a large juicy onion;

• pepper, salt, seasonings.

In the sauce:

• chopped greens - a quarter cup;

• a spoonful of sour cream and thick mayonnaise;

• garlic - two cloves.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the meat and cut into slices suitable for grinding. Peel the onion and cut into several pieces as well. Grind the meat first, followed by the lard and, lastly, the onions, scroll a small slice of stale bread to collect the remaining food from the walls of the meat grinder.

2. Salt the filling well and add the pepper. You can also add any spices to taste, the main thing in this is moderation, do not let the aromas interrupt the natural taste.

3. Beat eggs slightly with salt, optionally add a spoonful of flour, a pinch of hot pepper and a couple of paprika.

4. Salt the sour cream. Stir in the greens first, then the mayonnaise and the last - the grated garlic, put the sauce in portioned bowls. We will serve the dish directly from the pan, so it is better to prepare the sauce ahead of time.

5. Immediately divide all the cakes in pairs, slightly warming the pan, pour a few millimeters of oil and let it burn a little. On one of the wafers we put and spread a spoonful of the filling, cover with the second half and slightly flatten.

6. Having made such an amount that will completely cover the pan, quickly dip the portions in the egg (batter) and immediately transfer to the oil. Fry on moderate heat for about two minutes. We put the finished “whites” on a paper towel so that it absorbs fat, then transfer to a dish.

Waffle cakes with minced meat in batter


• broiler chicken - carcass weighing one and a half kilograms;

• high-quality processed cheese;

• medium onion;

• a glass of fat sour cream;

• 150 grams of "Dutch" cheese;

• half of the garlic head;

• one and a half tablespoons of flour;

• five tablespoons of tomato;

• half a glass of water and white, semi-sweet wine;

• milk - 100 milliliters;

• light wafer cakes;

• salt, pepper and a spoonful of dry oregano.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken, cut the meat from the bones, and remove excess fat from it. A small amount, of course, is not a hindrance, but an excess is useless. Weigh about a kilogram of pulp, peel the onion and grind with it.

2. Grate forcefully cooled cheese with minced meat, salt, add spices and knead the filling. Pour in milk and repeat kneading. Divide the cakes into pieces of such a size that it is convenient to fold them into rolls.

3. We lay out and spread the filling in ten (for starters) cakes, leave them to soak. We dilute the wine with water, pour in the flour and stir, breaking the lumps. Add sour cream, tomato and spices, the last - chopped garlic, carefully stirring, set aside.

4. Turn soft enough shortcakes into rolls, immediately tightly spreading on a greased baking sheet. Pour the sauce, grate hard cheese on top. We stand at 200 degrees to half an hour, cut hot, trying to divide into separate rolls.

Waffle cakes with minced meat in batter


• white chicken - 750 gr.;

• two juicy, large onions;

• a spoonful of thick mayonnaise;

• three large eggs;

• slice of cheese - 80 grams per mince, and the same for batter;

• oil, lean;

• flour;

• small crackers, breading;

• thick wafer cakes;

• fresh parsley, salt and spices - to choose from.

How to cook:

1. Grind peeled and coarsely chopped onions together with chicken, twice. Salt the minced meat and release a fresh egg into it, grate the cheese, put spices, chopped parsley and mayonnaise.

2. We stir the two remaining eggs with salt, pour and mix a spoonful of flour, rub the second slice of cheese into a bowl.

3. We lay out the filling on the cakes cut into portioned slices, cover and press a little with the second, empty halves.

4. Preventing the wafers from getting wet, quickly lower the semi-finished products first in the batter, giving it a thick coating of the entire workpiece, then sprinkle with breading and shake off the excess.

5. Fry in preheated oil on medium heat, turn over with a spatula, picking up completely to the bottom.

Waffle cakes with minced meat in batter


• packing of 6-8 finished cakes;

• fast-growing potatoes - 300 grams;

• large, juicy onion;

• four tablespoons of vegetable oil and one - cream;

• egg and flour for batter;

• minced meat - 230 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and finely chop the onion, brown on vegetable oil and temporarily lay on a plate.

2. Add minced meat and season it with spices, fry on low heat in the same pan as the onion, add a little oil if necessary and break the lumps.

3. Peel and boil the potatoes in a small amount of water until soft. Drain the broth first in a bowl, salt the potatoes and mash quickly. Add a slice of oil, then, gradually adding to the potato broth, beat the lush, slightly liquid mashed potatoes.

4. Mix still hot meat with onions, put mashed potatoes in a frying pan, put on heat and mix quickly.

5. Put the filling on the cake shorts hot, wait until slightly softened, and fold in the form of rolls. They must be cut into three or four parts each.

6. With a fork, shake the fresh egg, salt, and add a pinch of flour, prepare the batter. Dip the rolls into it and fry in a small amount of oil.

Waffle cakes with minced meat in batter - cooking tricks and useful tips

• The excess moisture of the filling, as a rule, only harms - the cakes are soaked and burst, but the recipes, according to which the wafers are folded in the form of a roll, on the contrary, need moisture.

• Do not add grated garlic to batter, it is better to use fillers like cheese. But pepper, both black and hot, add boldly if your goal is to make the appetizer spicy or spicy.

• All the above dishes are good not just hot, but from a frying pan. However, the cooled dish is also quite edible, and if the minced meat in it is non-greasy, you can do without heating.


Watch the video: 6 Unique Meals Using a Waffle Maker (June 2024).