Cake "Zebra" on kefir: recipes and secrets of making a delicious dessert. How to quickly and tasty make a cake "Zebra" on kefir


The favorite dessert for children - the Zebra cake is traditionally cooked on sour cream, but this does not mean that other ingredients cannot be used to prepare goodies.

On kefir, the cake is no less tasty and fragrant, the dough is airy, lush.

Zebra cake on kefir - general principles

The process of making a cake is very easy. A novice cook, and even a child, will cope with this task. All ingredients necessary for the test are thoroughly mixed. Next, the base is divided into two parts and cocoa powder is poured into one of them, mixed. The whole procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. And then creativity begins.

The cake was called "Zebra" for good reason. The dessert is a pie of fancy light and dark stripes resembling the coloring of the skin of a zebra. Achieving this is easy. On a greased or parchment lined sheet, lay the previously prepared dough in turn: put a spoonful of dark dough in the center of the baking sheet, spread light dough in the center of the chocolate dough, then dark again, then light, etc., until the base is finished.

Then it remains to put the sheet in the oven and wait about half an hour. Further decoration of the cake depends on your imagination. Most often, the cake is simply poured with cream or icing, sometimes the cake is cut and soaked with something. You can layer a cake with fruits, nuts or other fillings.

Recipe 1. Classic cake "Zebra" on kefir


• 25 g of salt and soda;

• 365 g flour;

• 3 eggs;

• 255 ml of kefir;

• 225 g of sugar;

• 110 g of cocoa powder;

• 65 g of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Set the oven to warm up.

2. Using a mixer, beat eggs with sugar at low power for no more than three minutes.

3. Pour not cold kefir, pour salt in and continue to whisk for a few more minutes.

4. Flour and soda are introduced into the resulting mixture in small portions, thoroughly stirred with a spoon until a homogeneous, slightly thick consistency is obtained.

5. A small amount of dough is poured into another cup.

6. Pour cocoa powder into one half and mix well, and leave the first white.

7. In a greased form, spread the white mass first in the center with a cooker.

8. A brown mixture is poured into the center of the white mass, the same is repeated several times.

9. A toothpick or other wooden stick draw lines from the center to the edge.

10. Bake for 30 minutes.

11. Before serving, cool and cut into portions.

Recipe 2. Cake "Zebra" on kefir in a slow cooker


• 365 g of sugar;

• 225 g butter;

• flour - 330 g;

• egg - 4 pcs.;

• 30 g of cocoa powder;

• 15 g of soda;

• 260 ml of kefir;

• 45 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with a sugar mixer to a lush snow-white mass.

2. Pour melted and chilled butter into the eggs, whisk a little more.

3. Add kefir, stir thoroughly with a spoon.

4. Slowly add flour and soda to the mass, constantly stirring the dough with a spoon.

5. Knead to a semi-thick homogeneous mass.

6. Divide the dough into two identical parts, pour cocoa powder into one and mix well.

7. The capacity of the multicooker is lubricated with vegetable oil.

8. First, put a white dough in the middle of the bowl with a large spoon, then chocolate dough on top, and repeat this until the whole dough is over.

9. Adjust the device to the "baking" mode, the time is 30 minutes, bake with the lid closed.

10. After the beep, the multicookers allow the cake to cool slightly and take it out of the container, cut into portioned slices and serve it on the table.

Recipe 3. Vanilla cake "Zebra" on kefir


• 4 eggs;

• kefir with a high percentage of fat content - 265 ml;

• sugar - 220 g;

• 135 g butter;

• cocoa - 45 g;

• half a dessert spoon of vanillin;

• soda - 35 g;

• flour - 385 g;

• vegetable oil - 35 ml.

Cooking method:

1. The eggs are combined with sugar and beat with a mixer until a stable snow-white mass.

2. Pour non-cold kefir, whisk for another 2 minutes.

3. Oil is placed on a flat plate, placed for 1 minute in the microwave, removed. Cool and pour into a kefir-egg mixture, add vanillin, beat a little more.

4. Soda is mixed with sifted flour and slowly poured into the mass in several stages, often stirring.

5. Knead the dough to a consistency, like thick sour cream.

6. A little dough is transferred to another container and mixed with cocoa.

7. A small amount of chocolate dough is spread in the middle of the oiled form with a pod, with a white dough, it is repeated until two masses are over.

8. Using a toothpick make on the surface of the line from the middle to the side walls of the form.

9. Place the mold in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

10. Turn off the oven, take out the cake form and cool slightly.

11. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut into portions.

Recipe 4. Cake "Zebra" on kefir with poppy seeds


• 3 eggs;

• 325 g butter;

• medium fat kefir - 245 ml;

• sugar - 210 g;

• poppy - 65 g;

• 1 handful of cocoa;

• flour - 390 g;

• soda - 20 g.

Cooking method:

1. First, pour the poppy with slightly heated water and leave for several minutes to swell.

2. Using a mixer, beat eggs combined with sugar for 2 minutes.

3. The butter is melted and poured into the eggs in a chilled form, whipped for another 1 minute.

4. Add the poppy to the mass, mix with a spoon.

5. Introduce flour and soda in several stages, continuously stirring the dough.

6. Divide the dough into two halves, one is mixed with cocoa, the second is left white.

7. The baking dish is covered with parchment paper and spread in the middle of the dough, alternating brown with white.

8. Place the mold in a hot oven for 30 minutes.

9. At the end of this time, pierce the cake with a toothpick, if it is dry, then remove it from the oven, if wet, bake for another 5 minutes.

10. Before serving, cool slightly and cut into portions.

Recipe 5. Cake "Zebra" on kefir without butter


• 4 eggs;

• 465 g of flour;

• sugar - 165 g;

• vegetable oil - 135 ml;

• kefir with a high fat content - 255 ml;

• salt, vanillin - 5 g each;

• soda - 45 g;

• acetic acid - 15 ml;

• cocoa - 85 g.

Cooking method:

1. Kefir and vegetable oil are poured into the eggs whipped with sugar, stir well with a spoon.

2. Add soda, slaked with vinegar, vanillin, salt to the mass and mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Slowly introduce flour through a sieve.

4. Knead to a homogeneous, delicate, slightly thick consistency.

5. Divide the dough into two halves, add cocoa to one and mix well.

6. In a greased vegetable oil container for baking, spread a brown spoon first with a tablespoon, then white, brown again, white, and so on, until two halves of the dough are over.

7. Toothpicks draw lines from the center to the sides of the mold and put in a hot oven, bake a little more than half an hour.

8. Cool, divided into portions.

Recipe 6. Cake "Zebra" on kefir with strawberries


• kefir - 230 ml;

• 340 g butter;

• flour - 385 g;

• soda - 35 g;

• sugar - 170 g;

• egg - 3 pieces;

• strawberries fresh or frozen - 6 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Eggs are beaten with sugar to a lush consistency.

2. Pour melted butter over low heat and cooled butter and tepid kefir, stir well with a spoon.

3. Pour the sifted flour with soda into the mass, knead with a spoon until a homogeneous tender consistency.

4. Strawberries are rinsed in a colander and turned into mashed pulp using a blender.

5. The dough is divided into two halves, spread the strawberry puree in one and mix well.

6. In a baking dish, covered with parchment, spread a red mass with a ladle, then white, again red and white, repeat until the dough is over.

7. Place in a red-hot oven and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 220 degrees.

8. Cool, take out from the mold, cut into small pieces and serve with tea or warm milk.

Recipe 7. Color cake "Zebra" on kefir


• 4 eggs;

• 240 ml of kefir;

• 465 g of flour;

• 35 g of soda;

• 230 g of sugar;

• 15 g of food colors red, orange and green;

• 190 g butter;

• 40 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour melted and cooled butter into a lush egg mixture with sugar, stir well with a spoon.

2. Add non-cold kefir, stir again.

3. Enter the sifted flour with soda in small portions, thoroughly mix the thick dough.

4. Divide the dough into three equal portions.

5. Food colors are diluted in a small amount of water and each color is poured into its bowl with the dough, mixed thoroughly.

6. The baking dish is greased with oil and laid out in the middle, first red dough, then green, then orange, followed by orange, and so on until the end of all parts of the dough.

7. Make a toothpick line from the center to the edges of the container and bake in a hot oven for 35 minutes at a low temperature.

8. Cool, cut into small pieces, served with tea.

Zebra cake on kefir - pouring options

A cake is not a cake, if the cake is not poured or sprinkled with something. You can not bother and use the simplest products: powdered sugar, candied fruit, nuts with honey, grated chocolate. And you can experiment and make a cream or glaze.

The simplest creams:

• Custard (butter, milk, yolks, sugar, flour);

• Sour cream (butter, sour cream, sugar);

• Curd (cream, cottage cheese, sugar, nuts, vanillin, gelatin);

• Chocolate (plum butter, chocolate, nuts);

• With condensed milk (condensed milk, butter, nuts).


Watch the video: 12 Amazing Cake Art Designs. Yummy Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas (June 2024).