Pancakes with chicken - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook pancakes with chicken.


Beautiful openwork and tasty pancakes are not really made by everyone, but even those who are not quite experienced tend to such perfection of their culinary product. In order to achieve this quality today, a lot of culinary sites on the Internet have come to the aid of beginning housewives, where the step-by-step procedures for preparing pancakes dough are described in detail, as well as their baking.

Meanwhile, experienced chefs, who can already boast of their culinary experience, do not cease to improve, and each time they are interested not only in new recipes for pancakes, but also in new original ideas, in which pancakes are the main ingredient. Everyone has their own favorite cooking recipe. Some cook pancakes with milk, others with water, but in any case they are delicious. Usually, we use 3 cups of milk (water), 3 eggs, 3 tbsp to prepare openwork pancakes. sugar, a pinch of salt, 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1 cup of flour. Always leave the ready mix for pancakes to stand for 15 minutes and only then begin to bake. This amount of ingredients is designed for 30 pieces of ready pancakes.

A great snack option - pancakes with chicken. In this case, chicken meat serves as an original filling, which is no less appetizing than meat filling, but lighter. And if you remember the traditional traditions of cooking pancakes, then you can also cook an interesting and tasty dish - pancakes with chicken with sugar. Want to learn the secrets of cooking such dishes, then welcome to our site.

Chicken Pancake Recipes

Recipe 1: Pancakes with Chicken

This original dish with a delicate chicken filling will appeal to everyone, especially children.

Ingredients Required:

- cooked pancakes,

- Boiled chicken breast - 0.5 kg;

- milk - 2 glasses;

- flour - 1 tbsp. l .;

- parsley, salt and pepper, olive oil.

Cooking method:

Pour olive oil (2-3 tbsp) into the pan and fry the flour gently. It is necessary to fry on low heat and constantly stir the flour so that it does not burn from below. Flour has already become golden, so it's time to pour milk to it in a thin stream, constantly stirring. Make sure that you do not form lumps, because such uninvited guests spoil the look of your dish. Bring to the peak of boiling and season with salt and freshly ground (preferably) black pepper. Boil the sauce on low heat for 5 minutes. Finely chop fresh herbs, boiled breast, mix and add to the sauce. We will give another 2 minutes to stand, put a lid on and leave for 5 minutes so that all our ingredients will get to know each other well.

While the filling is infused, we will spread the pancakes. Then on each of them lay out 2 tsp. fillings, wrap pancakes with an envelope and fry them slightly in olive oil. Immediately hot and fresh we serve to the table.

Recipe 2: Pancakes with Chicken and Sour Cream

For this dish, cooks recommend using not chicken breast, but chicken thighs, preferably homemade. To do this, you need 2 pieces of hips to boil for 1 hour. Attention! As a result, you can get 2 dishes - a delicious broth, to which it will be enough to add noodles, respectively, pancakes with chicken.

Ingredients Required:

- 2 boiled chicken thighs;

- onions - 1 pc;

- sour cream - 3 tbsp. l .;

- vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons l .;

- salt and pepper;

- pancakes - 10 pcs.

Cooking method:

Finished boiled hips, select from the broth and let them cool. Grease the meat with sour cream and set aside for 1 hour in the fridge - let it marinate. Then you need to chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown. Choose onions from the pan and fry the hips on all sides in the same pan. Separate the meat from the seed and add the onion to it. Season to taste with salt and pepper and to make the filling even more juicy, it is recommended to add broth to it. We bring the filling to a uniform state and we can start spreading 1 tbsp to each pancake. stuffing. For taste, you can still add chopped green onion feathers to the filling.

We wrap the pancakes in the form of cabbage rolls, that is, we tuck the bottom of the pancake, then wrap it from one side inward, then from the other side and spin it. Hot pancakes are served to the table.

Recipe 3: Pancakes with chicken, mushrooms and cheese

A great combination of ingredients toppings will make your dish not only tasty and appetizing, but also original.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;

- champignons - 400 g;

- onions - 1 pc;

- hard cheese - 300 g;

- fresh greens and 40 g of butter.

Cooking method:

First, we cut the onion and chicken fillet into small cubes. If you wish, you can skip the meat through both meat grinders - this will shorten the preparation of the products. To your taste, we will add spices to the minced meat. It can be vegeta, basil, chili pepper, oregano, etc., all at your discretion. Naturally, do not forget about salt and pepper and hammer - we cannot do without them. In a skillet, melt the butter and lay out the prepared filling. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the filling over low heat until browning. Now we need to slice peeled champignons into slices and fry them in butter. Season with salt and pepper and add fresh chopped greens. Coarsely chop hard cheese and combine with all other ingredients. Gently mix and taste. If necessary, you can add any spices to your taste.

Put the ready stuffing (1 tbsp) on each pancake, wrap it in an envelope and put it into a straw. Now we need a baking pan. Smear it with butter and beautifully put in a row prepared pancakes-tubes. Put some butter on top of the pancakes and send them to the preheated oven at 180 ° C for 10, maximum 15 minutes. Hot dish served to the table with a cup of fragrant tea.

Pancakes with chicken - secrets and tips from the best chefs

- To make the filling for pancakes even more juicy, it is recommended to add a little broth to the cooked meat and leave it for 5 minutes - the meat should soak up all the liquid.

- If at the final stage you bake stuffed pancakes in the oven, then when baking pancakes you can fry them only on one side, on which you put the mince.


Watch the video: Chicken Stuffed Pancake. Soft Chicken Pancake. Pancake Recipe (July 2024).