Useful black salt - Slavic-Indian exotic. Harmful and beneficial qualities of black salt, contraindications


Salt is the most popular and widely available seasoning. It is added to almost all dishes, up to baking. However, few people know that ordinary table salt has a cousin, black salt. It is filled with an additional amount of mineral and nutrients and claims to take the main place in your kitchen.

There are two popular types of salt called black.

1. Exotic, volcanic or Himalayan, or Indian, black salt, Kala Namak. It is mined mainly in Pakistan and India. It is not completely black, in a piece it has a dark brown-red hue, almost black. When grinding becomes pale pink. It is explained by the chemical composition of the salt, which, in addition to sodium chloride, is rich in iron sulfide and magnesium. It has a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide and for this reason is not too common. When added to hot food, the salt darkens to black.

2. Orthodox, black (Thursday) salt. It is not mined, but produced by kneading in a dough with spices and calcining in an oven, in coals. During this treatment, in 12 hours all organic matter burns out, and salt crystals are carbonized and saturated with calcium, magnesium, iron and other useful elements. In Russia, such salt was prepared on Holy Week, at night from Wednesday to Thursday, and magical properties were often attributed to it, besides healing ones. In modern culture, this salt is prepared all year round.

So, first things first.

Benefits of Himalayan salt

Composition: sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, sodium bisulfate, sodium bisulfite, sodium sulfide, iron sulfide and hydrogen sulfide.

In addition to its taste, black Himalayan salt is popular due to its health benefits, as well as its ability to preserve food.

Useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, gas in the intestines, bloating. Increases immunity, stimulates digestion and normalizes metabolism. It is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. It is often recommended for people with high blood pressure, as it contains less sodium than ordinary table salt.

Helps with indigestion, as it is a good nutritional stimulant, balances the production of acid in the stomach and bile in the liver. It helps to digest food, is able to repel constipation and increases appetite.

Useful for acidity and heartburn. It is full of minerals resulting from exposure to high temperature, which makes it very suitable for regulating acidity. Reduces acid reflux. Best in this case, a combination with coriander, caraway seeds and fennel in equal proportions.

You can also try adding such salt to lemon water, which will improve digestion. Due to the increased content of iron compounds, such a salt is useful for iron deficiency anemia.

Prevents osteoporosis - a disorder when our body begins to extract sodium from our bones, thereby reducing their strength. This condition can be prevented by drinking a lot of water along with a pinch of black salt.

Super effective in the fight against excess weight due to its dissolving and disintegrating effect on enzymes and lipids.

Can be used to gargle. And also as a filler for an inhaler for colds, flu, tonsillitis and other respiratory diseases. If there is no inhaler, then just throw a teaspoon of salt in boiling water and breathe steam for several minutes.

An important fact for women will be the fact that Kala Namak can be used as bath salt. It has a miraculous effect for cracked and swollen feet, skin, sprains, and is effective against warts. In short, while you enjoy the bath, your body is healed with a clean, natural product. In addition, it delicately opens pores, removes oily skin, while leaving it with a healthy glow.

Due to the high content of essential minerals, Himalayan salt strengthens the hair, stimulates their natural growth, thickens each individual hair and enhances the overall shine.

Harm from Himalayan salt

Kala Namak black salt is extremely safe in small, dietary amounts. It should not exceed 6 grams (sodium in it is about 2.3 grams) per day. The therapeutic amount of black salt is less than the dietary amount, and is used in conjunction with other herbs and spices. These herbal mixtures usually contain between 250 and 500 mg of black salt, which is also much safer.

In addition, avoid a prolonged stay in a bath with salt water, as it can dry the body, making it unattractive.

Benefits of Thursday Salt

A product known from antiquity for its exceptional qualities. Salinity does not differ from ordinary cookery, but has a more acute flavor.

After calcining in a furnace, such a salt has a high calcium content, which is especially useful when it comes to bones, teeth and muscles. And also: magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, etc.

It also contains less sodium than normal, so it is recommended that you use this salt for those who suffer from high blood pressure. Water will not stay in the body, and the need for diuretics will decrease.

With regular use, quaternary salt helps cleanse the intestines, as it is rich in carbon, which acts as a sorbent, absorbs and removes toxic substances, slags, and heavy metals. Promotes healing of the walls of the digestive tract, improves digestion and metabolism. It has a facilitated laxative effect. Improves appetite.

A solution of this salt in water with honey can be used to rinse and treat gums. After rinsing your mouth with Thursday salt, you will eliminate the unpleasant odor and make your breath much fresh. It can also be used as a cosmetic product. It has a smoothing and firming effect on the skin. Rejuvenates, relieves dryness and peeling.

In culture, it is believed that quaternary salt has magical powers. People used to believe that if you put a pinch of such salt in the incense on your neck, it will protect you from the evil eye.

Harm from Thursday Salt

Like the Himalayan, and indeed any other, quaternary salt can be harmful with excessive consumption.

If you abuse it, the healing product will become a poison and will gradually poison the body with sodium, causing an increase in blood pressure, poor blood circulation, kidney problems, edema and fluid accumulation in the body.

Where to get black salt?

Black (Thursday) salt can be bought from healers, in villages and whether it can be found in a store or pharmacy. With proper skill and equipment, you can cook yourself. Indian volcanic salt can also be found in shops, pharmacies, and supermarkets. In the end, both products can be ordered online.

Obviously, both types of salt in moderation have extremely positive effects on the human body. Food seasoned with such salt tastes better, acts softer and brings more positive experiences, with less risk of damage from ordinary table or sea salt. In addition, this salt fights against a number of diseases, arthritis, cholesterol and even impotence.


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