Layered jelly at home: a rainbow of flavors and colors. How to make beautiful and tasty jelly layers - the subtleties of a beautiful dessert


Sweet dessert is a pleasant and indispensable attribute of any holiday. You always want to end the evening with your family or close friends with something bright, unusual. One of the most original options, in this case, will be multi-layer jelly. This delicate dish will be a light finishing touch of dinner. And, cooked with your own hands, it will impress all guests.

Jelly layers: general principles of preparation

Preparing such a dish is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right products and comply with all technologies. The simplest option would be to buy ready-made jelly powder. In this case, you can simply follow the instructions on the packaging. After this, you can slowly pour colored layers on top of each other, previously allowing each to freeze.

You can make multi-layer jelly more original with the help of a bowl mounted in the refrigerator at an angle. Thus, the dessert will harden with a striped diagonal. And the top layer can be performed in the usual horizontal position. Additionally, pieces of fruit or berries are sometimes added to the jelly. Thus, dessert can be made softer and more contrast. In addition, the milk layer will be harmoniously felt.

Having decided on the appearance of the future dish, you should prepare each of the ingredients in different vessels. It’s better to start with the jelly that appears at the very beginning. Each layer should be added only if the finished part solidifies. So you can achieve the most beautiful cut. Important - do not let the workpieces freeze in advance. But, in this case, they can simply be slightly warmed up in the microwave.

To avoid the spread of dessert, you must wait until each previous layer solidifies. In addition, the liquid should be poured carefully, without falling onto the walls of the mold. In this case, the finished product will look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. The height of the layers should be determined at its discretion, paying attention to the number of ingredients.

Classic multi-layer jelly

This jelly with layers is very easy to prepare, but it is incredibly tasty and beautiful. It is with him that one should begin experiments with variations of this dish. The recipe is designed for 6 medium servings.


· 3 packs of multi-colored fruit jelly;

· Purified water (the amount depends on the instructions on the jelly packaging);

· Pieces of fruit or berries for decoration.

Cooking method:

· First, boil water. Usually, 400 ml of liquid is required for one packet of jelly. However, it is better to reduce this amount by 1.5-2 times in order to get a more saturated taste.

· Next, pour the powder from the packs into pre-cooked dishes and pour it with the required amount of water.

· The resulting liquid must be thoroughly mixed to completely dissolve the jelly.

· Now you can pour the first layer on the molds. It is advisable to make the layers approximately the same. After that, we put the cookies in the refrigerator for half an hour.

· When 1 layer hardens, you can add the following. By this time, it just cools down a bit, and does not melt the frozen part of the dessert.

· The same needs to be done with 3 parts of multilayer jelly. It will harden faster, as the form will have time to cool.

· Serve the finished dessert in beautiful cups in which it was prepared. From above it will be better to decorate at your discretion.

Curd-chocolate jelly with layers

White-brown stripes of this jelly with layers will not leave indifferent any fan of chocolate. The dessert looks very and appetizing, and it is prepared quite simply. At the same time, it is tasty and light.


A bag of gelatin;

· Half a glass of cream with low fat content;

· 2 packs of cottage cheese;

· 0.4 l sour cream;

75 g of sugar;

25 g of cocoa.

Cooking method:

· Mix gelatin with chilled cream. If necessary, they can be replaced with pasteurized milk.

· Let the mixture rest for half an hour, after which we heat it in a water bath, stirring constantly. It is necessary that the gelatin dissolves. The main thing is to prevent the cream from boiling

· Mix sugar with cottage cheese. Pour sour cream and cooled cream with gelatin here.

· The finished mixture is divided into 2 equal parts. We interfere with cocoa powder in one.

· First put 1 liquid into the mold, and after solidification - the second.

· Finished jelly layers can be decorated with chocolate chips or chopped nuts.

Jelly with layers of cottage cheese with pineapple

One of the reasons why many people love this dessert is its lightness and freshness. That is why fans of multilayer jelly will appreciate the dish with tender cottage cheese and pineapples.


· 0.4 l sour cream;

· 2 packs of cottage cheese;

150 g of powdered sugar;

A jar of canned pineapple;

· A glass of boiled water;

· 1 pack of gelatin;

25 g of cocoa.

Cooking method:

· Pour gelatin with slightly warmed water and dissolve it by placing the dishes in a water bath. Stir this mixture regularly.

· Pineapple rings are cut into equal cubes and put on the bottom of the cups or bowls in which jelly will be served.

· Mix cottage cheese and sour cream. Add the icing sugar. Additionally, you can slightly beat with a mixer. Divide the mixture in half.

· In one half add cocoa.

· Each part is added to the forms one by one, we give the dessert to completely harden. Finished multi-layer jelly can also be decorated with pineapple cubes.

Multilayer jelly from kefir and cottage cheese

It doesn’t matter if there is no milk or cream in the house. For jelly, kefir is also suitable for interlayers. This wonderful dessert will be especially delicious with strawberries.


0.4 l kefir;

· A pack of cottage cheese;

25 g of gelatin;

175 g of sugar;

· Strawberries in any form (you can even add berries from jam).

Cooking method:

· Put gelatin in a pot or bowl and mix it with a little warm water. After 30 minutes, slowly heat the liquid in a water bath so that it can completely mix.

· Sugar mix with cottage cheese and pour warm kefir. Mix and add gelatin.

· Cut strawberries into slices or cubes. Put it at the bottom of the form.

· Put in the molds the finished mixture with gelatin, alternating it with strawberry slices. We give each part of the dessert to solidify completely in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

· You can serve in a bowl or other form, decorating at your discretion.

Jelly layers "Winter pleasure"

This version of multilayer jelly fits well into the menu of any holiday table. It is quite complicated in execution, but has a very bright expressive appearance.


· 3 packs of multi-colored jelly in bags;

· purified water;

· 20 g of lemon juice;

Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

· The main highlight of this multilayer jelly is the serving in tall glasses. They will need to be tilted. A pan is perfect for this. The legs of the glasses can be supported on its walls by setting in the desired position.

· We prepare 3 mixtures of jelly and water, according to the instructions on the package.

Pour the first layer into tilted glasses. Let it harden in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

· Turn the glasses over and fill in the second layer. Again we send to freeze.

· Put the glasses in their usual straight position. Pour the last layer.

· It remains to decorate the festive multi-layer jelly. Lubricate the edges of the glasses from the inside with lemon juice, using a brush. Until it is dry, hold a glass on a saucer with icing sugar. It will resemble a snow border.

Rainbow Jelly Cake with Fruits

Not everyone is able to quickly and deliciously prepare a fruit dessert. Especially when guests want something fresh and tender. In this case, you can make a wonderful jelly cake layers. This dish will amaze even the most sophisticated gourmet.


· The maximum amount of multi-colored jelly in bags (for some colors of the rainbow you will need food coloring);

· Raspberries or strawberries, peach, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, dark grapes and currants (fruits and berries can be fresh, frozen or canned);

· purified water.

Cooking method:

· For each layer, mix jelly from sachets with the recommended amount of boiling water.

· Those colors that are not in the store (blue or blue) can be obtained using food coloring. To do this, take yellow jelly in a bag, stir it with water and add a few drops of dye.

· We get 7 multi-colored liquids. Alternately add chopped fruits or berries to each of them.

· Put the jelly in the form of layers, starting with red, according to the order of the rainbow. Alternately, allow each lane to freeze before adding a new one.

· Before serving, dip the finished cake in hot water for a few seconds and quickly turn it over. On top of it, you can decorate the remaining berries and fruits.

Layered Jelly - Useful Tips

· Add 1 tsp. To all jelly blanks. Sahara. Yes, it is initially sweet enough, but after hardening, the taste will be dulled significantly.

· Add a little vanilla sugar to cream or milk. The taste of the finished dessert will slightly resemble a melted ice cream.

· It’s more convenient to pour the bowls in the refrigerator. If you transfer them already with liquid, a color mark will remain at the edges of the form.

· The main thing is to always let the previous layer completely harden. Yes, it will take more time, but the final result is worth it. All strips of jelly layers will be clear and beautiful, especially in the context.

· It is better to choose bright and contrasting colors so that at the end the dessert has an attractive appearance.


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