Satisfied on a diet? Get ready for hair loss


You decided to lose weight and went on a diet, not knowing about its consequences, as a result received long-awaited kilograms, but in addition there were less pleasant consequences, such as brittle nails and hair loss. The reason is rather trivial, usually diets are not designed to maintain the optimal balance of vitamins in the body, they are designed specifically for weight loss, which means that vitamins, trace elements and all useful substances fly away in kilograms.

Causes of hair loss

At first, the loss is not noticeable, it usually happens a few months after the diet. Especially hard effect on the hair of the express diet, for 10 days that promise a loss of up to 10-20 pounds. The body ceases to receive the necessary substances in a normal amount and cuts their intake to the hair, skin and other "non-important" parts of the body. This means that hair growth stops as well as the development of important and necessary substances in the body for healthy skin and hair.

The result is that if the diet involves a loss of more than 5 kg per month, the likelihood of a large hair loss is guaranteed.

What to do and how to lose weight without losing hair?

To become beautiful, but also to stay with your hair choosing a diet, you should pay attention to the set of permitted products. It is best to create your own diet for losing weight, which, in order to include in order:

  • On the day, be sure to eat a spoonful of vegetable or olive oil (for example, dressing salads).
  • You also need to eat about 100 grams of meat or liver daily.
  • The same amount of fish or kelp.
  • Be sure to use vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower or bell pepper in an amount of up to 200 grams.
  • Fresh fruit in the amount of 100 grams (any) or 20 grams of dried fruit.
  • Half a cup of oatmeal (they normalize the work of the stomach).
  • Half a cup of cottage cheese a day.
  • Do not deprive yourself of tasty nuts: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, forest, enough all the tablespoon.

The listed products are the minimum that the body needs for normal functioning and the supply of all the organs with vitamins and microelements.

What happens if these foods are not eaten?

Without eating nuts and seafood, the hair will become disobedient, if you do not eat meat, the tips will become split, and brittle hair will be observed along the entire length. If we exclude all the products listed above, the hair will grow more slowly, it will fall out more and lose its luster and beauty.

At the time of the diet get special fortified shampoos, they will protect the hair outside.

If you approach the diet correctly, connect a good nutritionist, take a complex of vitamins, then losing weight will not be a burden and your beauty will not fade.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna


Watch the video: Diet for Healthy Hair (July 2024).