The huge benefits of sea buckthorn juice as a multivitamin drink. What category of people is contraindicated and can be harmful?


"Sea-buckthorn is a berry of health": you cannot argue with this statement. But eating a fresh berry is not so pleasant: it is sour with a bone inside. A completely different thing is juice. By adding sugar or honey to it, you can drink a multivitamin drink for your pleasure. He will give health, energy, double strength. What is the use of a unique drink and can it harm health?

Chemical Features

The chemical composition of the berry should be known, because our well-being depends on the contents of the substances. Sea buckthorn juice contains:

1. fats based on unsaturated fatty acids,

2. volatile, protecting the body from infection,

3. organic acids that maintain the acid-base balance in the body,

4. coumarins, which are biologically active substances,

5. sterols - the basis of cholesterol, steroid hormones, fat-soluble vitamins,

6. almost a complete complex of vitamins from A to PP,

7. the most significant minerals for the body, for example, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and ... the list goes on.

Important! To strengthen the body's defenses so that it can resist the onslaught of disease, it is enough to drink 2-3 tbsp per day. freshly squeezed juice. Juice can be replaced with a glass of berries.

It is different in calorie content: it contains 82 kcal / 100 g. This is due to the presence of fatty acids, which are its most important and useful components:

· Ursulova heals wounds well and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it can "treat" ulcers, erosion, inflammation or wounds on the skin; it is also used for adrenal disease;

· Amber protects the body from radiation, the effects of toxic substances, potent drugs; helps against stress and nervous strain, saves from high pressure;

· Oleic has a vasodilating effect, normalizing blood circulation, affects blood coagulation, copes with viral “attacks”.

Such a rich spectrum of action allows us to talk about the unique healing properties of sea buckthorn juice. It has a versatile effect, acting positively on the various processes taking place in the body.

Note: After drinking a little juice, you will feel a mood boost, as some active ingredients increase the level of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Dark chocolate has a similar effect. Sea buckthorn nectar protects you from nervous breakdowns and breakdowns.

Sea buckthorn juice: benefits for the body

Juice can be taken just like a vitamin drink. But he is able not only to maintain immunity, but also help get rid of many ailments. Sea buckthorn juice, whose benefit is undoubted, will support the body in cases of

· A malfunction in the digestive system, for example, when relieving inflammation of the stomach and pancreas;

· Wounds on the skin, which he successfully heals;

Inflammation of the throat and tissues of the oral cavity;

Rheumatism or gout, when lotions of juice applied to a sore joint help;

High pressure, reducing blood density and increasing blood flow;

· Bronchitis, pneumonia, and coughing, acting as a natural antibiotic;

· Vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, especially in autumn and winter;

· Hair loss and dandruff (juice should be rubbed into the scalp and left for half an hour);

· Problems of skin aging, which is associated with a high content of vitamin E.

The benefits of sea buckthorn juice have been proven for babies, but they should only be given a few drops to make the immune system stronger. For pregnant women, the juice is doubly useful: it relieves the body of infections and reduces the risk of pathologies in the fetus.

Note: When offering juice to children, you can add half a teaspoon to sour-milk products (for example, yogurt), while the taste changes, and the baby eats a delicious dessert with pleasure. You can add it to apple juice. It will preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit and berries, and the child will surely like it.

A few recipes to keep you healthy

Sea buckthorn juice is an indispensable tool in traditional medicine, so there are time-tested recipes that bring real help.

For diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, juice is drunk half a glass, but several times a day. Thick blood liquefies, cholesterol plaques form more slowly, pressure normalizes.

With rheumatism, gout, arthritis juice rub joints, applying a compress on top. Having warmed up the juice and wetting the tissue in it, it is applied to a sore spot, wrapped with cellophane and insulated. Usually a compress is done before bedtime and kept for 2 hours.

If the throat and mouth are inflamed, gargle with juice. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. With this composition, a sore throat is treated several times a day. Sea buckthorn oil also helps, which softens and disinfects affected areas.

If a cold is started and its treatment is delayed, and all the means and methods have already been tried, it remains to use sea buckthorn juice or oil. This is the well-known "magic healing." Drink a little juice should be daily until a long-awaited recovery comes. Natural antibiotics contained in the berry actively affect bacteria, destroying them. Recovery is guaranteed, and the benefits of the juice will increase when honey, fruit juices or herbal decoctions are added to it.

Note: As a cosmetic product for skin rejuvenation, it is useful to use sea buckthorn tonic or prepare ice cubes with nectar (water 2 hours + juice 1 hour). Rubbing your face in the morning, you do not just tone the skin, but also refresh, rejuvenate it. In addition, it takes on a more even shade.

What is the harm from sea buckthorn juice to the body?

We have proved the benefit of the "orange vitamin cocktail", but usually yellow juices can cause allergies. This is unpleasant, but true. Therefore, allergy sufferers should start with a small portion (half a spoon) to make sure that the harm of sea buckthorn juice is reduced to zero. It is worth considering its calorie content of juice, so you should not abuse it.

Harm from sea buckthorn juice will occur if the doctor is diagnosed with:

1. Gastritis with high acidity or a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, as acidic juice will provoke the development of the disease.

2. Acute or chronic pancreatic diseases.

3. Cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder, as the juice has a choleretic effect.

4. The predisposition or presence of tumors, when the components of the juice can provoke the development of cancer cells.

5. Urolithiasis, the development of which is again affected by acids.

6. Diarrhea: problems with digestion of food.

Important! Having decided to drink an "orange drink", you need to remember all your diseases. And if there are any suspicions, it is better to talk with the doctor. Sea buckthorn juice is useful only if you use it sparingly and monitor the condition of the body.

Each person decides for himself whether the sea buckthorn juice is useful or harmful to his body. There are diseases when you have to abandon it completely. But if the body is healthy, then you can not find the best multivitamin drink.


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