Armenian appetizer for the winter: delicious, simple, fast. The best recipes for Armenian snacks for the winter with tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, pepper


Armenian appetizer is a spicy, spicy, tasty dish. Thanks to the perfect combination of vegetables with herbs, chili peppers and garlic, the appetizer is popular with spicy dishes. Have you tried it yet? The time has come!

Armenian appetizer for the winter - general principles

For cooking snacks use absolutely any vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, onions, carrots, peppers. Whatever it is chosen, it is important to season it all with a lot of spices: garlic, chili pepper, a mixture of various peppers, suneli hops and other seasonings.

Garlic, as a rule, put at least one clove per liter of lettuce, chili - a third of the pod. So that these sharp components are not lost in the snack due to the abundance of other tastes, they are recommended not to be mashed, but simply finely chopped.

An appetizer may look like a salad, sliced ​​vegetables, stuffed vegetables (usually tomatoes and eggplant), caviar.

All ingredients used are thoroughly washed, dried, and cut in the manner specified in the recipe. Shifted into a cauldron or stewpan, stewed.

The hot appetizer is transferred to a sterilized container, rolled up, cooled, cleaned for storage.

Serve Armenian appetizer as a cold salad, a side dish for meat or fish. Often used for dressing soups, stews, roasts.

1. Armenian winter snack with eggplant, sweet pepper and zucchini


• two large carrots;

• five large onions;

• five bell peppers;

• eggplant - eight pieces;

• red tomatoes - eight pieces;

• zucchini - three pieces;

• garlic - 12 cloves;

• six stalks of parsley;

• chili pepper - one pod;

• sunflower oil - 130 ml;

• filtered water - 300 ml;

• vinegar 9% - 40 ml;

• 170 grams of granulated sugar;

• salt - 120 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the vegetables: peel the carrots, wash them, peppers, peppers and seeds, peel the onions and garlic, remove the skins and remove the seeds, remove the seeds from the hot peppers, free the eggplants from the stem, wash the tomatoes, rinse the parsley. Instead of tomatoes, you can take a liter of tomato juice or five large spoons of tomato paste.

2. Cut all the vegetables into small cubes, squeeze the garlic through the garlic press, chop the parsley with a knife.

3. Put the vegetables in a deep pan, pour oil, water, after dissolving in it 20 ml of 9 percent vinegar. Salt, pour sugar, stir well.

4. Stew for 60 minutes over moderate heat, stirring occasionally so that the snack does not burn.

5. Place the hot appetizer in liter jars. Pre-rinse the container well with a soda solution in a ratio of 1: 1 and rinse with running water.

6. Roll up the lids, refrigerate and store in the cellar. In winter, serve appetizer as a side dish for grilled meat or as a cold salad.

2. Armenian appetizer for the winter with apples


• 25 medium-sized eggplants;

• tomatoes - 15 pieces;

• bell pepper - 12 pieces;

• six large onions;

• three apples;

• 12 cloves of garlic;

• chili pepper pod;

• granulated sugar - 250 grams;

• 150 grams of salt;

• sunflower oil - two glasses.

Cooking method:

1. Similar to the first recipe, peel and wash all vegetables. In Bulgarian and hot peppers, remove the stalk with the seeds. Cut the apples in half, cut the core.

2. Scroll all vegetables except onions through a meat grinder. Chop the onion with a knife.

3. Put everything in a large container, add oil, salt, pour granulated sugar, mix.

4. Put on the stove, simmer for 45 minutes over moderate heat, stir from time to time with a wooden spoon.

5. Prepare glass jars: rinse them with soda solution (pour one teaspoon of baking soda per liter of water). Rinse cans with warm water.

6. Put the prepared Armenian appetizer with apples into prepared cans and roll tightly with sterilized tin lids. Store the appetizer in the cellar or in the closet.

3. Armenian snack for the winter of green tomatoes


• green tomatoes - six pieces;

• garlic - half a head;

• chili pepper - one;

• six branches of green cilantro.

To pickle:

• purified water - one liter;

• 40 ml of 9 percent vinegar;

• salt - 20 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Free chili peppers from seeds and stalk, peel garlic, and all together scroll through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

2. Rinse the cilantro and finely chop with a knife, mix with chopped garlic cloves and pepper.

3. Wash tomatoes, cut in half, grate with a mixture of pepper, garlic and cilantro.

4. Rinse glass jars, sterilize and lay prepared tomatoes tightly in each other.

5. Cook the brine: pour water into the cup (if you make more tomato, take more water and salt with vinegar too), add salt to taste, pour the vinegar, stir, boil over medium heat.

6. Pour in pickle jars with tomatoes.

7. Sterilize jars with tomatoes under non-rolled lids for 20 minutes, roll up.

8. Turn the lid down, cool.

9. Put in the cellar.

10. In winter, you can serve to the table with boiled potatoes or just as a separate snack.

4. Armenian snack for the winter: stuffed eggplant


• eggplant - 12 pieces;

• sweet pepper - two pieces;

• half a chili pepper;

• five branches of parsley;

• garlic - three cloves;

• 30 ml of vinegar;

• four glasses of sunflower oil;

• a pack of ground zira;

• 35 grams of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the eggplants, grease with vegetable oil, put the whole on a baking sheet, put in the oven and fry for half an hour over moderate heat.

2. Prepare the stuffing for the eggplant: free the pepper from the seeds and the stalk, peel the garlic, rinse the parsley. Grind everything, mix in a separate cup with the addition of vinegar, zira and salt.

3. Remove the baking sheet with eggplant from the oven, cool.

4. Cut off the stalk of each eggplant, inside, take the pulp a little bit with your fingers.

5. Start with the cooked filling.

6. Fill the snack with oil, put in a large container and let it brew for one week.

7. After a week, transfer the stuffed eggplants into sterilized jars and roll up, put in the cellar for storage.

5. Armenian winter snack with cherry plum


• bell pepper - three pieces;

• red tomatoes - four pieces;

• eggplant - three pieces;

• onion - two heads;

• carrot - one piece;

• 1 medium squash;

• cherry plum - eight pieces;

• 12 cloves of garlic;

• 12 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• 130 grams of apple cider vinegar and sunflower oil;

• salt - 30 grams.

Cooking method :

1. Peel the onion and carrot, rinse. Free eggplant, pepper, zucchini from seeds and stalk. Place alaça and tomatoes in a deep cup with boiling water for 30 seconds, remove and peel off. Peel and squeeze the garlic through the garlic press. Cut the tomatoes into several small pieces. Pepper, carrot, onion, zucchini cut into small arbitrary pieces. From alachi make mashed gruel in a blender.

2. Boil the marinade: pour salt, granulated sugar, add butter and apple cider vinegar into a cup with 250 ml of purified water, stir and boil over low heat.

3. Transfer the vegetables to a metal pan, pour the hot marinade.

4. Put the appetizer on the stove, turning on moderate heat, cook, stirring, for 45 minutes.

5. Sterilize glass jars, pour hot appetizers into them, roll them up with lids, refrigerate and place in a cellar or dark storage cabinet.

6. Armenian winter snack made of peppers


• bell pepper - six pieces of different colors (green, red, yellow);

• chili pepper - two pieces;

• ten grams of ground white pepper;

• allspice - five peas;

• tomato puree - nine tablespoons;

• salt - 40 grams each;

• granulated sugar - 35 grams;

• 9% vinegar - three large spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Pepper, get rid of seeds and stalk, rinse, cut into wide strips, put in a large metal pan.

2. Add the tomato puree to the peppers, put on the stove, turn on a small fire, add salt, pepper with white pepper, pour sugar, stir well.

3. Boil no longer than 45 minutes (if during this time all the liquid boils, add a little boiling water).

4. Five minutes before the end of the quenching, add acetic acid, mix well and pour hot directly into sterilized glass jars, roll up the covers, wrap in a warm blanket to cool. After descend into the cellar for storage. You can serve this Armenian snack as a separate dish or add it to soups as a dressing.

Armenian appetizer for the winter - tips

• Choose only fresh vegetables for cooking snacks without signs of spoilage and rot.

• You can vary the amount of vegetables to your taste, adding some more, others less.

• It is permissible to replace tomatoes in the appetizer with tomato paste or homemade tomato juice.

• Do not put too much bright odorous greens such as cilantro, it will interrupt the sharp-delicate taste of the snack.

• Work with chili gloves to prevent accidental burns.

• Snack can be prepared in large quantities, just increase the indicated proportions by 2-3 times.

• Store Armenian snacks in a dark, damp place or in the refrigerator.

• You can eat it right away, just don’t roll the jar, covering the cooled snack with a regular plastic lid.


Watch the video: Eggplant appetizer Zacusca (June 2024).