Melon smoothie for health and weight loss. Melon smoothie recipes with fruits, citrus fruits, vegetables, milk


The benefits of vitamin cocktails have been known for a long time. Melon smoothie is one of the easiest ways to get the most out of a delicious sweet fruit. It’s easy to cook, and tastes can be diversified every day.

The drink is quite thick and nutritious. You can add some fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts, honey, sugar, berries to it. Dessert smoothie from melon not only perfectly saturates, invigorates, but also helps to lose weight. It occupies an intermediate position between food and drink, is very popular in vegetarian and healthy nutrition.

Melon smoothies - general cooking principles

To make the melon smoothie really tasty, it is important to choose the right fruit for the preparation of the drink. How to choose a ripe melon:

• by color: it is bright yellow or golden;

• by density: when pressed against a ripe fruit, it is noticeably served under the fingers, pressed through;

• by smell: ripe melon exudes a fresh, sweetish, recognizable aroma.

If the fetus has a tail, it is immature. The situation can be corrected if you let the melon lie down at home for 4-5 days.

To make a smoothie out of melon, peel and peel it. Make mashed potatoes with a powerful blender, diluting it with juice, milk, kefir. Watermelons, pears, peaches, cucumbers, lemons go well with melons. All this can be added to the drink, regulating the taste, texture.

Banana Melon Smoothie

Very tasty is the combination of melon and ripe banana. This smoothie is nutritious and perfect for a snack during the day or a light dinner. Fresh aroma and delicate texture enhance the mood and the body likes it very much.


• a pound of melon pulp;

• two ripe bananas;

• two glasses of drinking yogurt or kefir.

Cooking method:

Peel the melon, cut into small pieces.

Peel the bananas.

Put fruits in a blender, pour in yogurt.

Beat the melon smoothie until smooth for 1-2 minutes.

Pour into glasses and drink a nutritious treat with pleasure.

Melon Orange Smoothie

Citrus aroma and signature orange acidity combine very well with melon puree. It turns out a thick, delicious vitamin drink that improves mood and improves health.


• four hundred grams of melon pulp;

• an incomplete glass of orange juice;

• a tablespoon of honey (optional).

Cooking method:

Cut a piece of melon peeled from seeds and peel into small pieces and put in a blender.

Cut the oranges into halves and squeeze the juice.

Pour a glass of orange juice into the bowl.

Add 3-4 ice cubes and beat until a soft, thick drink is obtained.

If you want the taste to be sweeter, add a spoonful of honey.

Melon, grapefruit and cucumber smoothie

The composition of this melon smoothie seems to include completely incompatible components: cucumber and grapefruit. But it turns out a gentle drink with a thin fresh and tropical bright note. It is incredibly useful, has a beneficial effect on the state of the immune system, calms and fills with healthy energy. Drink this smoothie in the morning or at lunch time to feel a surge of strength.


• a pound of melon without peel;

• large cucumber;

• two glasses of grapefruit juice;

• three to four leaves of fresh mint;

• five ice cubes.

Cooking method:

Wash the cucumbers, carefully remove the peel, take out the seeds.

Cut the cucumbers into small slices, put in a blender.

Cut the peel from the melon, cut it as finely as the cucumbers, also put in the bowl.

Squeeze juice from grapefruits, pour into a blender.

Pour ice, put mint.

Beat the mixture to a puree state. This smoothie is thick, dense.

Pour the drink into glasses. You can put a piece of ice on the bottom of each.

Banana and Peach Melon Smoothie

Soft ripe peaches are great for melon smoothies. Harmonious taste, pleasant color and soft, uniform consistency - that’s why you can fall in love with a drink.


• four hundred grams of peeled melon;

• two ripe bananas;

• two large peaches;

• ice (optional).

Cooking method:

Take a stone out of peaches.

Peel the bananas.

Finely chopped peeled melon.

Put the fruit in a blender, mashed.

If the smoothie seems too thick, add some mineral water or ice.

Melon and Watermelon Smoothie

The combination of the most summer “berries” is interesting in taste, texture and color. Having bought a watermelon and a melon, try to make a smoothie out of them with a bright aroma and delicate taste. The drink refreshes, tones, relieves fatigue.


• three hundred grams of melon pulp;

• three hundred grams of watermelon pulp;

• a spoonful of honey or sugar (optional).

Cooking method:

In separate bowls, cut watermelon and melon peeled and peeled.

Set aside two or three pieces from both cups.

Beat the remaining pieces separately in a mixer with honey or sugar: first beat the melon, then the watermelon. Do not mix!

Fill the glass with half melon pulp.

Then pour in the watermelon mass.

Lay on top slices of watermelon and melon.

Honey smoothie made from melon, figs and blackcurrant

Unusual taste and pleasant texture will surely appeal to lovers of healthy tasty drinks. Such a smoothie from a melon smells like the sun, in the summer, it gives the body a lot of healthy vitamins.


• three hundred grams of melon;

• one hundred grams of black currant;

• three figs;

• a tablespoon of honey;

• two leaves of fresh mint.

Cooking method:

Cut the ingredients into pieces.

Beat the berries and fruits in a blender with honey.

Pour the smoothies into glasses.

Rub mint in your hands and put a leaf in each glass.

Cinnamon Melon and Peach Smoothie

By adding spices to smoothies and melons, you can experiment with tastes. Cinnamon is well suited for such experiments if you love it. Together with chocolate chips it turns out not just a healthy drink, but a sumptuous summer dessert.


• three hundred grams of melon;

• two fig peaches;

• five ice cubes;

• two teaspoons of chocolate chips;

• A third of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Rinse the peaches, take out the stone.

Dice the melon.

Throw ice into the blender bowl and turn on the appliance to get ice chips.

Put pieces of melon and halves of peaches in a bowl, add cinnamon and drive everything to a homogeneous consistency.

Spread the air mass into glasses.

Garnish each serving with chocolate chips.


Melon and lemon smoothie

Lemon and melon are a good combination of tastes. Smoothie is useful for children and adults, strengthens the immune system, gives vitality and good mood.


• a pound of melon;

• lime;

• lemon;

• three tablespoons of powdered sugar or sugar;

• sprig of mint.

Cooking method:

Peel and chop the melon.

Scald lemon and lime with boiling water, discuss.

Squeeze citrus juice.

Put melon cubes in a blender bowl, pour lemon and lime juice.

Cut the washed peppermint.

Put icing sugar and peppermint.

Whip until smooth, airy consistency.

Pour into glasses and serve.

Melon smoothie with raspberries and oranges

The combination of berries and melon aroma, enhanced by orange acidity and a honey note, will present a real pleasure. You can add crushed ice to the smoothie and drink it on a hot summer day. In this case, add some more honey.


• two hundred grams of melon;

• a glass of fresh or frozen raspberries;

• two oranges;

• a large tablespoon of honey.

Cooking method:

Cut the melon into pieces, put it in a bag and send it to the freezer for an hour and a half.

Squeeze the juice from the oranges.

Put frozen melon and berries in a blender.

Add honey and juice.

Beat everything until smooth.

At the bottom of the glasses, put a piece of ice, fill in a smoothie of melon and berries and enjoy the taste.

Kiwi and Melon Milk Smoothie

The pleasant green color and fantastic fresh taste of this smoothie option will certainly make it one of the most beloved family drinks. Instead of soy vanilla milk, you can take cow's milk and put a little vanilla.


• three hundred grams of melon;

• four kiwis;

• half a liter of soy vanilla milk;

• lemon;

• five leaves of mint.

Cooking method:

Pre-cool the milk in the freezer.

Peel the kiwi.

Peel the melon and cut into small cubes.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.

Fold the ingredients in a blender and beat for about five minutes.

Pour the smoothies into the glasses and serve.

Melon Smoothies - Tips and Tricks

Melon goes well with avocados, whose taste is neutral. Try making smoothies with these ingredients. It will turn out unusual, not very sweet, but tender in consistency and very useful.

Melon is a surprisingly healthy berry. It has vitamins, minerals, pectins and other biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The benefits of this gourd are great:

• improves blood composition

• increases the level of hemoglobin;

• normalizes hormonal levels and the state of the nervous system;

• facilitates stressful periods;

• protects blood vessels from cholesterol, strengthening the cardiovascular system;

• heals the urinary system, kidneys;

• cleanses the intestines;

• improves digestion;

• possesses antiparasitic properties.

Smoothies from melons will help to recover after surgery, they will prevent atherosclerosis. Men will be helped to restore potency, and women will have a rejuvenating effect.

To drink smoothies it was more pleasant, you can cool the glasses before serving in the refrigerator. Ice in the composition will not be needed, and you can give a drink to children without fear of colds.


Watch the video: Spiced Mango and Bitter Melon Smoothie (June 2024).