Qigong morning exercises are for body and soul. Principles of Qigong morning exercises: effective exercises, how to do them correctly


Qigong gymnastics is one of the most ancient spiritual and physical esoteric practices. This kind of healing physical education owes its origin to China. The basis of this practice is the idea of ​​the existence of some Chi energy.

According to the beliefs of the Chinese "adepts", qigong is energy that is distributed everywhere. This mystical substance reaches a particularly high concentration in the human body, and it is the described gymnastics that allows you to correctly direct energy. Qi balance is the foundation of health and longevity.

Not everyone likes the mystical interpretations of ordinary physical exercises. However, in any case, qigong gymnastics has proven effective in healing. What exercises should be done?

The simplest exercises of morning exercises of qigong

These exercises are great for beginner practitioners. It is recommended to perform the complex immediately after awakening in order to stabilize the energy centers.

Qigong Complex No. 1

1) Take a vertical position. Get up straight, relax your muscles. The legs can be placed at shoulder level, you can slightly wider. Take a breath. As the lungs fill with air, slowly raise both hands until the limbs reach shoulder level. Now you need to exhale. Keep your hands in the same position. Slowly and smoothly bend your knees and crouch slightly. While the lungs are not empty - hold a position, and then return to its original position.

2) The exercise is identical. The main difference is that when you exhale, you should lower your hands to your knees.

In both exercises, the back should be flat and relaxed.

3) Get up straight. Feet apart slightly wider than shoulders. Take a position on your bent knees. Take a breath. As you inhale, spread your arms, spreading them apart, as if wanting to hug someone. The breath should be as deep as possible, as the lungs allow. Now you need to exhale. As you exhale, your hands close and touch each other's palms. It is imperative that the breath does not go astray. The exercise is performed slowly and thoughtfully. Focus on the chest.

4) Take an identical position on the bent knees. Raise your hands slowly over your head and close in the lock. Carefully spread the upper limbs to the side. Make pendulum movements left and right, imitating a tree swinging in the wind. The center of gravity should constantly shift from the right foot to the left.

5) Stand on the legs bent at the knees. Cross both arms in the suprapubic region. Take a breath. After that you need to straighten your legs sharply, stand up to your full height and raise your crossed arms above your head as high as possible.

6) Squat slightly on bent knees. Straighten one of the hands in front of you. The palm should look up. Now you need to freeze in that position. After, twisting movements of the body to the right and left are made. Change arm and repeat the same exercise.

7) Take an identical pose. Relax the body, hang your arms and leave in that position. On inhalation, bring the upper limbs as far as possible behind the back and touch each other with palms. Then sharply return the hands to their original position and bend them at the elbows. Thus, the arms make an arcuate motion.

8) Stand on straight legs. Hands hang freely along the torso. Put your hands on your knees. One hand on inhalation should be straightened in front of you. Then repeat the same with the other hand. It is necessary to make movements continuously, one after the other.

9) Bend your knees slightly. Get up straight and relax. According to the account "one" (on inspiration) turn the torso to the right. At this time, the knees should be fully extended, the right hand raised above the head, the left hand bent at the elbow, reaching the chest level. Turn your head to the right. Now the same thing needs to be done the other way, changing hands.

The correct position of the legs when doing exercises of morning exercises of qigong is shown in the photo

Qigong Complex No. 2

1) Get up straight. Hands make a smooth upward movement. The palms should be turned back, scooping motion. Now rotate the forearms along the axis so that the inside of the palm is facing forward. Lower both hands to their original position. Exercise to perform 18 times.

2) Take the correct position on the bent knees. Raise both hands to chest level. The palms are looking at each other. Then you need to imagine that you have an invisible ball in your hands. With characteristic movements, toss and roll the ball from hand to hand. It is carried out within 3 minutes.

3) The third exercise must be performed on slightly bent knees. Then you need to imagine that you are holding a large ball. In this position, raise your arms to chest level. The essence of the exercise is a significant static load, which, paradoxically, promotes relaxation. The duration of the task is 10-15 minutes. Time should be increased gradually. It is important that all parts of the body are in a state of relaxation.

The benefits of the described exercise complexes

The described complexes of morning exercises of qigong contribute to the solution of several problems at once.

• Help normalize blood circulation in the upper and lower extremities. Blood stasis leads to the development of diseases.

• Strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

• Help develop stretch marks.

• Beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

• Contribute to the general rejuvenation of the body.

Gymnastic exercises presented in complexes No. 1 and No. 2 are shown to beginners. They need to be done in the morning, preferably before noon. So the effect will be maximum.

The most effective qigong gym exercises

The described exercises are recommended for people who know the basics of qigong. They require more physical development and may be difficult for beginners. However, if you wish, you can still perform them.

Gymnastics complex №1

1) Get up straight. Bend your knees in half, legs apart at a distance slightly wider than the shoulders. Now you need to bend your elbows and place so that the fingers of one hand are looking at the fingers of the other hand. The shoulders are lowered and form a single line. In this position, you must stay for 15 minutes. At first it is extremely difficult, but with a little practice, you can achieve significant results. Exercise strengthens skeletal muscle.

2) Get in an identical pose. Now, hands on inhalation need to be parted in the shoulders, as if preparing for a hug. As you exhale, return your hands to their original position. Perform the exercise for 6 minutes. The movements should be continuous and at the same time smooth.

3) Get up. The legs are bent at the knees, hands clenched into fists and bent at the elbows, as if wishing to prevent the bleeding after an intravenous injection. The upper limbs are motionless. According to the account, "one" take a deep breath, while unbending your legs and straightening to full height. On account of the "two" exhale and return to the starting position.

4) Perform the same exercise, hold your hands on your knees.

5) Stand on slightly bent legs. Raise your arms above your head. Now you need to make a sharp cotton movement, slightly hitting your palms on the stomach. If you believe the instructions, such an exercise has a good effect on energy centers.

6) Take an identical position. Then spread your arms to the sides. First, with your right hand, and then with your left hand, slap your stomach, in the solar plexus.

These exercises help tone muscles, strengthen the cardiovascular system and promote normal digestion.

Qigong gymnastics complex No. 2

1) The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, arms hang freely along the body. The upper limbs bend sharply and place in the chest area. This movement is made on inspiration. On exhalation, the limbs return to their original position.

Exercise is good for the kidneys.

2) Make the same movement, and after it is identical, only put your hands on your stomach. At the end, outstretched arms are spread apart.

3) Take a stable pose on bent legs. Now, according to the “one” account, straighten your arms sharply and raise your palms, as if wishing to stop an invisible obstacle. The movement should be sharp, with tension in the muscles of the hands. So the effect will be maximum.

4) Take an identical pose. Take a ball or ball in each hand. According to the “times” count, the right hand rises above the head, the other hand drops down. Change hand and repeat the same. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the spine and ligaments of the hands.

5) Perform an exercise similar to task number 3. The difference is that this time the hands are wide apart right and left. It is important that you move as quickly and decisively as possible so that your arms are tense.

6) Get on all fours and take a pose, as if you are going to do push-ups. On inhalation, straighten your back as much as possible. Reaching hard. On exhalation, return to the original position. Exercise effectively heals the spine.

7) Take a stable position. Hands make a pushing movement. Repeat 12 times.

These two complexes are enough to improve the body and keep it in good shape.

An effective complex is also presented in the video of morning qigong exercises:

Contraindications for practicing qigong gymnastics

Despite its effectiveness and comparative simplicity, qigong is not suitable for everyone. What are the contraindications:

• A history of mental disorders.

• Disorders of the psyche of a borderline nature (neurosis).

• Defects and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

• Hematologic pathologies.

• Joint deformities with arthritis and arthrosis.

• Recently suffered injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Persons who have at least one contraindication from those presented are strictly forbidden to practice qigong.

How to do morning exercises qigong

• You need to start the day with exercise. This is axiomatic.

• It is important to practice every day. Regularity is the key to efficiency.

• At the end of classes, it is recommended to take a warm shower. Cold water is contraindicated.

• After class, you can’t eat for half an hour.

• No need to be too zealous. The main criterion for the improper execution of complexes is sweat “hail”. This should not be. Qigong is by no means a strength exercise.

• It is recommended that you close your eyes when doing exercises.

• Best practice outdoors. If this is not possible, the room should be well ventilated.

• Each exercise is performed 10-15 times with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions.

Following the recommendations, a person will be able to maintain health and youth for a very long time.


Watch the video: 7-Minute Shaolin Workout With Shaolin Monk Wang Bo: "Internal Exercises" (June 2024).