Dry wine: the benefits and harms of an alcoholic beverage made from grapes. Why is dry wine useful and to whom can it harm?


The world is divided into those who are calm about alcohol and those who see it as an exceptional evil.

Useful or harmful dry wine - this is the question about which the spears break.

Dry wine - red and white

Dry grape wine is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world. It is made from various grape varieties, so the taste, color and compatibility with the products of the wine vary. You can use it with cheese, meat, poultry, sweet fruits.

The strength of dry wine is average - from 9 to 13 degrees, calories - about 75 kcal per 100 ml of drink. Dry is a wine in which there is little sugar - up to 3 g / dm³. This is a feature of the production of the drink: in the process, sugar evaporates. Wine is produced by pressure of grapevine berries and fermentation of the obtained raw materials.

It is believed that red wine is made from red or black grapes, and white - from white grapes. In fact, white dry is often made from pink or red varieties, but without skin. It is the skin that colors the drink, and the grape flesh itself, full of juice, has a light color.

Is it possible to drink dry wine without fear of harming your liver, heart, hormonal system? It is possible if there are no chronic diseases. Scientists believe that the daily norm for a woman is no more than one and a half glasses of wine with a volume of 125 ml. Men can drink 2 of the same glasses a day. But weekly you need to give your body a break from alcohol: at least two, at least one day, do not drink wine at all.

The benefits of dry red wine

Long-term studies of the benefits of dry red wine showed that this drink really has almost healing properties. What are the beneficial qualities of the drink? Here is a list of proven merits of dry red wine.

1. Life expectancy is increased due to the content of resveratrol, a powerful plant antioxidant substance. Some scientists believe that resveratrol is almost a panacea for all diseases, especially those related to age. The substance is contained in the skin of grapes and its seeds, and therefore wine from crushed whole raw materials is more useful than made from pulp alone. In addition, quercetin, another natural antioxidant, has a positive effect on health.

2. The heart strengthens, and the vessels maintain their elasticity due to the presence of procyanides in dry wine - special substances found in wine tannins. In addition, scientists have found that if a person moderately, without exceeding the permissible norm, drinks dry red wine, then the risk of a heart attack decreases significantly.

3. Improving memory, especially short-term. In addition, wine has a positive effect on the brain areas responsible for emotions and the ability to perceive new information, that is, to learn.

4. Visual acuity improves, the risk of developing age-related cataracts decreases.

5. The risk of developing cancer is reduced - and again thanks to resveratrol. This substance blocks the transformation of the cell into a pathological one.

6. The level of bad cholesterol is also reduced. Done healthy people who took part in one of the experiments, after drinking wine found a drop in this indicator by 9 percent compared with their pre-experimental state. But for those who suffer from high cholesterol, its level completely fell by 12 percent.

7. The condition of the oral mucosa improves, and the risk of tooth decay is reduced. It turns out that wine destroys the bacterial flora, which negatively affects the health of the oral cavity.

Recall the Middle Ages: wounds were burned with boiling wine to prevent blood poisoning. Wine was added to water to destroy pathogenic microflora. The benefit of dry wine is also that it prevents colds. Those who regularly drink a glass or two are less likely to get SARS and the flu.

The benefits of dry white wine

A lot of good can be said about white dry wine. It also has a number of useful properties that help prevent various ailments. The benefits of dry wine are as follows:

• disinfects water, destroying microbes, bacteria, typhoid and cholera pathogens;

• helps to recover faster from gastrointestinal upsets;

• prevents infection with hepatitis A and the five main types of influenza;

• prevents cardiovascular diseases by producing lipoproteins that increase the level of "good" cholesterol;

• helps to normalize salt balance, which is important for people who travel frequently;

• relieves depression, reducing stress levels;

• along with food helps to be better absorbed by many beneficial substances contained in food, such as iron;

• strengthens the immune system, does not allow the development of vitamin deficiency;

• like dry red wine, improves memory and thinking processes.

Dry white wine is useful as a prevention of Alzheimer's disease and the development of atherosclerosis. Another question is that it is wine that needs to be drunk, not tinted wine powder. Cheap drinks disguised as wine only harm the body. Dry wine should be natural, made from grape berries and properly labeled.

Which wine is healthier: red or white?

The answer to this question is quite simple. Both this and the other wine can be useful if it:

1. present, that is, it is made according to the correct technology from pure raw materials, and is not a wine substitute;

2. Used in the recommended dosage, and not drunk in liters every day.

Yes, there is a slight difference between the red and white grades of the dry drink. So, in red wine a little more than the unique substance of resveratrol, but the key word here is a little (in white wine it is also present). Red wine has a little more magnesium and potassium.

If we talk about the difference, then in red wine there is, for example, a coloring drink lutein, which is absent in white wine. In addition, red varieties are stronger than white in degrees, and this makes the latter more safe for health.

But by and large, there is no particular difference between dry wines, since the allowable amount reduces all the nuances to zero. The volume of 1-2 glasses is too small for the difference to be any noticeable. So you need to drink the drink that gives greater pleasure. And the benefits of dry wine in red or white are about the same.

Harm from dry wine

No need to perceive information about the beneficial qualities of wine as a recommendation for its use for preventive purposes. There are other ways of healing that should not be discounted.

The harm from dry wine can be considerable. A drink is especially dangerous if you have the following diagnoses:

• diabetes;

• gout;

• chronic diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver;

• allergy to plant pollen.

With breastfeeding, wine is contraindicated, but with gestation there is a certain period for which the gynecologist will not mind one glass in order to relieve uterine tone. It is clear that pregnant women can drink wine only if the gynecologist permits.

Do not risk your health with a penchant for hereditary alcoholism. It is dangerous to exceed the dose recommended by doctors or turn libations into a vicious system. Abuse will lead to damage to the liver, heart, destruction of the psyche.


Watch the video: Benefits Of Red Wine and Resveratrol To Fight Heart Disease and Cancer (June 2024).