Canned peas: useful properties of the product for the body. Canned peas: contraindications


It is hard to imagine a festive table without Olivier with canned peas. After all, it is he who gives the salad a special taste and aroma. Few people realize that canned peas give the body invaluable benefits. The product contains vitamins and minerals that are important for human health.

Can tinned peas do harm? Maybe if you buy a low-quality product with an expired shelf life.

The composition of canned peas and its calorie content

Canned peas, the benefits of which are beyond doubt, are often included in the menu of various methods of weight loss. This is not surprising, because the product has a small energy value. It is also important to note that by including it daily in your diet, a person will give the body the necessary daily intake of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

The calorie content of 100 grams of canned peas is 53 Kcal. We can conclude that this product is not able to harm the figure.

The composition of canned peas contains:

• disaccharides and monosaccharides;

• alimentary fiber;

• ash;

• unsaturated fatty acids;

• from vitamins - PP, group B, A, K, E, ascorbic acid, as well as beta carotene;

• from mineral compounds - iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, etc.

Canned peas: beneficial properties for the body

Looking at the composition of a product, all doubts about its usefulness disappear. During the conservation process, peas do not lose vitamins and minerals, which are important for the normal functioning of all internal systems of the body. This product is useful to eat for absolutely everyone, including those who want to lose weight.

Canned peas: beneficial properties for the human body

1. This is an excellent diuretic. Canned peas are especially useful for those who have kidney stones or other problems associated with this organ. The product literally "makes" the kidneys work better.

2. The presence of potassium and magnesium in the composition allows you to normalize the functioning of blood vessels and heart muscle. Those people who regularly eat green peas have a reduced risk of stroke and heart attack.

3. Few people know that to cope with a hangover, not only pickles and pickle will help. Canned peas also cope with this problem.

4. Canned peas contain vitamin B1 - this makes it an excellent anti-stress remedy. Canned peas copes with emotional stress, restores calm. In addition, it is recommended to eat before bedtime for those who suffer from insomnia.

5. I act on the liver, it removes toxins, toxins, and other accumulations of harmful substances from organisms. As a result, digestive processes are normalized, as well as intestinal motility.

6. The product has a lot of fiber, which helps normalize blood cholesterol levels.

7. Vitamin A contained in the composition allows you to strengthen nails, improve the condition of hair, skin.

It turns out that canned peas are much healthier than many people think. However, do not forget that no matter how many vitamins a product contains, you should not overeat them.

Canned peas: contraindications and harm

Canned peas can harm the body only in two cases:

• if the product is poor quality, the expiration date has expired;

• if you eat it too much (fraught with bloating, obstruction of the intestine).

It is important to remember that everything useful should be in moderation.

Canned peas are a very valuable product for the human diet, however, as it turned out, not everyone is allowed to eat it.

Canned peas: contraindications

1. The product is not recommended for people with colitis;

2. prohibited during flatulence;

3. prohibited in the presence of individual intolerance to the product.

You can’t eat too much canned peas with urolithiasis, otherwise an attack of renal colic may occur, spontaneous sand will begin to leave the urinary tract.

Canned peas have few contraindications, but in any case you need to know them in order to avoid negative consequences for your body.

Quality requirements

An experienced hostess always knows a few "secrets" that help her in buying quality products. There are some nuances that are important when choosing canned peas.

1. It is advisable to eat the product not in cans, but in glass jars. So you can immediately see the size of the pea, the state of its maturity, the color of the fill. It is important to know that a cloudy fill does not mean that the product is spoiled, it only indicates the presence of a large amount of starch in the composition.

2. On sale canned peas can be found in three varieties - top, table and first. Of course, it is best to take exactly the highest grade. In such a jar, the hostess will meet no more than 6% of the crushed grains.

3. If a white precipitate is visible at the bottom of the can, it is not recommended to buy such a product. Precipitate suggests that the producer of canned peas violated the technology of its preparation and spin. Too transparent filling is also bad, the “ideal” appearance indicates the presence of preservatives in the composition.

4. Be sure to pay attention to the composition, which should be indicated on the label. There should be nothing but sugar, water, salt and, of course, the peas themselves.

These basic requirements for the quality of the product should take "note" every housewife.

How to cook canned peas at home

In order to “give away” canned peas of useful properties to the body as much as possible, you need to cook it at home yourself. Only in this case, you can be completely confident in the quality of the product. The main rule is the perfect cleanliness of the work surface and utensils for the workpiece.

Step-by-step process for preparing canned peas

1. Remove the green pea grains from the pods, put them in a colander and rinse thoroughly under cold water.

2. Pour water into a convenient saucepan - add 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter. Boil.

3. The peas washed in advance are placed in salted boiling water.

4. After 5 minutes, the peas can already be laid out in banks, no need to reach the edge. Then salted boiling water is poured there.

5. 1/3 teaspoon of vinegar is added to each jar, the containers are clogged. Be sure to first sterilize the lids.

Such canned peas after cooling are placed in the refrigerator. It can be added to soups, salads, other dishes, or just eat it. The maximum shelf life is 3-4 weeks, it is not recommended to hold the product longer, as it may deteriorate or lose all its useful properties.

Tasty canned peas will not be superfluous on the festive table, both in the salad and as an independent dish. If you eat it a little every day, you can avoid some health problems. The main thing is to choose only a high-quality product in the store, or to cook it yourself.


Watch the video: The Good & Bad News of Eating Spinach (June 2024).