Female opinion: 10% of Russians hold a Christmas post and 45% would like


Due to the wide spread of the New Year, many Russians forgot about another winter holiday, much more important for everyone who considers himself a Christian - about Christmas. In Europe, it is still Christmas (celebrated on December 25) that is considered the main holiday of winter. It is at Christmas time that family lunches and dinners are arranged and gifts are presented. A lot of traditions are connected with it; in every country it is celebrated in its own way. Christmas is preceded by a post. In Russia, where this Christian holiday is celebrated on January 7, the last week of fasting just falls on a tumultuous feast dedicated to the New Year - a real temptation for religious people.

The Women's Opinion portal found out how many Orthodox women have enough willpower to hold the Christmas post.

4.7% of women have enough willpower and religious zeal to keep the strictest fasting every year. A few more respondents (6%) hold the post partially - this is permissible for new Christians, the sick, the elderly and young mothers. A very small percentage - 1.3% replied that they usually fast, but this year they did not succeed due to various reasons.

44.8% answered that they would like to fast, but do not do it because they do not know about it in advance and do not want to start fasting belatedly. Many are not aware of how to keep a post. Given this information, most women would fast not only out of religious feelings, but also to improve their health and appearance.

43.2% replied that they didn’t have such a desire at all: “I have never complied and am not going to deny myself anything during the holidays,” they say.

As can be seen from the survey, Russians belong to one of the most important Christian posts very superficially. Some come up with excuses for themselves: they find illnesses or believe that in fasting they become irritable, which means it’s better not to fast at all.

Modern medicine, on the contrary, finds a temporary transition to lean food - very useful for the body. For most people, with the exception of special categories (nursing mothers, people with underweight or serious illnesses) - nutrition restriction makes it possible to cleanse the body of excess fat and wastes, normalize digestion and metabolism, and feel a special taste for life.

The survey involved 3190 people from 20 to 45 years old, from 127 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Do All Women Think the Same? (July 2024).