Female opinion: if you go to the monastery, then only in the male!


Maya predicted the end of the world in 2012. In connection with the approaching hour "X", many people think about what awaits us on the other side of life, and in search of an answer they strike religion. Going to the monastery as a search for the meaning of life and death is a difficult and responsible step towards God. From ancient times, Russian tsars exiled unwanted women and bored wives to monasteries. But it is unlikely that forcible imprisonment in a holy place could arouse strong religious feelings in them. The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out whether modern women are willing to voluntarily exchange worldly vanity for monastic solitude in the monastery.

Despite the fact that the end of the world is already on the nose, women continue to remain optimistic and are not in a hurry to become nuns. More than half - 59.2% - answered "No, I never wanted to go to the monastery." Periodically, such a desire arises in 23.6% of respondents, but then something stops them. Obviously, the decision is purely emotional. And this is good: because if they once gather their courage, a devastating blow will be dealt to the country's demographic situation.

15.5% not only believe in a bright future after the end of the world, but also appreciate the other joys of life, and therefore believe that if you go to a monastery, then it’s a man’s! Perhaps comments are unnecessary here.

Only 1.7% of the women surveyed in all seriousness decided to leave for the monastery sooner or later.

The survey showed that Russian women are aware of the seriousness of this act, but almost none of them feel the degree of despair when there is nowhere to go and help to find nowhere except in the monastery.

Among other things, during the survey it turned out that many consider the monastery a sect, which must certainly be written off all the property, starting with the apartment and ending with a toothbrush. Someone is afraid that there will have to work from dawn to dawn. Others, on the contrary, consider the monastery a kind of sanatorium.

In fairness, it should be noted that you most likely will not succeed in immediately leaving for the monastery as a nun. First, you will be offered to live there as a pilgrim or novice so that you can get to know the monastery lifestyle more closely and decide whether you make the right decision.

The survey was conducted among 2330 women from 102 cities of Russia from 20 to 45 years old.


Watch the video: He Wants You (June 2024).