Pumpkin Muffins - Sunny Baking! Pumpkin Diet, Classic, and Dessert Recipes


Pumpkin-filled muffins - a recipe well known. Using gentle pulp, they achieve a more voluminous taste of baking, despite the fact that, having correctly balanced the amount of sugar, they get sweet and relatively low-calorie cupcakes. Such a sweet is good for hot tea and is highly recommended for improving the general condition of the digestive system.

Pumpkin Muffins - General Cooking Principles

• Dough for such muffins is cooked on pumpkin puree. It is prepared from raw or soft pumpkin pulp softened during cooking. To grind a raw vegetable, use a fine grater or a blender. The boiled pumpkin is ground through a metal sieve or mashed in a blender.

• The consistency of the dough for pumpkin muffins is semi-liquid. Eggs, flour, a cultivator and vegetable fats are always put in it. The classic recipe involves the use of olive oil. Instead, they also use sunflower, but only very high quality. The taste of baked products depends on this.

• When mixing the dough, it is advisable to follow the general rules for its preparation. At first, loose and separately mixed bulk - liquid components. Then the bulk mixture is introduced into the liquid base and, achieving uniformity, is mixed with a spoon. Do not whisk or knead for a long time, otherwise the structure of the baked product will be violated.

• For baking use small molds made of silicone or metal. Silicone containers do not need preliminary preparation before use. A thin layer of vegetable oil is necessarily applied to the bottom and walls of metal molds. Muffins are often baked in special paper cups, which are oiled and placed in special stands.

• The time and temperature of baking depends on the recipe. On average, products are prepared from 15 minutes to half an hour. The readiness of the muffins is checked, as in the case of biscuit pastries, punctures with a thin wooden stick in the highest place. She should not stick after that.

• Muffins, in contrast to muffins, are obtained nostril and airy, less caloric and light.

A simple recipe for pumpkin muffins with nuts


• wheat flour - 300 gr.;

• 400 gr. pulp of ripe juicy pumpkin;

• 250 gr. sugar

• factory cultivator for the preparation of dough - 2 tsp;

• four eggs;

• three walnuts;

• a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

• a glass of quality vegetable or olive oil;

• incomplete handful of peeled pumpkin seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Wash medium-sized vegetables well under warm water with a brush. Remove the stalk and seeds with fibers, cut into slices. Then cut the peel from each piece, leaving only a bright flesh. Be sure to cut the green layer, it has no taste.

2. Cut the separated pulp into large cubes and chop in a puree with a blender. Add sugar, a small pinch of fine salt, eggs and, stirring with a spoon, bring to uniformity.

3. Peel the nuts. Chop the kernels finely, and lightly fry the nut crumbs in a dry frying pan.

4. Pour cinnamon with a cultivator into a bowl of flour and transfer it twice on a sieve.

5. Pour the flour mixture into the pumpkin mass, add the roasted nut crumbs, mix. Pour in vegetable oil and knead the dough with a blender.

6. Fill 3/4 molds greased with butter with the cooked pumpkin dough and put in the oven for 25 minutes. About five minutes before cooking, sprinkle with peeled seeds.

Pumpkin Muffins with Cheese


• pumpkin pulp - 350 gr.;

• three spoons of 20% sour cream;

• one egg;

• 150 gr. cheese of any hard variety;

• 250 gr. flour, preferably premium;

• fine salt - 0.5 tsp;

• one and a half teaspoons of ripper;

• a couple of spoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Free the vegetable from seeds, loose pulp and peel. Grind the hard flesh on a fine grater and mix with a raw egg.

2. Add sour cream, small cheese crumbs, salt according to the recipe and mix well again.

3. Pour twice sifted flour, add a cultivator to it, stir. Do not knead for a long time, as soon as the mass is sufficiently homogeneous, immediately spread it in the molds greased with vegetable oil and place in a hot oven.

4. Bake snack muffins for no more than half an hour at 180 degrees.

Classic Pumpkin Muffin Recipe


• pulp of ripe pumpkin - 300 gr.;

• a large spoon of sugar;

• ripper - 2 tsp;

• one and a half cups of wheat flour;

• two tablespoons of vegetable, highly refined oil;

• for decoration - pumpkin seeds (peeled).

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into slices of arbitrary size and boil in slightly boiling water for about 10 minutes. Gather in a colander, cool and beat in a puree with a blender. You can grind the softened pulp on a sieve.

2. Add salt to the cooked puree, pour sugar. Enter the flour sifted with the cultivator, pour in the vegetable oil and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

3. Lubricate prepared dry molds with plenty of oil and fill with dough to half.

4. Decorate the surface with finely chopped pumpkin seeds and bake in a preheated oven, 25 minutes, when heated 200 degrees.

5. Cool the finished baking slightly, free from the tins and serve.

Curd pumpkin muffins with nuts and raisins


• low-fat elastic cottage cheese - 400 gr.;

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 400 gr. dense juicy pumpkin pulp, without peel;

• 50 gr. sugar

• 60 gr. oatmeal "Hercules";

• light raisins - 60 grams;

• 100 gr. low-fat kefir;

• peanuts or walnuts - 50 gr.;

• a quarter of a spoon of soda;

• ground cinnamon in powder - 1.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Finely grate the pulp of a pumpkin, grind oatmeal into flour.

2. Put the cottage cheese in the pumpkin mass, pour in the eggs, add the oatmeal and sugar, stir until smooth with a mixer.

3. Separately, add and slightly shake the kefir in soda, soak for a quarter of an hour, then pour into a bowl to the mixed ingredients, add cinnamon, scalded with boiling water raisins and mix.

4. Distribute the dough into greased tins, filling them only 2/3 of the volume, and place on a baking sheet. In order for the products to bake evenly, do not put the forms close, there should be a small distance between them.

5. Garnish the surface with nuts and set the baking sheet for 40 minutes at an average level of the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins


• three eggs;

• a teaspoon of finely ground cinnamon;

• 100 gr. dark sugar;

• liquid honey - 4 tbsp. l .;

• 300 gr. white baking flour;

• 100 ml of non-aromatic sunflower oil;

• a small bag of ready-made cultivator for baking;

• 120 ml of kefir, medium fat;

• one and a half glasses of pumpkin puree (300 gr. Pulp);

• a large bar of dark or milk chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the sifted flour with cinnamon and a cultivator. Add sugar and mix again.

2. Pour the pulp of pumpkin, chopped into cubes, with cold water and boil with a slight boil until soft. Strain the broth, dry the pumpkin well, put it on a sieve, and then grind it in mashed potatoes. Measure out one and a half glasses and transfer to a large bowl.

3. Pour kefir and butter into pumpkin puree, add honey and eggs, mix.

4. Pour the flour combined with the loose components and, quickly stirring with a spoon, prepare a thin dough.

5. On the bottom and walls of the molds, apply a thin layer of butter and put in each spoonful of pumpkin dough, then a small square of chocolate and again a spoonful of dough.

6. Place the tins on the baking sheet and place in the hot (about 200 degrees) oven for a quarter of an hour.

7. Serve such muffins preferably hot until the chocolate filling has frozen.

Fragrant pumpkin muffins with delicate lemon cream


• high-quality wheat flour - 350 gr.;

• 300 gr. peeled and peeled pumpkin seeds;

• a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• refined oil - 175 ml;

• large lemon;

• two tablespoons of 20% sour cream;

• 100 gr. powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut pumpkin flesh into cubes and beat with a blender together with eggs until pasty.

2. Measure the flour, combine it with cinnamon and a cultivator, transfer it. Add sugar and a pinch of fine salt, mix and add to the vegetable mixture.

3. Without whipping, stirring intensively with a spoon, knead a homogeneous dough and fill it with the prepared forms. Place them on a baking sheet, place in the oven and bake for about 25 minutes, maintaining a temperature of 180 degrees.

4. While the muffins are baking, prepare the cream. Scald lemon with boiling water, wipe dry with a towel, peel the zest with a fine grater, squeeze the juice.

5. Take a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice and mix it with a teaspoon of zest, add icing sugar, mix.

6. Carefully remove the slightly cooled baked goods from the molds and pour after the lemon lemon cream has completely cooled.

Pumpkin Muffins - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

• Pumpkin muffins can be prepared not only from fresh, but also from frozen vegetables. The product needs to be given time to thaw well and drain all the liquid before grinding.

• To make the products have a convex rounded top, do not grease the mold walls with oil, it reduces the rise of the dough during baking.

• After cooling, the surface of dessert pumpkin muffins can be decorated with cream or powdered sugar. Baking with chocolate filling - pour melted chocolate. Any decoration should be applied only to well-cooled products, otherwise the "beauty" will not hold.

• Peeled pumpkin seeds can be an excellent decoration for pumpkin muffin snacks. They are carefully laid out on the surface of the dough already laid out in forms.


Watch the video: Paleo Pumpkin Muffin Recipe (July 2024).