Chocolate helps cough


Chocolate can be used as an effective remedy for any type of cough, according to a new study by British scientists. They argue: the chemical compounds contained in this confectionery product can significantly reduce the symptoms of both chronic and acute cough.

The experts base their conclusions on an experiment conducted in 13 hospitals in the UK, where three hundred patients suffering from various types of cough were given twice a day for two weeks a chemical such as theobromine, which is one of the main components of chocolate and gets into it composition along with cocoa beans.

After a few days of taking theobromine in most patients, a decrease in the frequency of cough, as well as its symptoms, was recorded. The most tangible help from the use of this substance for the entire study period was received by 60% of people.

It is worth noting that earlier scientific works also speak about the ability of theobromine to counter cough. The last of them was recently held at the British National Heart and Lung Institute. Then experts suggested that the substance can block certain sensitive nerves in the human body, thereby stopping the cough reflex.

Based on the results of their scientific work, experts said that if chocolate is used as an antitussive, the most optimal daily dose for a person will be such a quantity of product that would contain 1000 mg of theobromine.

So, in 30 grams of dark chocolate there are about 450 mg of the substance, dark sweet about 150 mg, and milk - about 60 mg.


Watch the video: Chocolate is better than cough syrup, study says (July 2024).