Sex as an adventure and self-knowledge


Let's say our yes

Sex has long ceased to be a taboo subject in society. Sexuality is talked about in talk shows, sexual scandals are a favorite topic of journalists. And in all this there is so much lust, ambiguous hints. Maybe you should look at sex from the other side? Learning to use your sexuality?

Sex as a way of self-knowledge

The first timid attempts at communication at the sexual level often do not give the opportunity to feel the whole harmony of these relationships. To understand the desires of another person during sexual games, it is important to tune with him on the same wavelength. By connecting verbal communication to your actions, you will quickly find common ground. Sex is not only a physiological act, but a way to discover bodily sensations. Many erogenous points are dispersed over the entire surface of the skin, affecting which you can experience new impressions. A lengthy prelude immediately before sexual intercourse will allow you to get not only physical, but also moral satisfaction.

Sex as a way of emotional discharge

The bustle and restless rhythm of the city’s life are increasingly overloading people on an emotional level. Even at home, endless worries about work, family and children do not go out of my head. Having sex will be a great option for emotional discharge. Surrendering to the feeling with your whole being, you will drive your worries to the farthest plane. After sensual communication, you will feel bliss, forget about insignificant matters. Naturally, the problems will not go away, but you can look at them from the other side.

Sex as a way of liberation

If in ordinary life your role is reduced to constant submission, then sex is a good way to allow yourself to be liberated. Allow yourself to be the boss in bed - this will add to your confidence in everyday life. Or do you crave submission? Many people in leadership positions sometimes want to move to a different level during sexual intercourse.

Using sex toys will bring newness to your relationship. Do not be afraid to experiment with interesting details. Only your imagination limits your desires. This approach will make sex life rich and diverse.

Sex as a way of reconciliation

Is this situation familiar when, after a violent quarrel between partners, no less violent reconciliation occurs in bed? Sex is the best way to smooth out negative emotions, to reduce a quarrel to nothing. When you have sex, it doesn't matter why one of you forgot to buy a toothpaste today. During sex, you have the opportunity to reconcile not only with your partner, but also with yourself. All minor troubles and fears will go away.

Sex as a way of transformation

A pipe dream - theater stages and interesting roles? During sex, you can not only afford candid poses, but also be the hero of your dreams. The benefit of sex shops is replete with all kinds of erotic and thematic outfits. An interesting plot, an attractive costume, getting used to the role will undoubtedly take effect on both partners. Let sex be a little adventure. Romantic intimate atmosphere, pleasant aromas only whip up your desires.

In sexual relations, you can experiment indefinitely. The main thing is not to forget that harmony in sex can be achieved only on the basis of mutual respect and affection between partners.


Watch the video: Africa Before The BS Our True Origins - From Soul to People . u200d August Self Study (July 2024).