Or we are losing weight together, or ...


It turns out, according to research conducted by scientists at the American University of North Carolina, losing weight of one of the partners is quite capable of spoiling the relationship of the other if he refuses to support his half's desire for a healthy lifestyle.

Twenty-one American couples participated in the experiment, one of whose partners over the course of 2 years was able to lose more than 13 kg with the help of not only diets and physical exercises, but also medical intervention. The survey showed that thinning partners actively pushed their halves to a healthy lifestyle. Couples who compromise in this regard have increased emotional and physical closeness.

In other cases, where the losing partner was unable to achieve similar actions in his second half, the relationship deteriorated. Critical remarks, dissatisfaction with each other led to a decrease in sexual interest, as well as the manifestation of attempts to sabotage the weight loss of your partner by preparing junk food.


Watch the video: 6 simple ways to lose a little weight (June 2024).