Why dream leeches on the body, in water, hair. Why dream leeches on the interpretation of different dream books


If a worm dream is considered good, then leech dreams are interpreted negatively by most dream books. To understand the meaning of sleep, you need to recall its details and those feelings that the dreamer experienced in a dream and after waking up.

A leech in a dream is considered a symbol of blackmail, extortion.

Why dream leeches in the big dream book

To see leeches in a dream, but not to touch them - a warning that the dreamer has hidden or overt enemies. To get rid of them, you need to make incredible efforts. If you succeed in doing this, there is a chance to survive the attacks of enemies with the least loss of resources and nerves.

If a blood-sucking worms swim in a lake or riverIt is also an unfavorable dream. It means that current affairs will fail. In any case, to achieve the desired will not work.

Why dream leeches sucked to the body the dreamer? They symbolize everyday troubles, unpleasant, pulling forces duties or burdensome relationships. After the dream, you need to protect your nerves and take care of your mental health.

If the dreamer crushes leeches with his hands, then in reality he will be in trouble at work or in the family. Those close to you will betray or not support, colleagues will act cruelly and cause mental pain. Everything will so drastically deplete the nervous system, and it will need to be long and seriously restored.

If several fat leeches stick to the dreamer's body, he needs to be extremely careful over the next month. Such a dream warns of a serious danger associated with a risk to life.

Why dream of leeches on Freud's dream book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, leeches dreamed of by a woman mean reflections on motherhood. If worms swim in a river, puddle, lake, then the woman is obsessed with a clear or hidden desire to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

The dream has a similar meaning, in which the dreamer tries to put a leech to himself and to someone else. Such manipulations indicate a desire to become a mother or father.

If leeches dream of floating in a vessel of water (bottle, jar, saucepan), then in reality the dreamer overly cares about his own children. He literally does not allow them to live their own lives, to make independent decisions. Hyperopec will affect negatively.

Trying to catch a leech in a dream - This is a desire deeply hidden in the subconscious for intimacy with a minor.

Why dream of leeches on Miller’s dream book

The interpretation of sleep about leeches in this dream book is no different from the traditional one. Why dream of leeches on Miller? To the appearance in the life of the dreamer of unfriendly-minded people. In real life, they will intrigue, harm stealthily.

Put leeches on your body - a bad dream. This is a warning that the dreamer himself or one of his family members will fall ill soon. Seeing blood on the skin is a serious illness of a close relative.

A leech that sticks to the skin warns of some kind of danger. It is necessary to behave carefully, not to get involved in adventures, to abandon for the time being extreme trips and traumatic sports. If you take the prevention of sleep seriously, the dangers can be avoided or its consequences minimized.

Why dream leeches on a new family dream book

Leeches in a dream - a symbol that the dreamer has an enemy, which will not be easy to get rid of. Serious efforts will have to be made to get rid of his unfriendly attention and achieve his goals.

Leech treatment in a dream - bad dream. If the dreamer himself resorted to hirudotherapy, then this warns of an upcoming illness of someone from close relatives. If someone else uses leeches for medicinal purposes, then in real life the dreamer will quarrel with friends.

Why dream leeches on Hasse’s dream book

Leeches on the interpretation of this dream book - a symbolic representation of possible financial problems. Why dream leeches floating in a pond or crawling in an apartment? To serious difficulties in the financial sector. After such a dream, you need to wait for a trick from creditors. The interest on the loan will be unbearable, and the terms of the contract - bonded.

To see huge leeches, fat, glossy, bloated with blood - a very bad dream. In real life, you can become a victim of fraudsters, lose money invested, completely go broke or feel the other consequences of a financial collapse. Sleep warns: no money-related adventures! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Why dream leeches on the combined dream book

To dream of a seriously ill person, on whose body there are healing leeches, means in the near future to face a real disease. It can be a disease of a loved one, friend, relative.

Feel the pain of a bite of a leech means that in reality the dreamer will have to face insults. It will be very unpleasant and will deprive of peace of mind for a long time.

Why dream of leeches, which are clearly used to cure some disease? The dream warns that more likely a person will hear disturbing news about the illness of a close relative. Another interpretation of sleep is conflicts and petty quarrels from scratch, which friends will start.

Catch a leech in a dream for a woman - to pregnancy, for a man - to an unpleasant, painful assignment.

If the worms stick to the legs or body, the dreamer is in danger on the road. Especially unfavorable is the dream in which the sleeping person feels pain. A dream can be a warning of a serious illness or injury.

Eating a leech is a good sign. Sleep hints at an improvement in business, personal and professional. Such a dream promises a patient recovery.

Why dream leeches floating in the water? For a business person, a dream predicts failure with a new business project, an upset after communicating with partners. Women having such a dream is a great concern for children. For men, the dream predicts the beginning of an unsuccessful period when they will have to depend on other people. If the blood-sucking worm has managed to gain a foothold on the skin, you need to stock up on great patience, since it will not work quickly to overcome false time.

See leeches in a pharmacy or jar with formalin solution - to hereditary disputes or division of the business. There will be no agreement between the heirs and business partners, and the dreamer will have to give up a significant part of his property.

Many leeches to see - to fatigue and disappointment. One, but large, actively moving - to the disruption of plans due to intentions of ill-wishers. If the leech is dead, then the dreamer will have to do burdensome charity or help unsympathetic people.

Why dream of leeches in a modern dream book

Seeing leeches around you is a warning of the beginning of a difficult period in life. Spending money, mental pressure, disruption of plans and other problems literally make you weak, permanently deprived of spiritual comfort. Relations with colleagues, relatives, friends will worsen. Engagement or wedding may be delayed.

After sleeping with bloodsucking worms, you can not borrow money: they will not be refunded or returned a negligible amount. It is necessary to be suspicious of the appearance in the life of new friends. Perhaps behind the guise of goodwill or love lies a hypocritical and selfish person.

Why dream leeches attached to ankles or hips? The dream warns that the dreamer will fall into trouble through his own fault. You should be careful, but in any case you have to make great efforts to fix it. Those around use the dreamer for their own selfish purposes.

If the leech sticks to the hand, then in reality the beloved or friend will suddenly betray. A person who enjoys the absolute confidence of the dreamer will show his true face, and this will upset the peace of mind for a long time. A debtor who has borrowed a large sum of money will refuse to pay.

A simpler interpretation is suggested for lovers or spouses. A leech crawling over a body means for a girl an insidious lover, and for a man - an unfaithful wife. At the same time, a dream about treason is interpreted differently!

Leech in the hair or on the head symbolizes an approaching disease or dangerous event from which you can seriously suffer.

If a leech penetrates the skin, then in reality the dreamer will dump the burden of problems that have been burdensome for a long time.


Watch the video: What does water dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).