How to get rid of black spots on the face?


Black dots - This is a common problem. Men, women and children suffer from it. Inflammations occur during adolescence and can pursue throughout life. The problem of black dots can be hidden with the help of cosmetics, but it is better to get rid of them once and for all. In the fight for the perfect skin fit home, pharmacy and shopping facilities.

Causes of black spots

Black dots (acne) is one of the most common chronic skin diseases. It occurs in 60% of young people between the ages of 12 and 24. However, inflammation is quite common even after 25 years.

Acne appears due to the increased work of the skin glands, clogged pores and hair follicles. Skin cells become clogged with sebaceous plugs and dead skin cells.

Fat production performs a protective function of the body. Sebum prevents skin dryness, protects against bacteria and infections, and participates in thermoregulation processes. An excess of substance causes inflammation.

Scientists identify two types of factors that affect the appearance of black dots: internal and external. TO external factors The occurrence of acne include:

  • Comedogenic substances are particles of industrial and cosmetic products that cause obstruction of the sebaceous glands and coarsening of the skin. Such products include: various oils, lubricants, as well as preparations containing tar;
  • Cosmetics. Powder, rouge, shadows can be one of the reasons for blockage of pores. Especially harmful are fat products. Also, acne can result from the misuse of tanning oil;
  • Mechanical impact. Prolonged pressure on the skin, rubbing clothing against the skin, prolonged wearing of headgear, etc. leads to mechanical acne;
  • Acne bodybuilders. When taking anabolic steroids, there is a sharp occurrence of acne.

TO internal factors the occurrence of black dots include:

  • Hormonal changes. A hormonal surge in adolescence, as well as the reaction of the sebaceous glands to an increase in hormone levels, leads to blockage of skin cells;
  • Seborrhea is a skin disease in which dysfunction of the sebaceous glands occurs. Occurs more often in adulthood;
  • Infection or chronic disease. Often the localization of acne can prompt a concomitant disease;
  • Stress. Scientists have shown that after bright emotional shocks or tensions, pimples of various kinds appear on the face.

As an additional reason, you can specify malnutrition. Excessive consumption of sweet, salty, spicy foods can cause an allergic reaction and the occurrence of acne.

Black spots are a characteristic manifestation of oily and combination skin, but are also found in people with normal skin type.

A wide range of causes of acne complicates their treatment. Nevertheless, there are proven ways to get rid of acne. A positive result from the procedures ensures their regular use.

How to get rid of black dots at home?

Get rid of black dots can be at home. First of all, you need to provide the necessary and suitable care for problem skin.

For this there are a number of basic rules:

  • Observe the water balance in the body. To do this, it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • It is necessary to get enough sleep. During rest, the body is cleansed of toxins. Knocked sleep mode provokes a collection of toxins under the skin, which causes acne;
  • The lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body makes it weak and unable to respond to negative external influences;
  • It is necessary to ensure complete cleansing of the face from cosmetics. Increased attention should be paid to problem areas, T-zone. It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with a make-up face;
  • The skin must be steamed out. For this purpose, compresses, baths, paraffin baths or inhalations can be used. Cosmetologists recommend carrying out the procedure at least 1 time per week. You can also use hot masks.

Do not forget about the need to clean the skin from the stratum corneum. This can be done with peeling, scrub or skin masks.


Often, owners of problem skin begin to press on the dermis to squeeze acne. This is wrong, as with the dry method of exposure, the pores remain closed and only the top layer of acne comes out. This method is fundamentally ineffective.

Before manual cleaning, it is necessary to steam the skin. To the main steaming procedures relate:

  • Steam bath To do this, you need to heat the water, add a spoonful of chamomile, St. John's wort, or other soothing herbs. Above a container with water should be tilted his head, cover with a towel and breathe steam vapors for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to add a drop of essential oil of lemon, eucalyptus and tea tree. So you not only steam the skin, but also enrich the dermis with a complex of vitamins;
  • Hot masks. Scrub, blue clay mask or special steaming strips are used as a mixture;
  • A visit to the baths or saunas. During the procedure, pores open up under the influence of steam. It is recommended to make compresses from the chamomile decoction in the bath.

After steaming, a manual cleaning of black spots is carried out or special masks are applied. If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, then you can only remove acne that is easy to get out. Care must be taken to prevent infection of the skin. To do this, wash your hands and moisten them with hydrogen peroxide.

Means for peeling

Peeling - This is a popular method for cleansing the face of black dots. The essence of the procedure is the mechanical effect of abrasive particles on the top layer of the skin.

It is not recommended to use this method for people with irritation or inflammation on the skin. Also, peeling is contraindicated in the presence of open wounds. For the preparation of peeling at home use: oatmeal, salt, bones of fruit, cocoa, coffee, etc. The ingredients allow you to gently cleanse the skin from greasy fat, toxins and dead cells.

For cooking peeling with oatmeal will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l cereal;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1 tsp. kefir.

Grind the oatmeal in a blender. The ingredients are mixed to get a thick liquid. Apply the resulting mass on your face with massaging movements (along the massage lines). The procedure should be carried out for 2-3 minutes, then the peeling should be washed off with warm water. Pre-recommended to steam the skin. Actions can be repeated 2 times a week, without fear of damaging the skin.

For cooking cocoa peels it is necessary:

  • 2 tbsp. l cocoa;
  • 2 tbsp. l brown sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil.

It is necessary to combine cocoa and sugar, then add butter and mix all the ingredients until smooth. Pre-steam the skin. Then apply the scrub on the face with massaging movements. The procedure is carried out for 2-3 minutes, paying attention to the problem areas. Rinse off with cool water and apply a light moisturizer.

Another effective combination of products: honey and cinnamon. To prepare the mask from the black dots will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l cinnamon powder.

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face with massaging movements. The procedure lasts a few minutes, after which the face wash with cool water. Apply a light moisturizer. Fine grinding of cinnamon will provide gentle cleansing. This mixture is suitable for owners of sensitive skin.

Peels are used for the prevention of black spots and cleansing from surface acne.

Adhesive products

This kind of mask is different.adhesive consistency. For preparation use gelatin, protein, sugar, absorbent carbon and another.

For recipe gelatin mask The following ingredients are needed:

  • 2 tbsp. l gelatin;
  • 2-3 art. l milk

To prepare, you need to mix the components and heat them in a water bath to 30-35 °. Gelatin should be completely dissolved in milk, after which the product is ready to use. Apply the composition can be a brush or hands, in several layers. After 20-25 minutes, the mask will dry, which will be a sign of completion of the procedure.

The dried mixture should be carefully peeled off the face. After removal, wash your face with warm water and apply a soothing cream. The procedure is carried out no more than 1 time per week.

For cooking adhesive mask with protein will need:

  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara.

It is necessary to mix the ingredients until smooth. Means to apply on the face in several layers, previously waiting until the previous one dries. When the mask is completely dry, carefully remove its face. During the procedure, you need to tap your fingers on the skin so that the mask is absorbed deeper. Next, wash off the remnants of the product with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Adhesive masks instantly remove black spots and clean pores. The effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure. The skin becomes cleaner, more even and smooth.

Recipes for homemade masks from black dots

There are many effective face masks that clean the skin from black dots. The most popular ingredients for acne masks are:

  • Soda. It has a special property of splitting fats, which allows its use in cosmetology. Soda removes excess fat from the surface of the dermis, providing an antibacterial effect. Not recommended for owners of dry skin;
  • Salt. This ingredient is the basis of many facial scrubs. Salt removes toxins from the body, acne and comedones. After applying the masks, the dermis becomes cleaner and lighter;
  • Oatmeal. The product is suitable for all skin types. The skin receives a charge of vitamins and trace elements, is cleared of harmful toxins and fats. Also, oat smoothes small wrinkles and evens the complexion;
  • Activated carbon. This product is in stock at each hostess. Coal is a strong absorbent that cleans the body, not only inside but also outside. With it, you can get rid of black spots and other acne. The ingredient is suitable for any skin type, but is contraindicated for suffering couperose;
  • Clay. There are many types of cosmetic clay: white, black, green, blue, red, etc. For masks, you can use any. Clay has the following properties: slightly dries the skin, cleanses and tightens the pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands and has an antibacterial effect.

In order for the mask to be as effective as possible, you need to choose a tool for your skin type, and also strictly follow the recipe.

With oatmeal and salt

Oatmeal and salt perfectly eliminates deep acne in the dermis. Salt provides an exfoliating effect, and kefir gently moisturizes the skin and nourishes with microelements.

To prepare the mask from the black dots will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp. fine salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l kefir;
  • 3-4 drops of boric acid.

Mix the ingredients until a creamy consistency is obtained. Evenly distribute the composition of the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. You can do a little acupressure, and then wash off the composition with warm water. The procedure is recommended to repeat 1-2 times a week. With regular use, black dots will disappear in 2-3 months.

For the mask is not recommended to use instant oatmeal.

With coal and clay

Regular use of this mask will not only get rid of acne, but also make the skin lighter and younger. To prepare the mask with coal and clay will need:

  • 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  • 1 tbsp. l cosmetic clay.
  • 2-3 spoons of water.

Coal must be crushed with a spoon to the state of fine chips. Then add clay, pour water and mix. The consistency of the composition should resemble sour cream. You must first steam the skin. To do this, hold the face over the steam for 10-15 minutes.

The tool is applied with a cotton pad and left for 20-25 minutes. After should wash with cool water. It is better to repeat the procedure once a week for 2 months. As a result, you get clear skin without black dots.

With scarlet and coal

Scarlet - an indispensable medicinal plant, which is used in the treatment of various skin diseases. It has a cleansing, healing and anti-inflammatory effect that makes it effective in dealing with black spots.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 1 tsp. ground activated carbon;
  • 1 tsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice;
  • 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 1/3 tsp sea ​​salt.

Ingredients need to be mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass and apply with light movements on the face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The procedure can be done 1-2 times a week.
With regular use will be noticeably less black dots and improve the complexion.

With protein

For cooking protein mask from black dots will need:

  • 2 chicken proteins;
  • 1 tbsp. l sour cream (room temperature);
  • a few pinch of fine salt.

Beat protein with a mixer until white foam, add sour cream and salt. Beat the mixture again and apply to the skin with a cotton pad.

Hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. To apply means 1-2 times a week, within 1-1,5 months.

Salon procedures

To be sure of the effectiveness of getting rid of black dots, you need consult a cosmetologist. Cabin procedures will lead to faster and more durable results.

The following will help to get rid of black dots on the face. procedures:

  • Manual face cleaning. This is the oldest and proven method of getting rid of acne. Before cleaning, the skin is disinfected and steamed. Master cleans the face by hand, using the necessary fixtures. Cleaning should take place in complete sterility, contact with the skin of the infection will lead to more inflammation. After the procedure, the skin is treated with liquid nitrogen, make nourishing masks. With its effectiveness, this method has several drawbacks: a long rehabilitation period and pain. Also, after mechanical cleaning, there is a high risk of other inflammations and new black spots. The procedure can be carried out every 1.5-2 months;
  • Laser cleaning. The hardware method for removing black dots is the safest. To do this, you need a minimum amount of time, and you can see a positive result in a week. During the procedure, it is possible to remove the stratum corneum. The dead cells of the epidermis also disappear and the secretion of greasy fat is improved, metabolic processes are improved. Cleaning is painless and has a minimum number of contraindications;
  • Vacuum cleaning. This method of removing black spots is suitable for owners of oily and normal skin. It cleans pores of pollution, stimulates blood microcirculation, increases collagen synthesis, etc. Cleaning is performed using a drainage tube, which literally sucks out pollution from the pores. The method is considered more gentle in comparison with manual. Nevertheless, with its help it is impossible to remove deep acne, so vacuum cleaning is suitable for less problematic skin;
  • Chemical peeling. The method is based on the use of fruit acids. There is a superficial, middle and deep peeling. Each is selected depending on the degree of problematic skin. Cleaning with acids eliminates shallow black spots, small scars and scars;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is an effective modern method of getting rid of black spots. The procedure uses an apparatus that sends high-frequency vibrations to the epidermis. Ultrasound cleans the upper layer of the skin from various types of dirt, excess fat and toxins. The procedure also accelerates the production of collagens and has a lifting effect. Before using the cleaning should consult a doctor. In a number of contraindications are observed diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

A suitable method of removing black dots will advise a cosmetologist. It is necessary to choose a specialist with a large amount of experience and authority. Also, the salon must have proper certificates confirming the right to carry out the selected procedure. At the reception at the master, be attentive to all the recommendations for the care of the face after cleaning. Compliance with the care instructions ensures easy rehabilitation and good results.

Prevention of black spots

In order for black dots to stop appearing, you need to follow preventive measures.
As a preventive measure, simple ones are recommended. regulations:

  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • Cleanse the skin daily in the morning and evening;
  • Do not go to bed with makeup;
  • In addition to makeup removers, use masks, peels and scrubs;
  • Try to relax more and get enough sleep;
  • Isolate yourself from stress;
  • Eat right;
  • Restrict alcohol use and refrain from smoking.

Only the observance of comprehensive measures for the care of the face will lead to complete elimination of black dots.


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