Female opinion: Russians see their future bright, and the future of the country - on the contrary.


Interesting results were obtained during the next sociological survey conducted by the Women's Opinion Internet portal.

The purpose of the survey was to find out the opinion of the female part of Russian society about what the future awaits them in 10 years.

First, all participants were asked to answer a simple question: Do they see their future bright (better than they are now), gloomy (worse than they are now), or the same as they are now, without significant changes.

Answering this question, women showed great optimism. 62% of respondents without hesitation said that they are confident in the future and expect from him only change for the better. Only 16% expect future troubles from the future and believe that it will be gloomy for them. And 22% of women believe that in the next 10 years no changes are waiting for them, and life will remain the same as today.

In parallel with these survey participants, a second question was asked: how do they see the future of the country in 10 years? And the answers to it were much more pessimistic.

Only 28% of women see the near future of Russia as bright, and 72% of those surveyed see the future of the country as gloomy or at least do not expect any changes (respectively 33% and 39% of the vote).

Here are typical comments voiced during the survey:

kass: My future is definitely better, because I always have something moving for the better, except for age. The future of my country is the other way around, and there is reason to say so for sure.

Me again: Everything will be better and better for me!)) And about my country ... "If I fall asleep and wake up in a hundred years and they ask me what is happening in Russia, I will answer - DRINK AND STEAL." © Saltykov-Shchedrin ... nothing will change

X-law: My future will not undergo any special changes, especially if we take a ten-year period, i.e. when I already have everything right with my work, family, etc., so that in ten years I consider my life period as an example of a stable and quiet measured life ... I’ll just have global changes in the next 5 years. The end of the university and all that ... And the future of the country will be bleak. Nothing good awaits her, in short. So we'll wait and see ... And why ... but it’s just somehow worse and worse every year, somehow I can’t believe that this trend will change.

Unknown, Ust-Kamenogorsk: Not an optimist. Therefore, its own - most likely without significant changes. The future of the country is bleak. In order to have light ahead, steps need to be taken today. But nothing serious is being done, not being decided.

Anna: I would like to hope that my future would be at least the same, and no worse than now. If we look at my current life on a global scale. I don’t know if I can be a fatalist, but I think that a minute can change life. And whether this minute will meet me on the way is not given to know. Therefore, I do not ask for better, or worse.
What about the country? It won’t be any better.

Faustova: My future I think there will be nothing if only the pension is accrued good + funded yet. And the future of the country is not happy The country will be worse and worse. It's a shame for the children

stuardessa2005, Moscow: I cannot please you with any prospects. I know that will be worse. And since I live in this country, it’s gloomy for me (the future).

Natalia777, Krasnodar Territory, Armavir: I, my future see better than now. Yes, definitely better, it should be better! There will be less problems, more laughter and smiles, more joyful moments. Well, and I hope that my financial situation will also increase. And, what about the future of your country, you need to think carefully, and if you answer like that, without thinking for a moment about anything ... That, my answer is unequivocally that the future of the country is simply regrettable. I do not believe that in our country something will change for the better, well, at least within ten years.

What conclusions can be drawn from the results? There are two most obvious conclusions:

First conclusion: such a significant difference in assessments of their future and the future of the country shows that Russians do not feel that they are an important part of their country and the whole society. They do not suggest that their success in any way may stem from the successes of society. And they do not believe that their possible successes can have an impact on improving the life of society as a whole.

Second conclusion: If the government wants society to believe in it, it must propose and take radical measures to improve the situation, the results of which would be obvious to every resident of our large country.


Watch the video: Steven Pinker - "Enlightenment Now. .". Talks at Google (July 2024).