Delicate dish - zucchini under cheese in the oven. Zucchini with cheese in the oven, with tomatoes, mushrooms or peppers!


Roasting vegetables under a hat of cheese is increasingly becoming a recipe for everyday, and not just festive, cuisine.

Zucchini in such a neighborhood also turns out to be "five plus."

Vegetables do not require long cooking and therefore dishes are usually put in the oven already sprinkled with cheese crumbs.

Such dishes can be made quite sharp, or dispensed with more moderate spices.

Zucchini under cheese in the oven - general principles of cooking

• Zucchini is preferable to choose young and medium-sized. Such vegetables have a soft peel and small soft seeds. Rough peel must be cut off from more mature ones and all seeds will be selected. Vegetables are cut according to the recipe, and further preparation depends on the particular dish.

• For quick roasting, zucchini is cut into rings of various widths or plates. So that the flesh during baking does not turn into porridge and does not fall apart, the mugs are first blanched in water or baked in the oven. For stuffing, the fruits are cut in half and the middle is chosen. In this case, they do not resort to preliminary heat treatment.

• For the preparation of zucchini under cheese in the oven, use solid varieties of a natural fermented milk product. Prepared vegetables are sprinkled with grated cheese before baking. It melts well and forms a vapor tight crust, which allows you to preserve the juiciness of the cooked dish. Often, zucchini in the oven is cooked with pickled cheeses, but such dishes are still sprinkled with hard cheese chips on top.

• To improve the taste of zucchini dishes with cheese, they add various vegetables, mushrooms or meat in the form of minced meat. Season with spices, which are purchased according to the recipe or selected according to your preferences.

• Zucchini under cheese in the oven is baked at 180 degrees, and the pan is placed only in a well-heated oven.

Zucchini with cheese in the oven with sour cream and garlic


• four medium squash;

• 180 gr. sour cream;

• several branches of dill;

• garlic;

• 140 gr. cheese "Kostroma".

Cooking method:

1. Wash the squash with cold water. Cut off the edges and cut the vegetables into rings of centimeter thickness.

2. On a medium grater, rub the cheese, garlic - on the smallest.

3. Combine sour cream with grated cheese. Add garlic, slightly salt and mix thoroughly.

4. Cover the roasting pan with parchment and place the zucchini rings on it. Spread each cup with cheese sauce and place the dish in an already preheated oven.

5. Get out when the top is well browned, after about 20 minutes.

6. When serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

Zucchini with cheese in the oven with tomatoes in a creamy sauce


• 800 gr. young medium-sized zucchini;

• large tomatoes - 4 pcs.;

• 150 gr. "Dutch" cheese;

• 40 gr. creamy 72% butter;

• a small pinch of nutmeg;

• a spoon of white flour;

• refined oil;

• a glass of homemade milk.

Cooking method:

1. Dry the washed zucchini with a towel and cut into circles, a little thicker than a finger. Put on a wire rack, drizzle with oil and place in a preheated oven. The temperature in the oven should not exceed the recommended 180 degrees.

2. When brown spots begin to appear on the surface of the ringlets, remove it. You need to bake zucchini so that during further cooking they retain their shape.

3. Take a small stew-pan and melt butter over it over low heat. Pour the flour there and, thoroughly mixing, fry.

4. As soon as the flour begins to darken and gains a creamy shade, immediately enter the milk. Do not rush, pour the milk in a thin stream, and stir the contents of the stewpan intensively. Take a whisk for this.

5. Add ground pepper and nutmeg powder. Salt and bring to a boil, but do not boil. The sauce will turn out quite thick.

6. In a deep form, lay the baked zucchini in one layer, and lay the tomatoes sliced ​​in rings of a centimeter thickness on them. It is not necessary to lubricate the mold.

7. On top of the sauce, lay out the remaining zucchini and sprinkle them well with large crumbs of cheese.

8. Place the dish in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees. and bake until you get a delicious crust.

Zucchini under cheese in the oven - "Vegetable zucchini casserole"


• one kilogram of young zucchini;

• four eggs;

• garlic;

• Feta cheese - 300 gr.;

• large onion;

• 70 gr. Kostroma or other hard cheese;

• a bunch of dill;

• olive or sunflower, well refined, oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the washed zucchini with the largest vegetable grater. If the vegetables are not your youngest, cut off the peel from them and select the seeds. Chop onion into small slices, chop the garlic.

2. Pour one and a half tablespoons of oil into a thick-walled pan, and lightly fry the zucchini over low heat. Then put on a sieve and leave in it so that the juice comes off.

3. In a separate frying pan until light brown, spasser the onion with garlic.

4. Grind the “Feta” with a fork, lightly chop the dill with a knife.

5. In a separate bowl, break the eggs and beat well with two pinches of salt.

6. Connect the feta to the zucchini. Add the browned onion and dill. Pour in the eggs and mix thoroughly.

7. Put the vegetable mass in a greased form and carefully smooth the surface. Sprinkle generously with cheese crumbs and put in the oven for half an hour.

Zucchini with cheese in the oven with tomatoes and sweet pepper


• 50 gr. Kostroma or Dutch cheese;

• sweet pepper - 1 pc.;

• 300 gr. medium-sized zucchini;

• a couple of ripe tomatoes;

• two tablespoons of pasteurized milk of 3.2% fat content;

• one chicken egg;

• nonfat sour cream;

• spices "To dishes from vegetables".

Cooking method:

1. Wash vegetables with cold water. For zucchini, cut the edges, for tomatoes, remove the stem. Remove all seeds from the pepper and rinse off any remaining water.

2. Cut the vegetables into circles. It is desirable that their thickness does not exceed half a centimeter.

3. Put the rings of vegetables in a small roasting pan with high boots, alternating with each other. Do not place the rings flat, but install them vertically, on a narrow part.

4. Sprinkle a small amount of spices on top, you can slightly salt, but very little.

5. Break the egg into milk, add a pinch of ground pepper and a small pinch of salt, whisk.

6. Rub the medium-sized crumbs of cheese and cover it well with a sour cream layer. From above, fill everything with milk-egg mixture and set for 40 minutes to bake.

Zucchini under cheese in the oven - "Mushroom boats"


• two large zucchini;

• 200 gr. forest mushrooms (champignons are also acceptable);

• onion head;

• spices "For vegetables";

• 100 gr. smoked cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the zucchini and cut each half lengthwise. Take a sharp knife or a large spoon and carefully select the middle from the halves of the vegetable. Then rub each part from the inside with "For Vegetables" spices and set aside.

2. Lightly chop the onion and put in a pan with warmed sunflower oil. Fry for 3 minutes at medium temperature, add the mushrooms cut into strips and chopped zucchini pulp selected from the vegetable. Seeds, if they are large, do not need to be added. When all the moisture has evaporated, put the minced mushroom from the pan into a separate bowl.

3. Stuff the halves of the zucchini with minced meat and place them on a baking sheet. Be sure to oil the frypot before this.

4. Rub smoked cheese into a coarse grater and sprinkle with stuffed vegetables.

5. Bake the boats for 40 minutes.

Zucchini under cheese in the oven with tomatoes - "Vegetable casserole with minced meat"


• a pound of lean meat;

• 1.2 kg of medium-sized squash;

• two onions;

• eight red tomatoes;

• four eggs;

• 100 gr. cheese, varieties "Kostroma";

• two spoons of unsalted tomato;

• 150 gr. low fat sour cream;

• half a mixed bunch of greens (parsley, dill).

Cooking method:

1. Dip the finely chopped onions in the oil heated in a pan and fry them slightly. Once the slices become transparent, put the minced meat in the pan and gently mash it with a fork. Simmer the onion with meat over low heat until cooked. To ensure that the meat is fried evenly and does not burn, do not forget to periodically stir while crushing the minced meat that has lumped together. Pepper slightly at the end.

2. Mix the tomato with 50 ml of water and pour into the fried minced meat. Stir and try on the salt. Add it if necessary and remove from heat.

3. On a fine grater, rub the zucchini without removing the peel. Salt a little, mix and put on a sieve. After 10 minutes, squeeze out the remaining juice and leave it there.

4. Wash the greens, dry well and chop. Cut the tomatoes into rings, and grate the cheese on a grater, medium or large.

5. Beat eggs lightly with a small pinch of salt. Add sour cream and mix well.

6. Oil a small baking sheet or a shape with high sides and put half of the zucchini evenly. Put the whole stuffing on them and evenly distribute it over the vegetable layer. Then again put the zucchini layer, flatten.

7. Put tomato rings on top, fill with sour cream and egg mixture. Sprinkle all the greens and spread the grated cheese evenly over the entire surface.

8. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. for 40 minutes.

A simple recipe for zucchini with cheese in the oven


• six young zucchini;

• 70 gr. cheese, varieties "Creamy";

• 100 gr. heavy cream, or homemade butter.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the zucchini into thin longitudinal plates. The width of one should not be more than 0.5 cm.

2. Pour water into a large pot and boil over high heat. Dip the vegetables for five minutes, then remove and cool well.

3. Place blanched plates on a roasting pan greased with vegetable oil.

4. Melt the cream or butter in a small enameled bowl and immediately grease the zucchini slices spread over the fryer.

5. Then lightly sprinkle with salt and cheese.

6. Bake for 10 minutes, heating the oven to the recommended 180 degrees.

Zucchini with cheese in the oven with and without tomatoes - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Zucchini contains a lot of moisture. So that it does not interfere with a good fry, the prepared vegetable is added and left for some time. Then the separated juice is drained and acted on according to the described recipe.

• Buy only natural hard cheese, and note that the fatter it is, the better it melts.

• Overripe large zucchini not only large seeds and hard peel. Very often, their flesh has a loose structure and an unpleasant taste, often it is bitter. Such fruits are unlikely to like baked. Use them to make caviar, for example.
