Baked meat in a slow cooker - juicy! How to bake meat in a slow cooker: pork, beef, lamb, chicken


What could be tastier than a fragrant, juicy baked piece of meat.

This dish can be served with a side dish or as a snack.

Baked meat in a slow cooker - basic principles of cooking

Bake any meat in a slow cooker. So that it does not turn out fresh, it is pickled or rubbed with a mixture of spices and salt.

A piece of meat is washed, cleaned from streaks, films, excess fat and dried with napkins. Then it is rubbed with spices or greased with marinade. Leave for at least an hour. The pickling time depends on the size of the piece. You can additionally stuff it with slices of garlic.

The prepared piece of meat is transferred to a greased bowl of the device and cooked in the "baking" mode from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the type of meat. To get a brownish crust on both sides, in the middle of cooking it is turned over. On the festive table, meat is baked with cheese and tomatoes.

Baked meat in a slow cooker can be cooked in a sleeve or foil.

Finished meat is cut into slices and served as a snack or with a side dish.

Recipe 1. How to bake meat in a slow cooker with cranberry sauce


  • 700 g of pork pulp;

  • 3 g of cinnamon;

  • 30 g of honey;

  • 80 g of sugar;

  • 30 ml of Balsamic sauce;

  • 100 ml of red wine;

  • 50 ml of olive oil;

  • rosemary and thyme;

  • 150 g of cranberries;

  • salt and ground pepper.

Cooking method

1. Mix Balsamic sauce with honey, olive oil and spices. Salt.

2. Rinse the meat, soak in napkins and cut into slices. Lubricate each piece with marinade and put in a suitable dish. Leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

3. Put the pieces of meat on a sheet of foil and wrap the edges in an envelope, wrapping the edges well.

4. Place the roll in the slow cooker and bake the meat for an hour.

5. Wash the cranberries and beat in a blender until mashed. Transfer to a saucepan, add wine, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for a couple of minutes. Now add sugar and cinnamon. Cook, stirring, a couple of minutes and remove from heat.

6. Remove the pork from the slow cooker, unfold the foil and transfer the meat to the dish. Pour cranberry sauce and serve.

Recipe 2. Baked beef in a slow cooker


  • one and a half kilogram piece of beef;

  • 5 g of salt;

  • ground Italian herbs;

  • 50 ml of olive oil;

  • freshly ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. We take out the meat from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking. We rinse it under the tap and dry it.

2. Pour oil into a small bowl, add herbs and spices to it. Mix. The resulting spicy mixture rub the meat on all sides. Leave it for ten minutes.

3. Lubricate the bowl with butter and put the pickled meat in it. We activate the "baking" function for an hour and 45 minutes. Close the lid tightly and set the valve to "closed" mode. When half the time has passed, let off the steam, open the lid and turn over a piece of meat.

4. Put the finished meat on a cutting board and leave it to rest for a quarter of an hour. Cut the beef into slices and serve.

Recipe 3. How to bake meat in a slow cooker in foil


  • 1.5 kg piece of meat;

  • freshly ground pepper;

  • head of garlic;

  • salt;

  • 10 g of any mustard;

  • 15 g seasoning "Provencal herbs".

Cooking method

1. Wash a piece of meat, cut off excess fat, films and veins. Dip with napkins.

2. Disassemble the head of garlic into the teeth and free them from the husk. Cut the teeth into bars. In a piece of meat, make a notch and stuff it with garlic.

3. Rub a piece of meat with a mixture of salt and Provence herbs, rubbing the spices well. Lubricate it with mustard and put on a piece of foil. Leave the meat to rest for half an hour so that it is well saturated with the aromas of seasonings.

4. Wrap the meat in foil and put it in the bowl of the device. Turn on the baking mode and cook for an hour and a half. Remove the prepared meat from the multicooker, carefully unfold the foil and transfer it to a plate. Cool slightly and cut into slices. Serve baked meat in a slow cooker with a side dish of vegetables or salad.

Recipe 4. Baked duck breast in a slow cooker


  • mustard - 30 g;

  • table salt;

  • duck breast;

  • honey - 30 g.

Cooking method

1. In a small bowl, combine mustard with honey and mix well.

2. Wash the duck’s breast, soak it with napkins, and coat with honey mustard marinade on all sides. Leave the breast for a few hours, or, if possible, overnight. Mustard will make the meat soft, and honey will provide the dish a golden brown.

3. Start the “baking” program on the instrument panel. Put the breast in the bowl. Cook the meat for an hour. After half an hour, turn it over and salt it.

4. Remove the breast from the bowl. In the fat remaining from the duck, you can put apple slices and fry for several minutes. Cut the breast into slices, lay the apples on top and serve.

Recipe 5. How to bake meat in a slow cooker in a sleeve


  • 1, 3 kg of pork neck;

  • salt;

  • 4 cloves of garlic;

  • 4 buds of cloves;

  • 8 peas of allspice;

  • 6 peas of black pepper;

  • 3 bay leaves.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry a piece of pork with napkins. Make deep cuts on all sides against the fibers. Rub the meat well with salt, trying to do this so that it gets into the cuts.

2. Peel and chop the garlic. Break the bay leaf into small pieces. Break the clove in half. In each incision, put a slice of garlic with a slice of bay leaf, cloves, peas of allspice and black pepper, alternating cloves with pepper.

3. Tie a piece of pork with culinary thread. Put the meat in a sleeve, tie and place it in the appliance bowl. Make a few punctures in the bag so that there is where to go out a couple.

4. Close the lid and start baking for 50 minutes. Then open the lid, turn the meat over and cook for another 20 minutes in the same mode. Remove the meat from the bowl, wrap it in foil and cool completely. Then cut the threads, and cut the pork into thin slices.

Recipe 6. Baked lamb in a slow cooker


  • 700 g of mutton;

  • table salt;

  • 80 ml of olive oil;

  • ground pepper;

  • a bunch of fresh cilantro;

  • marjoram;

  • 3 cloves of garlic;

  • thyme.

Cooking method

1. Take a piece of meat so that it fits completely into the bowl of the device. Best for this is a loin. My lamb is washed under running water and dried with napkins. Rinse a bunch of cilantro, shake off excess moisture and finely chop.

2. Pour olive oil into the dishes according to the size of a piece of meat, add crushed garlic, pepper, marjoram, salt, thyme and cilantro to it. We mix and rub the lamb piece on all sides with the resulting mixture, after making a few cuts. Cover and leave for several hours.

3. We shift the pickled lamb on a sheet of foil. Put the remaining mixture on top of the meat. Wrap the meat tightly in two layers of foil.

4. The package is placed in the capacity of the device. We close the lid and start the "multi-cook" function. We set the temperature to 150 C. We bake the meat for two hours.

5. We take out the ready-made mutton, carefully unfold the foil, cut the meat into pieces and pour the juice remaining in the foil. Serve the baked meat in a slow cooker, garnishing with cilantro twigs.

Recipe 7. Baked chicken breast in a slow cooker


  • 4 cloves of garlic;

  • 7 g of mustard;

  • 3 pinches of spices for chicken;

  • 80 ml of sunflower refined oil;

  • 2 chicken breasts;

  • table salt.

Cooking method

1. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into plates.

2. Wash the chicken fillet, pat it dry with napkins. Make small cuts with a sharp knife along the entire length and insert garlic plates into them.

3. In a deep bowl, combine the sunflower oil with salt, mustard and chicken seasoning.

4. Lubricate the breast on all sides with mustard sauce and wrap it in foil.

5. Put the package in the bowl of the device, and activate the "baking" function for 50 minutes. Remove the prepared breast from the bowl. Carefully, so as not to get burned, unfold the foil and transfer the meat to a plate, cutting it into pieces.

Recipe 8. Baked meat in a slow cooker with wine and cheese.


  • 600 g piece of beef;

  • 30 ml of sunflower oil;

  • 200 g of cheese;

  • spice;

  • two tomatoes;

  • salt;

  • three cloves of garlic;

  • 80 ml of red wine;

  • 30 g of French mustard.

Cooking method

1. Rinse a piece of beef, dry and make deep transverse cuts, but do not cut to the end.

2. Peel and squeeze the garlic through a press. Mix it with salt, mustard, spices, butter and red wine. Marinade grate a piece on all sides and leave in the refrigerator for four hours.

3. Cut the cheese into thin slices. Rinse the tomatoes, wipe and cut into circles.

4. Put a piece of meat on a foil folded in several layers. Insert into the cuts a slice of cheese and a mug of tomatoes. Wrap with foil and put in the container. Close the lid and cook in baking mode for an hour and a half.

Baked meat in a slow cooker - tips and tricks

  • If you come across hard meat, rub it with dry mustard and leave it overnight. Then rinse.

  • To get rid of the unpleasant odor of lamb, soak it for an hour and a half in milk, and then rub it with crushed garlic.

  • For baking, take meat at room temperature, in which case it will be baked evenly.

  • To make the beef juicy, stuff it with fat.


Watch the video: How to Make Easy Slow Cooker Pot Roast. (June 2024).