Tops of carrots: useful properties and contraindications. How can carrot tops be used to good effect?


Traditional medicine knows many ways to help the body get rid of various ailments.

For example, using the tops of carrots, the useful properties of which are undeservedly forgotten.

Meanwhile, not only the root crop itself, but also its grassy upper part is a source of vitamins and valuable useful substances.

Tops of carrots: what is in the composition

There are so many useful properties in the tops of carrots that it easily overshadows the excellent reputation of the root crop itself. Scientists have found that the grassy part of vitamins contains 500 times more. These are beauty vitamin retinol (A), vitamin L and health C (ascorbic acid), a group of vitamins B responsible for strong nerves, healthy liver and beautiful skin.

There is a healing vitamin PP in the greens (nicotinic acid), vitamin K indispensable for bones, as well as other incredibly useful substances:

• powerful antioxidants that restore cells and prevent aging (for example, selenium);

• essential oils;

• tannins;

• caffeine;

• chlorophyll;

• lysine;

• coumarins;

• micro and macro elements (selenium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, cobalt, sodium, manganese, copper).

All this vitamin frenzy significantly exceeds the amount of similar substances in a traditional food product. For comparison: vitamin A in orange carrots is almost 200 times less than in its inedible grassy top. At the same time, there are very, very few contraindications to the tops of carrots when consumed as a food or for therapeutic purposes.

Tops of carrots: useful properties

A huge amount of calcium and green chlorophyll explains the ability of carrot greens to cleanse the body. Decoctions based on carrot tops cleanse the lymphatic system and blood of toxins.

The powerful antioxidant selenium contained in the tops can be used to prevent cancer, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and improve the reproductive functions of preventing early aging. Moreover, to obtain a daily dose of miraculous selenium, 1-2 green stems are needed.

The useful properties of carrot tops are not limited to this:

• calcium is necessary to prevent osteoporosis, strengthen teeth, muscles and nails;

• potassium and vitamin K are able to reduce high blood pressure, normalize metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system;

• Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Decoctions of carrot greens increase visual acuity, prevent eye diseases, and are indicated for myopia and hyperopia. They are very useful for those who are overweight. Due to the large amount of fiber, herbal tea from tops enhances the digestive processes and intestinal motility, which contributes to stable weight loss with proper nutrition.

It is no coincidence that our ancestors regularly drank carrot tea. In the summer, fresh greens can be used as "tea leaves," in the winter, dried or frozen. To make a cup of fragrant tea, you need only one teaspoon of raw materials. Insist healing broth need at least half an hour. In addition, its effect can be enhanced by other plant components: nettle, currant, raspberry, rosehip, etc.

What diseases does carrot tops treat?

It is ideal to use decoctions based on carrot tops for general strengthening and cleansing of the body, preventing anemia and vitamin deficiency, and recovery from an illness.

However, decoctions of green carrots can prevent more serious diseases and cope with some of them. Useful properties of carrot tops are used in the following cases:

• for the prevention of heart attack and stroke due to the ability to return the walls of blood vessels elasticity and maintain it;

• for the natural normalization of high blood pressure and cure the first stage of hypertension;

• for the prevention of osteoporosis and decreased vision;

• in the treatment of acute or chronic cough;

• in the treatment of hemorrhoids;

• in the presence of excess weight and impaired metabolism;

• to get rid of irritability, depression, insomnia;

• with regular stress and increased stress on the nervous system;

• with alcohol poisoning to cleanse the blood and liver during acute toxic effects;

• to increase male potency, improve sperm quality.

Decoctions of carrot tops have diuretic properties, helping to get rid of puffiness. In addition, with their help, you can clear the kidneys of sand.

When changing milk teeth, it is useful for children to chew fresh carrot leaves: juice will strengthen tooth enamel and gums.

Tops of carrots: folk recipes

You can use green tops for various purposes. For example, to get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to brew carrot tea and drink half a glass three times a day in between meals. The course of treatment is at least a month.

With persistent edema, diseases of the urinary tract and genitals, you need to cook a carrot decoction and take it overnight in a glass. With the normalization of the condition, you can switch to the preventive use of tea at will.

Herbal tea from carrot tops can treat cystitis. It is necessary to prepare a more concentrated broth: take two tablespoons of fresh or harvested grass for two glasses of boiling water and insist for at least an hour. Take ½ cup on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals every eight hours. The course continues until the symptoms disappear.

To remove sand from the kidneys, you need to take dried carrot tops (fresh will not work). Brew in the usual proportion: a tablespoon a glass of boiling water. Insist all night. Take 50 ml in warmed form five times during the day. The course is long, at least 8 months. If there are stones and sand in the kidneys, you can use the prescription only after consulting a doctor or on his recommendation. Possible contraindications for the tops of carrots must be taken into account.

To cleanse the body of the accumulation of toxins and toxins you need to prepare a regular infusion, take it twenty minutes before meals for a month. Four glasses should be taken per day.

Tops of carrots: how to prepare

If fresh tops are used for food, you can pick it at any time. While the orange carrot is sitting in the garden, its tops are suitable for preparing the infusion.

To prepare greens for the future, you need to collect it at the moment of the highest concentration of nutrients, but before the tops begin to turn yellow. The ideal time is the end of summer.

The collected tops must be washed in cold water, dried in the sun, avoiding withering, and then transferred to the shade. Finally to dry the tops you need in a well-ventilated, shaded room. Harvested raw materials are stored for a year at room temperature in a tightly closed glass jar.

Instead of drying, they use the freezing method. In this case, the prepared tops after drying are placed in plastic bags or plastic containers and put into the freezer.

Tops of carrots: contraindications

Do carrot tops have contraindications? Despite the healing power, this herb can really damage your health. Fortunately, the list of contraindications is small:

• allergic to essential oils or other components of herbs;

• exacerbation of gastric ulcer;

• intestinal upset;

• inflammation of the large intestine;

• increased acidity of the stomach;

• ulcerative colitis.

Pregnant women should not eat a decoction of carrot tops: this can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, as the tone of the uterus rises.

There are few contraindications in the tops of carrots, but they relate not only to ingestion. The green contains the active substances of furocoumarin. They can cause rashes and inflammation in people with sensitive skin.

Do not rush to get rid of carrot tops. This is a healing green that can strengthen the body and rid it of many ailments.


Watch the video: Are carrots good for dogs? (July 2024).