Sports diet for burning fat and losing weight: advice from a nutritionist. All the secrets of a sports diet for weight loss and fat burning


Health, beauty and strength are the harmony that each of us strives for.

To maintain the body in good shape and for a beautiful fit figure, they often resort to various kinds of diets and strength exercises. It is important to do this correctly and wisely.

Sports diet for burning fat and losing weight - on the watch for the appearance of body fat

Thanks to the development of trainers and nutritionists, there is a special sports diet for building muscle mass, maintaining the body in good shape, as well as effective fat burning. In addition, such a diet will help you become the owner of a beautiful muscle relief, as well as avoid various kinds of diseases associated with being overweight.

Fats are organic compounds found in living cells. They take an active part in the life of the body. There are these types of fats:

• deposit;

• irreplaceable;

• those that determine gender.

Essential fats are the most important organic compounds that are located in the area of ​​the heart, bone marrow, lungs. Sex-determining fats in women are located in the chest, pelvis and hips, and in men - in the waist.

Another type of fat is deposit. The most frequent and most unwanted guests of our body. They accumulate in the subcutaneous space and perform a backup function.

Subcutaneous fat serves as a source of nutrients in case of starvation, and also warms our body.

The accumulation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat not only looks unaesthetic, but also leads to various kinds of diseases and hormonal disorders. Ideally, the percentage of body fat in women can not exceed 9, and in men - 3%.

Sports diet for burning fat and losing weight - an effective way from excess body fat

In order to answer this question, what is effective in the fight against excess body fat, let's figure out what kind of body fat is. It is customary to distinguish two types of fat in the human body - this is subcutaneous fat and visceral (internal).

Internal fat is broken down by adrenaline. At the same time, subcutaneous fat is resistant to this kind of effect and breaks down much more slowly. In other words, when burning fat, the internal and then the subcutaneous go first.

Fat deposits are an indispensable source of energy. The more fat is burned, the more energy is generated.

The most effective ways to burn fat are through exercise and diet.

Diet is often a stressful situation for the body. Wanting to quickly get rid of fat, we choose starvation instead of a balanced diet. Yes, undoubtedly, this is the fastest way to get rid of body fat. But as soon as fasting is over, our “frightened” organism begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat at double speed, fearing a repetition of the situation.

In addition, one must take into account the factor that, losing fat, the body loses muscles in the ratio of 1/3.

Therefore, a sports diet for burning fat and losing weight is considered the most effective by nutritionists and professional trainers. It includes a combination of proper balanced nutrition and physical activity.

What is a sports diet for burning fat and losing weight?

A sports diet for burning fat and losing weight is a set of exercises and training, combined with the right diet for building muscle. Such a diet allows not only to get rid of the fat layer, but also to "sculpt" your body - to create a beautiful muscle relief.

The most important thing to learn with such a diet, - the amount of calories consumed with food should exceed the calories spent in training. Otherwise, muscles are burned, since it is from them that the body will draw the missing number of calories.

As for nutrition, the basis of the diet should be such foods that contain a high amount of protein:

• chicken meat;

• eggs;

• skim cheese;

• seafood.

A balanced diet requires carbohydrates. They are found in vegetables, fruits, cereals and pasta from hard varieties. Carbohydrates are a source of energy and perform a "transport" function in the body - they deliver protein to the muscles.

Fats are considered to be almost the first enemies for the body and human figure. They, of course, contribute to increased body fat, but also contain substances that help increase muscle growth. Their consumption should be minimized, but not excluded from the diet. Useful are vegetable fats: almonds, avocados, linseed and vegetable oil.

Another important aspect is the number of meals per day. We are used to three meals a day, while the main calorie intake is in the afternoon. For proper nutrition with a sports diet, you need to increase the number of meals up to 5-6 times a day. Moreover, portion sizes should be much smaller than with three meals a day. Such a regimen will help not overload the pancreas and accelerate metabolism.

Fried foods should be excluded from the diet. If you eat meat or fish, they should be stewed, boiled or grilled. There are also restrictions for fruits: only citrus and green apples can be eaten.

Often we underestimate the importance of drinking. But water helps to remove toxins from the body. You need to drink at least two to three liters per day, while during training you should also not forget about it - you must not allow dehydration of the body.

You can forget about sweet carbonated drinks - only juices are allowed from juices.

Various supplements, such as protein shakes, are often found in the diet of a professional athlete. In fact, it is very convenient and contributes to the effectiveness of training. But if you plan to adhere to a sports diet only to keep fit, then such supplements are not necessary.

Here are two options for a balanced sports diet menu.

First option.

Breakfast: 2 apples, a glass of kefir;

Second breakfast: 3-4 eggs, 100 g of oatmeal;

Lunch: 150 g of stewed vegetables, 200 g of boiled meat, coleslaw with olive oil;

Snack: 200 g fat-free cottage cheese and a green apple;

Dinner: 200 g of fish or steamed meat with vegetables.

The second option.

Breakfast: 100 g oatmeal and 3-4 eggs;

Second breakfast: 0.5 l of nonfat milk;

Lunch: borsch without meat, 100 g of vegetable salad with olive oil, 30 g of rye bread;

Snack: fresh fruit;

Dinner: 100 g of boiled fish with broccoli and herbs.

Sports diet for burning fat and losing weight, as a method of fat burning and muscle growth

Muscles, or as they are also called, muscles are organs of the body that are composed of elastic and elastic muscle tissue. Performing special exercises, you can significantly increase their volumes - for a strong, healthy and beautiful body.

As the saying goes, not “bread alone” - with a sports diet, training and exercises, as well as proper nutrition, are also important for burning fat and losing weight.

What exercises you need to perform - instructor and trainer will tell. With it, you can make an optimal complex that will allow you to build muscle mass without harm to your health.

Typically, the complex includes exercises for all muscle groups, and not just for problem areas. This helps to build muscle mass and keep the body in good shape.

You also need to alternate cardio and strength training. They can be done every other day or take turns in one training session. Strength helps burn fat and speeds up metabolism. Cardiotraining is aimed at developing the cardiovascular system. They increase stamina.

Some exercises can be performed at home, if you have not had time or forgot about them in the gym. But for greater efficiency, try not to carry all the exercises home.

Another important factor for fast and effective weight loss is a healthy and sound sleep. It should be regular and not less than 7 hours. This is important for the full restoration of the body. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time. This will restore the disturbed rhythm of the biological clock. After a couple of weeks of healthy sleep, you will get up without the help of an alarm clock with ease and in a good mood.

For whom is this sports diet designed to burn fat and lose weight, and how soon can you see the result?

It is important to adhere to a sports diet for fat burning and losing weight regularly: do not overeat, but also do not starve. The first result can be seen after a week of training.

Such a diet is followed not only by professional athletes. A proper and balanced diet helps the skin to look young, and training keeps the body in good shape, removes fat folds, deposits and the so-called "sagging" of the skin, contribute to rapid weight loss.

A sports diet is designed for both men and women. It burns fat equally for any body and allows you to build muscle.

Today, being slim and fit is not only beautiful, but also fashionable. A sports diet for burning fat and losing weight gives a lot of advantages over other diets:

• excludes excruciating starvation;

• raises the tone of the whole body, and as a result, improves mood;

• effectively burns fats;

• promotes rapid weight loss;

• allows you to build muscle and create a beautiful relief;

• improves metabolism;

• helps to avoid diseases associated with obesity.

When choosing another diet for weight loss, do not choose fasting, give preference to a sports diet for fat loss and weight loss. It will not only help to get rid of extra pounds, but also will improve your health.


Watch the video: How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss? (July 2024).