Crayfish why dream


Cancers can hardly be called pleasant and lovely creatures, and when they are in a dream - this is almost always a bad sign that foreshadows dreamer troubles, intrigues and failures.

However, the interpretation of the dream always depends on many details, so the dream book will help to know the exact meaning of the phenomenon seen in the dream.

Dreamed of crayfish what does it mean

Usually crayfish dream of all sorts of troubles, but there are exceptions to the rules. If you dreamed of these arthropods, the modern dream book offers the following interpretations:

  • to fight in a dream with a huge crawfish - you will have to overcome your own inertness in reality, stop going with the flow and start changing your own life;
  • to dream of black crayfish - you will have to face difficulties in business;
  • to see the crawling along the bottom of the reservoir - your plans will not come true in the near future;
  • to see it in close-up, to consider every detail of it in a dream — the dreamer will be able to avoid trouble due to his caution and vision in waking eyes;
  • for a woman to pick up crayfish swarming right under her feet — she will soon become pregnant;
  • dreamed that arthropods bite you - Miller, the interpreter of dreams, asserts that such a dream means an important event in your life that will affect your future fate;
  • be afraid of cancer in a dream, retreat from it, back away - you feel confused and do not know how to overcome the obstacles that have arisen on your way.

What dreams of live crayfish

If the crayfish are alive, pay attention to the values ​​suggested by the modern dream book:

  • you dream of living cancer, grabbing your finger with your claws - pay attention to your own health, visit a doctor;
  • to see a living cancer crawling at your feet - in reality you are worried about some intimate question, perhaps you have complexes related to your appearance, or there are other experiences of a similar nature;
  • aggressive crustaceans bite you in a dream, and you do not run away and do not try to get rid of them - a person close to you plays a double game and soon he will betray you;
  • if crayfish and fish dream of being alive to a woman or girl - Vanga claims that this is a quick pregnancy;
  • you had a disease of the same name that you found - you are too suspicious, try to think more positively;
  • if he clings to your clothes, expect an old friend to visit.

A lot of crayfish

  • If you dream of living crayfish a lot, they are all alive and surround you - it means that soon you will have to leave, a long or close road, a pleasant trip.
  • Are you afraid they will bite you? Maya such a dream herald reconciliation with your most sworn enemy, the initiator of which will be you.
  • Are you afraid of crayfish in your sleep? At present, hypocrites have surrounded you on all sides; you should beware of imaginary friends who are capable of treachery. Most likely, they dissolve gossip about you and weave intrigues.

What dreams of boiled crayfish

  • According to the dream book, boiled crayfish, which you happened to see in a dream, do not bode well. You will have to feel shame or disappointment.
  • To dream of his red color, which is trying to attack you - you will be taken to a noisy and cheerful party and you will find yourself in the very center of attention.

Why dream of catching crayfish

  • If you dream of catching crayfish in your sleep - this is a herald of the fact that in reality you are surrounded by kind and helpful people.
  • If you get into a difficult situation, friends will always come to the rescue and will not be allowed to be left alone with their problems.
  • Dreamed that you caught them and at the same time feel fear - be careful and do not trust the random people in your life.
  • To experience in a dream a feeling of fear, turning into horror - soon the enemies will come over to your side and become companions.
  • A girl catching arthropods in clean water - meeting with a man and creating a family with him.
  • Catching them with your hands and immediately releasing them back into the water - the meeting with the narrowed one will not happen soon, you will have to wait for your prince. Fishing in dirty water - to messy connections.

If you dreamed about boiled cancer

  • Such a dream cannot be called auspicious. If you dream of boiled crayfish, soon you will receive disturbing news, you will have to be ashamed of your own actions, which you will be exposed to.
  • Cook arthropods with your own hands - the danger threatens your close relatives. Pay attention to every detail of such a dream, the exact interpretation will depend on it.
  • See boiled, crawling and clapping claws - you will soon find yourself in the company of nice people and have a great time.


Watch the video: RARE PLATINUM Crayfish For My DREAM Tank! Part 2 (June 2024).