Kupaty in the slow cooker - delicious homemade sausages. Recipes of kupat in a slow cooker with sauce, with vegetables, in dough, steamed


Kupat are sausages made from minced meat in a natural shell, which are baked, fried or steamed.

This is a great alternative to shop sausage.

They are served as an independent dish, cooked with vegetables, or as an addition to the side dish.

Kupaty in an ultivark - basic principles of cooking

Kupaty is prepared from coarsely chopped in a meat grinder, or minced meat, adding a lot of spices and herbs to it.

Forcemeat for kupat use pork, beef, mixed or chicken. Chopped meat is seasoned with finely chopped greens. If desired, you can add mustard or finely chopped garlic. The resulting mixture is stuffed with a natural shell, forming small sausages. Bandage on both sides.

Today, acquiring natural guts is quite problematic, but there is always a way out. Buy a seasoning for cooking sausages, along with which there is a natural shell, with which you quickly and without any hassle prepare kupat. It is better not to use the seasoning itself, because taste enhancers and flavorings are added to it.

Prepare kupat in a slow cooker in different ways: bake, stew, boil or fry.

You can cook your own kupatas or buy them at the supermarket, this is up to you, but it’s better, of course, to make homemade ones. So you will be confident in the quality of the product.

Recipe 1. Cupcakes in a slow cooker


  • 1 kg 300 g chicken breasts;

  • Bay leaf;

  • bulb;

  • nutmeg;

  • egg;

  • ground coriander;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • 5 g of dry spices;

  • salt;

  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Use slightly frozen breasts, so it will be easier to finely chop them. Cut the skin from the breasts, rinse and chop very finely.

2. Mash the bay leaf in your hands. Add salt, spices and crushed bay leaves to the minced meat. Knead thoroughly.

3. Peel the onion, chop coarsely and place in the blender bowl. Kill to a state of gruel. Chop the garlic finely. Add onion and garlic to the meat. Drive an egg here and mix thoroughly.

4. Pour three cups of boiled water into the appliance container. Place a double boiler on top.

5. Take the bag, cut it lengthwise into two parts. In each, put the minced meat and roll the sausage. Twist the ends and tie them with a thread.

6. Put the sausages in a double boiler. Activate the steam mode, close the lid and cook for 25 minutes. Then take out the bowl with sausages and place in a large bowl so that juice is stacked from them. Peel off the film.

7. Drain the water tank, wipe it dry and pour oil. Place a container in the appliance and start the “baking” or “frying” program. Fry the kupat until golden brown on all sides. Serve with a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

Recipe 2. Cupcakes in a slow cooker in sour cream mustard sauce


  • packing of kupat;

  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;

  • 80 ml of sour cream;

  • 50 g of mustard.

Cooking method

1. Kupaty, not defrosting, put on a wire rack double boiler. Pour half a liter of boiling water into the capacity of the device. Set the grill and cook sausages 25 minutes.

2. Pour water from the container, wipe it dry and pour oil. We activate the function "frying" or "baking". Fry sausages on all sides to a delicious crust.

3. In a separate cup, mix sour cream with mustard. Pour the kupatas with the resulting sauce and cook for another ten minutes in the same mode.

Recipe 3. Cupcakes in a slow cooker in the test


  • milk;

  • four coupes;

  • parsley greens;

  • 250 g puff yeast-free dough.

Cooking method

1. Rinse parsley, dry slightly and chop finely. Roll out the dough in a rectangle along the length of the cupola. Lay the same rolled dough sheet next to it. Sprinkle with finely chopped greens and lay out two sausages in parallel.

2. Twist the rolls to meet each other. Lubricate the rolls with a beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds and cut into slices a centimeter thick.

3. Grease the bottom of the multicooker. Put the kupatas in the test and turn on the baking program for 20 minutes. Serve with dairy products.

Recipe 3. Cupcakes stewed in a slow cooker with vegetables


  • a pound of chicken kupat;

  • black pepper;

  • 400 g of frozen vegetables;

  • salt;

  • carrot;

  • vegetable oil;

  • two onions;

  • 200 g sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Cut kupaty into four parts. This should be done with a very sharp knife, as the sausages are very soft. You can freeze them slightly to make it easier to cut.

2. Remove the vegetable mixture from the freezer so that it thaws slightly. Put pieces of kupat in a crock pot and fry them in vegetable oil for 20 minutes without closing the lid.

3. Peel and finely chop the onions and carrots. When the kupat are browned, add carrots and onions to them. Stir and fry for another quarter hour.

4. Pour the vegetable mixture to the kupat. Stir, open the lid and cook in the quenching mode for another ten minutes. Season with salt and spices. Add sour cream, mix and cook, without changing the regime, for half an hour. Serve the dish as an independent dish, or with a side dish.

Recipe 4. Squids in a multicook squid


  • five squids;

  • spice;

  • bulb;

  • barberry;

  • salt;

  • garlic - two cloves.

Cooking method

1. Squids clean, wash and twist in a meat grinder with onions and garlic. Twist barberry into minced meat.

2. Fill the natural shell with minced meat and form small sausages. Tie them on both sides with a thread and pierce in several places with a needle.

3. Pour half a liter of boiling water into the appliance container. Place a double boiler on top. Put the kupatas in it, close the lid and cook for a couple of five minutes. If you want, you can fry them. Serve with rice side dish.

Recipe 5. Cupcakes in a slow cooker with new potatoes


  • 12 kupat;

  • 80 g of butter;

  • 1 kg 200 g of new potatoes;

  • a small bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method

1. Wash the new potatoes with a brush. Put it in a pan and fill it with drinking water. Salt and place a container double on top. Put sausages in it, close the lid and cook in steam mode for half an hour.

2. Rinse and chop finely. At the end of the program, remove the container and cool the sausages.

3. Throw the potatoes into a colander and transfer it to a deep bowl. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill and pour the melted butter. Cover the potato cookware with a lid to keep it hot.

4. Wipe the capacity of the multicooker with a napkin and activate the "frying" function for half an hour. Add a spoonful of oil and saute the sausages on all sides until golden brown. Serve with fresh boiled potatoes and vegetable salad.

Recipe 6. Cupcakes in a slow cooker in tomato sauce with beans


  • six pork steaks;

  • bell pepper pod;

  • 400 g of boiled beans;

  • parsley greens;

  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;

  • 100 ml of broth;

  • 3 cloves of garlic;

  • 200 g of tomato paste.

Cooking method

1. Following the instructions on the packaging, boil the beans until soft.

2. Peel the garlic cloves and chop finely.

3. Wash bell peppers, peel and cut into cubes.

4. Pour oil into the bowl and heat it in the "frying" mode. Add pepper and fry, stirring, for a couple of minutes.

5. Then slide the pepper to the side, put the kupatas on the vacant place and fry them until golden brown on all sides. Put on a plate.

6. Pour the broth into the bowl, add the tomato paste and finely chopped garlic. Pepper and salt. Put the appliance in the "extinguishing" mode, mix, and cook for five minutes with the lid closed. Put the boiled beans, mix and lay the sausages on top. Leave the dish in "warm" mode for ten minutes. Arrange on plates, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve as an independent dish.

Recipe 7. Cupcakes in a slow cooker in garlic and tomato sauce


  • 350 g kupat;

  • seasoning;

  • three tomatoes;

  • table salt;

  • two onions;

  • fresh greens;

  • five cloves of garlic;

  • chili pepper pod;

  • a slice of ginger root.

Cooking method

1. Slightly frosted kupaty cut into slices half a centimeter thick.

2. Pour a little oil into the container. Turn on the frying mode and heat it. Put chopped kupat in hot oil, and fry them until brown on both sides. Put the fried sausages on a plate.

3. Peel and finely chop the onion. Put it in the same oil where the sausages were fried and fry it until soft. Wash the tomatoes, wipe and rub them. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Peel the ginger root and grate it finely.

4. Add tomatoes, garlic, ginger, and finely chopped chili peppers to the fried onions. Salt. Season with provencal herbs.

5. Put the fried kupat in the sauce, close the lid and simmer them in a quenching mode for about ten minutes. Serve with herbs and potato or rice side dish.

Kupaty in the slow cooker - tips and tricks

  • Do not stuff sausages with minced meat so that the kupatas do not burst during cooking.

  • Before cooking, pierce the kupat in several places with a needle to let out excess air.

  • You can grind meat for kupat in a meat grinder with a large grill, but it is better to chop finely with a knife.

  • It is advisable to boil the steamed or steamed, and only then fry.


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