Pie with cabbage in a slow cooker - treat yourself! Recipes pies with cabbage in a multicooker from yeast, puff, batter


Pies in a slow cooker are different from those that are cooked in the oven.

And first of all, the simplicity of the process.

No need to worry that the pastries will burn or remain raw inside.

Just follow the recipe. Everything will surely work out!

Pie with cabbage in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

In the slow cooker, the Baking program is used to make pies. Depending on the model, the duration is 50-60 minutes. Usually this time is enough for baking a cabbage pie. If the white top is embarrassing, then you can always turn the product on the opposite side and let the crust fry.

Usually a cake is formed directly in the bowl before baking so that the size of the product matches. If batter is used, then it is simply poured into a greased container. Cabbage is used for various fillings: fresh, pickled, fried. All kinds of vegetables are added to it: tomatoes, onions, carrots, garlic. Often put meat products, mushrooms, boiled eggs and various fish.

Recipe 1: Pie with cabbage in a slow cooker in a quick way

For this quick pie with cabbage in a slow cooker, the dough is cooked on kefir and requires only a few minutes. Therefore, it is better to first prepare the filling so as not to delay the process.


For the test:

• a standard glass of flour;

• three eggs;

• one glass of kefir;

• 0.5 sachets of baking powder.

For minced meat:

• cabbage 300 grams;

• three tablespoons of oil;

• a piece of cheese 70-100 grams;

• bow.


1. It is not necessary to prepare the filling for the pie in a slow cooker; you can fry vegetables and in a pan. We act in a convenient way.

2. Pour the oil, fry the onion in it. We throw the cabbage, chopped finely and also fry, season with spices, cool.

3. Put the grated cheese to the cooled cabbage and the filling is ready.

4. Throw a pinch of salt in a clean bowl, break the eggs and pour the kefir. Beat a minute with a mixer.

5. Pour flour into the dough and then a baking ripper. Beat another minute.

6. Lubricate the crock-pot with a drop of oil, pour a thin layer of dough.

7. We spread cabbage stuffing with cheese, pour over the rest of the dough.

8. Close and bake for 50 minutes.

Recipe 2: Yeast Pie with Cabbage in a Multicooker

Recipe for airy and soft pie from yeast dough. Of course, such a dough takes time to ripen, but the baking is valid.


• 1 multi-glass of water (or take the same amount of milk);

• salt of 0.5 tsp;

• 0.44 kg of flour;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 1 tsp with a mountain of yeast;

• butter;

• egg.

To the filling:

• 1 onion head;

• 1 carrot;

• 0.5 kg of cabbage.


1. We take heated water. We measure the glass from the multicooker. You can take milk or whey, there is no difference.

2. Add sugar and yeast to the liquid, throw the salt, then pour in the butter and break the egg. Shake everything thoroughly. Pour the flour, knead the dough with your hands.

3. Transfer to a large bowl, cover, wait for a three-fold increase in volume. This can take about two hours.

4. While the dough reaches the desired state, cut onions, cabbage, rub carrots.

5. First, fry the carrots with onions for the filling, then add the cabbage. At the end, season with salt, pepper.

6. We take out a magnificent dough and roll out a large layer of rectangular shape from it.

7. We lay out the filling and twist the long roll.

8. We put the roll in the form of a snail in a greased multicooker cup. Let stand warm for 15 minutes.

9. We cook on the Baking program for 50 minutes on one side. Then you need to turn the product carefully. Cooking in the same mode for another quarter hour.

Recipe 3: Lazy Pie with Cabbage in the Mixed Cooker

For this pie, the dough is also kneaded on kefir. Although, similarly, you can take yogurt, fermented baked milk. But for the filling, cabbage does not even need to be fried, everything is much simpler and easier.


• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• 0.1 kg of flour;

• sugar 1 tsp;

• 80 ml of kefir;

• three eggs;

• baking powder 0.3 tablespoons

• spices;

• 2 tablespoons of crackers or semolina;

• a piece of oil;

• onion garlic.


1. Chop the cabbage into small strips, you can use a grater. Finely chop the onion or garlic, but you can also without them. Salt the vegetables and rub the filling with your hands. Leave to stand.

2. Beat eggs and kefir, put a pinch of salt and sugar, which will allow the cake to become rosy.

3. Add flour to the dough and throw the baking powder, beat well until smooth.

4. Pour the dough into the cabbage and stir well.

5. The capacity from the multicooker is rubbed inside with a piece of oil, you can take margarine. Sprinkle with crackers, they will not let the cake stick to the dish.

6. Put the cabbage in the dough, level the layer for the same thickness.

7. We cook a full cycle on the Baking program, that is, about 50 minutes.

Recipe 4: Pie with cabbage in a slow cooker from the finished dough

Puff pastry is an indispensable product for the preparation of various pies (including cabbage). You need two small layers or you can cut one piece in half. Also, boiled eggs go to the filling, but you can not put them.


• 0.7 kg of cabbage;

• 4 boiled eggs;

• bow;

• butter;

• 1 raw egg;

• dough;

• dill greens.


1. Shred the cabbage and onions, fry a little in a pan with oil. You can use lard or any fat, delicious with ghee.

2. Cool the cabbage, add the chopped boiled eggs, pour a little chopped greens and stir.

3. Take out the dough in advance if it was in the freezer.

4. Cut out from each layer in a circle. We make one equal to the bottom of the multicooker, the second is 10 centimeters more.

5. We lay a large cake on the bottom of the greased container, straighten the sides.

6. We shift cabbage stuffing.

7. The second cake is well greased with an egg and laid on this side on the filling.

8. Connect the edges, glue them together. If the dough is dry, you can still coat with an egg.

9. Make a couple of holes, close the slow cooker.

10. We bake a pie for 50 minutes. Then after the signal we take out the shoulder blades and turn over. We cook another 10-15 minutes, turning on the program for a new cycle.

Recipe 5: Pie with cabbage in a slow cooker from a dough on sour cream

A variant of another batter for jellied pie with cabbage in a slow cooker. You can add any stuffing or canned fish to the filling.


• 250 grams of sour cream;

• a glass of flour;

• eggs 3 pieces;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 70 grams of oil drain.

For filling:

• 0.4 kg of cabbage;

• butter;

• 0.2 kg of minced meat (a can of canned fish is possible);

• spices.


1. Fry the cabbage in oil until soft. If minced meat is added, then cook with it. Canned fish can be added to a ready-made filling, previously mash with a fork.

2. Beat the eggs immediately with sour cream, put the softened butter. We throw flour, salt and add slaked soda. Mix.

3. Pour half the dough into the multicooker, put the filling, try not to deepen, so that it does not fail.

4. Pour the rest of the dough on top and turn on the Baking program.

5. We prepare a pie a full cycle, on average it is 50 minutes. If the bright top is embarrassing, then you can turn it over and fry for another 15 minutes.

Recipe 6: Puff pastry with sauerkraut in a slow cooker

Another version of a layer cake in a slow cooker with cabbage from purchased dough. This time it will take one large layer, you can connect two pieces.


• 0.5 kg of sauerkraut;

• puff pastry (about 0.5 kg);

• 2 onion heads;

• a piece of butter cream .;

• some vegetable oil.


1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the chopped onion and cook for five minutes.

2. We shift the pressed cabbage to the onion. If it is acidic, you can soak it for five minutes in cold water, and then squeeze it well.

3. Add cabbage to the pan, fry with onions until soft.

4. Roll the formation into an oblong flat cake or into a rectangle.

5. We spread the sauerkraut, twist the roll.

6. Lubricate the multicooker with vegetable oil, shift the roll, fold in a spiral.

7. We bake such a pie for 50 minutes. If desired, you can then turn over and fry the opposite side.

Recipe 7: Mushroom Pie with Cabbage in a Multicooker

To make such a pie, the dough is kneaded on mayonnaise with soft cottage cheese. Mushrooms can be used any pickled.


• three eggs;

• 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 5 tablespoons of cottage cheese;

• 1.5 tsp baking cultivator;

• 220 grams of flour;

• salt;

• a spoonful of sugar.

For filling:

• 500 grams of cabbage;

• 200 grams of mushrooms;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• onions, carrots as desired.


1. We chop cabbage in the usual way, fry in a pan or in a slow cooker. Add onions and carrots as desired. Cooling down.

2. Cut the pickled mushrooms and send into the cabbage.

3. For the test, beat all the eggs with salt and a spoonful of sugar, in the process we introduce soft cottage cheese and add mayonnaise.

4. It remains only to pour a cultivator and stir it all with flour. If not very soft cottage cheese was used, then you can add a few tablespoons of kefir.

5. Pour half the dough into a greased bowl, lay out the filling and cover with the dough again.

6. We bake an hour until ready. If desired, turn over 10 minutes before the end for toasting on the other side.

Sauerkraut pie in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• If raw onions are placed in the cabbage filling, then it is better to marinate it in vinegar. This will kill the bitterness, make the filling more interesting and tastier.

• To make the filling tender and uniform, shred only need thin leaves of cabbage, veins and dense parts, it is better to immediately throw them to the side.

• Turn the pie over most conveniently using the double boiler tray. It is used as a stand, then the product is tipped back, but on the other side.


Watch the video: ТВОРОЖНАЯ ЗАПЕКАНКА в духовке мультиварке с манкой как в детском саду без муки и манки с яблоками (July 2024).