The lower lip is itching: what is the sign? What the upper lip itches for: omen - basic interpretations


Today, signs are perceived by man as some kind of superstition, which at the same time has a long history.

Itching of the body has always been perceived by our ancestors as a signal for the onset of certain significant events in human life. For example, the upper lip of an omen itches, what can it mean?

Superstitions and signs - how to relate to them? The lower lip of it is itching

It would seem that in a time of a highly intellectual society, the rapid development of technology, a person should not pay attention to such trifles as signs and superstitions. But in reality, everything is completely different. What signs that superstition have a long history. It is worth distinguishing them. So, signs are years of proven coincidence of facts and circumstances. These are signs of nature and the human body that entail a series of certain events and it is difficult to call them superstitions. Since these events really occur systematically.

At the same time, superstitions proved to be false facts, for example, not every person who met a black cat on his way subsequently met with a series of setbacks and troubles. There are even signs dedicated to certain calendar dates, and it was from them that our ancestors for centuries determined what the crop will be and what to expect from the weather.

The interpretation will be accepted - a whole science, but it helps a person in his unrestrained rhythm of life to find the right decisions that he is prompted by his own organism, the world around him.

So, for example, the itch of the body always promised changes, trips, various events significant for the fate of a person. Any part of the body can scratch, and not always for objective reasons. It is the itch that occurs for no apparent reason and abruptly, as it appeared, disappears and is considered a signal for action. The signal for interpretation will be accepted.

What kind of actions? It is very thorough to understand. They say that if the lower lip of omen itches, it promises conversations and pleasant acquaintances. But does it always itch for no apparent reason. Perhaps herpes simplex virus is just starting to develop and that’s why her lips itch. In fact, herpes does not develop so often and has spontaneous itching, it rather causes a systemic itch.

Hygienic lipsticks and other cosmetics can cause itching. At the same time, girls do not always immediately understand the reason for its origin and are often attributed to signs. But in the aftermath, everything becomes clear. There are also a huge number of other factors that can cause itchy lips.

So, if the weather is bad, the wind, snow, then the lips can be weathered and itchy due to drying out. Also, due to drying out, the lips itch if there is dry air in the room. If a person is prone to allergic diseases, the lips can also itch, but this allergic manifestation is often accompanied by sneezing and acute rhinitis.

As you can see, the itch that portends new events has nothing to do with the itch that portends the disease. Superstitions are also not directly related to omens, because omens almost always faithfully promise a person good or bad. So what does itching of the upper and lower lips promise?

The lower lip of it is itching

Sign of the lower lip itches:

• So, soon there will be a feast for the whole world;

• You should expect the arrival of guests with hotels;

• If the feast is planned, then it will be noisy and joyful.

These signs are related to the fact that lips are the main organ that takes part in eating. That is why it is believed that itchy lips entail such pleasant trifles. Also, lips are created for kisses and when the lip itches, a person involuntarily thinks that he will soon have a pleasant meeting and a lot of kisses, and this is certainly true.

In this case, it is worth distinguishing between the itching of the upper lip and the lower. The lower lip of the omen itches is slightly different. Itching the lower lip of the omen may mean that gossip and various ups and downs await the person. This may mean that his plans will be sharply destroyed and upset, all the agreements made earlier will be scattered. For a young couple, this can mean a quarrel and a breakdown. Of course, no one wants to believe in bad omens, but basically - they really are realized.

Itching the lower lip of omens may indicate that the environment of the person is clearly negative towards him, that in the near future it is not worth concluding contracts and transactions. Better to be warned and be on the alert. Than to suddenly get into trouble. Of the unpleasant events that can accompany itching of the lips, one can also distinguish a fight in which a person will receive lips. There may also be an empty scandal, a scandal that he himself will provoke and then very much regret.

In any case, such a sign does not bode well. But if it is already known in advance that a storm is approaching, then it is better to sit out and not do anything that provokes troubles. This is the value of signs - they warn in advance of dangers.

The upper lip of it is itching

Itching the upper lip of omen promises a kiss with a man. This is the whole secret. In this case, they will kiss you. It is believed that the upper lip itches precisely to joyful events, and this itching promises just pleasant troubles. She can scratch herself to the good news, even to a housewarming party to learn about.

If a woman cannot conceive at all, then she will soon find out the good news. Some peoples believe that if the upper lip itches, then some secrets will be revealed. For a talker, this may mean that all her intrigues will come out, so she should beware of frank conversations.

Sign of the upper lip itches:

• It is good to conclude deals - they will be successful;

• It is good to speak at open events in front of a large audience - the performance will be appreciated as needed;

• A good declaration of love - the relationship will be strong and long.

Also, by facial expression and by the location of the lips, you can guess the mood of a person. Lips can itch in the corners. If combed in the right corner - to joy and fun, if in the left - to boredom and frustration. There are also complex signs, so to speak. For example, if we are talking about a person who has a couple, an itch may mean that he will receive a tasty treat from his soulmate. If both lips are combed, then there is a high probability of getting lips for lips.

If the newlyweds have itchy lips, then the honeymoon will be long, if, in addition, the chin is combed, then they will not live long in marriage. But when not only lips, but also the tip of the nose itch, then it’s to be drunk. If, in addition, the neck is combed, the life of the spouses will be long, joyful.

Believe in signs or not - everyone decides for himself, but the fact that there is nothing wrong with following their recommendations is a fact. But what to do if the lower, then the upper lip constantly itches? It is necessary to exclude a disease that could cause itching. Next, it is worth explaining the sign according to the main descriptions. Most likely, nothing terrible will happen, on the contrary - joy and fun can come, a holiday can knock on the house.


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